function Deploy-B42WebApp { <# .SYNOPSIS Deploys an Web App with additional common support option and optional SQL database. .DESCRIPTION The Deploy-B42WebApp function serves as a one touch deploy point for an Azure Web App. .EXAMPLE Deploy-B42WebApp .NOTES Run this function after establishing an Az context using Connect-AzAccount #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The destination Resource Group Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ResourceGroupName, # The destination Azure region [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Location, # Parameters used for App Service creation [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $WebAppParameters = [ordered]@{}, # If $null, no database will be created. # If an empty [ordered] list is supplied, a new SQL Local instance and database will be created. # If the [ordered] list contains, sqlServerName, sqlAdminUser, sqlAdminPass a new database will be deployed to the specified local instance. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $SQLParameters = $null ) begin { Write-Verbose ("{0} started at {1} " -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand, (Get-Date).ToString()) } process { # An App Service Plan is required if (!($WebAppParameters.Contains("aspResourceGroupName") -and $WebAppParameters.Contains("aspName"))) { $appServivePlanReportCard = Deploy-B42AppService -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location "$Location" -AppServicePlanParameters $WebAppParameters } $templates = @("AppInsights", "WebApp") $deployments = New-B42Deployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location "$Location" -Templates $templates -TemplateParameters $WebAppParameters $reportCard = Test-B42Deployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Templates $templates -TemplateParameters $WebAppParameters -Deployments $deployments if ($reportCard.SimpleReport() -ne $true) { throw "Failed to deploy the WebApp" } $WebAppParameters.Add("webAppName", $reportCard.Parameters.webAppName) # A KeyVault is required if (!($WebAppParameters.Contains("keyVaultResourceGroupName") -and $WebAppParameters.Contains("keyVaultName"))) { $keyVaultReportCard = Deploy-B42KeyVault -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location "$Location" -IncludeCurrentUserAccess -KeyVaultParameters ([ordered]@{keyVaultName = $WebAppParameters.webAppName}) $WebAppParameters.Add("keyVaultResourceGroupName", $ResourceGroupName) $WebAppParameters.Add("keyVaultName", $keyVaultReportCard.Parameters.keyVaultName) } if ($null -ne $SQLParameters) { if (!($SQLParameters.Contains("sqlName"))) { $sqlReportCard = Deploy-B42SQL -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location "$Location" -SQLParameters $SQLParameters } # The SQL Server should have an accompanying KV with the same name where the admin/user pass is stored from the previous step. # TODO: Fetch them. $SQLParameters.Add("dbName", $WebAppParameters.webAppName) $dbDeployments = New-B42Deployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location "$Location" -Templates @("DB") -TemplateParameters $SQLParameters $dbReportCard = Test-B42Deployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Templates $templates -TemplateParameters $SQLParameters -Deployments $dbDeployments if ($dbReportCard.SimpleReport() -ne $true) { throw "Failed to deploy the DB" } $sqlAppUser = $WebAppParameters.webAppName $sqlAppPass = New-B42Password $null = Add-Secret -SecretName "sqlAppUser" -SecretValue $sqlAppUser -KeyVaultName $WebAppParameters.keyVaultName $null = Add-Secret -SecretName "sqlAppPass" -SecretValue $sqlAppPass -KeyVaultName $WebAppParameters.keyVaultName # Create a user for the webAppName to use for connection. $steps = @( @{ database = "master" sqlCommand = ("CREATE LOGIN [{0}] WITH PASSWORD = N'{1}'" -f $sqlAppUser, $sqlAppPass) }, # Creating Login @{ database = $SQLParameters.dbName sqlCommand = ("CREATE USER [{0}] FOR LOGIN [{0}]" -f $sqlAppUser) }, # Creating User @{ database = $SQLParameters.dbName sqlCommand = ("ALTER ROLE [db_owner] ADD MEMBER [{0}]" -f $sqlAppUser) } # Making User dbo ) $sqlUserPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -String $SQLParameters.sqlAdminPassword) $ip = Get-MyIP $null = New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -FirewallRuleName "OriginalConfiguration" -StartIpAddress $ip -EndIpAddress $ip -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $SQLParameters.sqlName foreach ($step in $steps) { New-SQLCommand -SqlServerName $SQLParameters.sqlName -SqlDatabaseName $step.database -SqlUserName $SQLParameters.sqlAdminName -SqlUserPassword $sqlUserPassword -SqlCommand $step.sqlCommand } $null = Remove-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -FirewallRuleName "OriginalConfiguration" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $SQLParameters.sqlName } $reportCard } end { Write-Verbose ("{0} ended at {1} " -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand, (Get-Date).ToString()) } } |