
Function Remove-ArmResourceGroup
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='ByName', Position=0)]
        if (!(Test-InternalArmConnection))
            Write-Error "Please use Connect-ArmSubscription"
        $BaseUri = "$($script:CurrentSubscriptionId)/resourcegroups" 
        $ResourceGroups = @()   
        if ($InputObject)
            $Name = $InputObject.Name
        #Make sure the thing exists
        $RG = Get-ArmResourceGroup -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (!$Rg)
            Write-error "Resource Group $Name not found"
        $ContainedResources  =  Get-ArmResource -ResourceGroupName $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($ContainedResources)
            $ProcessText  = "Remove resource group $Name, along with $($ContainedResources.Count.Tostring()) contained resources"
            $ProcessText  = "Remove resource group $Name, which is empty"
        $Uri = "$Baseuri/$Name"
            $Result = Get-InternalRest -Uri $Uri -method "Delete" -ReturnFull $true  -apiversion "2015-01-01"
            #The "Location" Header of the returned object is the URL to poll in order to check for deletion status
            #The status code returned when hitting that URL will change from 202 to 200 when the operation has completed
            $OperationUri = $Result.Headers.Location
            if ($async -eq $true)
                #We don't care what happened after we asked to delete it
                Write-Verbose "Deletion request successfully sent"
                #Poll the operationuri to wait for the thing to complete
                Wait-InternalArmOperation -Uri $OperationUri -apiversion "2015-01-01"
