function Get-NSGList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets an NSG for use with same template .DESCRIPTION The Get-NSGList function gets an os appropriate NSG list. .NOTES Linux Port 22; Windows 5986; #> [OutputType('System.Array')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( # If true, the nsg will allow traffic on port 22 else on port 5986 [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $IsLinux ) begin {} process { $nsg = @() if ($IsLinux) { $nsg += @{ name = "Inbound-SSH"; description = "Allow SSH"; protocol = "Tcp"; sourcePortRange = "*"; destinationPortRange = "22"; sourceAddressPrefix = "*"; destinationAddressPrefix = "*"; access = "Allow"; priority = 100; direction = "Inbound"; } } else { $nsg += @{ name = "Inbound-WinRM-HTTPS"; description = "Allow WinRM HTTPS"; protocol = "Tcp"; sourcePortRange = "*"; destinationPortRange = "5986"; sourceAddressPrefix = "*"; destinationAddressPrefix = "*"; access = "Allow"; priority = 100; direction = "Inbound"; } } ,$nsg } end {} } |