function Test-B42Deployment { <# .SYNOPSIS Test the Resource Group Deployments .DESCRIPTION The Test-B42Deployment function tests a group of resource deployment and attempts to return a go/no-go value First it verifies that each deployment is successful, then it compares the expected parameter values for each deployment match expected. .EXAMPLE Test-B42Deployment -Templates @("Vnet", "Subnet") .NOTES The custom class B42DeploymentReport has additonal details. #> [OutputType('B42DeploymentReport')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The destination Resource Group Name [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ResourceGroupName, # An array of template names that will be combined into a single template then deployed to Azure [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [array] $Templates, # This parameter overrides the default search path. See Set/Get-B42Globals for the default path [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $TemplatePath, # A list of override parameters. If empty, the default parameters supplied in the template will be used insted [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [hashtable] $TemplateParameters = @{} ) begin { Write-Verbose "Starting Test-B42Deployment" $combinedParameters = Get-B42TemplateParameters -Templates $Templates -TemplatePath $TemplatePath -TemplateParameters $TemplateParameters } process { $finalReport = [B42DeploymentReport]::new() $finalReport.Deployments = Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName foreach ($deployment in $finalReport.Deployments) { # Count the successful deployments. $deploymentResult = ($deployment.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") $finalReport.SuccessfulDeploymentCount += [int]$deploymentResult Write-Verbose ("Deployment {0} was successful? {1}" -f $deployment.DeploymentName, $deploymentResult.ToString()) foreach ($parameter in $deployment.Parameters.Keys) { if (!($combinedParameters.Contains($parameter))) { continue } $deploymentValue = $deployment.Parameters.$parameter.Value # This works around issue if (($deployment.Parameters.$parameter.Type -eq "Array") -or ($deployment.Parameters.$parameter.Type -eq "Object")) { $deploymentValue = ($deployment.Parameters.$parameter.Value.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable) } # Count the mismatched parameters. $parameterMismatch = ($null -ne (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $deploymentValue -DifferenceObject $combinedParameters.$parameter)) $finalReport.MismatchedParameters += [int]$parameterMismatch Write-Verbose ("Parameter {0} has value {1} mismatch? {2}" -f $parameter, $deploymentValue, $parameterMismatch.ToString()) } } $finalReport } end { Write-Verbose "Ending Test-B42Deployment" } } |