function Get-BDEndPoint { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] <# .SYNOPSIS Get an endpoint from the collection of endpoint registered in the EndPoints.json file .DESCRIPTION Return an endpoint .PARAMETER EndPoint String containing the name of the endpoint .PARAMETER EndPointParameters Optional hashtable parameter containing the value of the parameter in EndPoint .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension. .OUTPUTS System.String. Add-Extension returns a string with the extension or file name. .EXAMPLE PS> extension -name "File" File.txt .EXAMPLE PS> extension -name "File" -extension "doc" File.doc .EXAMPLE PS> extension "File" "doc" File.doc #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String] $EndPoint, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Hashtable] $EndPointParameters ) begin { $EndPoints = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\EndPoints.json" | ConvertFrom-Json } process { # If there are any parameters given, then they are place in the returned string if($EndPointParameters) { $ReturnValue = $EndPoints.psObject.Properties[$EndPoint].value foreach ($key in $EndPointParameters.Keys) { $ReturnValue = $ReturnValue -replace "{{$key}}",$EndPointParameters[$key] } } else { $ReturnValue = $EndPoints.psObject.Properties[$EndPoint].value } if ($ReturnValue -match "{{.+}}") { throw [System.NullReferenceException]::new("$($Matches[0]) not supplied!") } Return $ReturnValue } end { } } |