Function Wait-InternalArmOperation { Param ( [String[]]$Uri, $InProgressStatus=202, $FinishedStatus=200, $ApiVersion ) $Counter = 1 $OperationIsFinished = $false $OperationStart = Get-Date #Loop while waiting until the statuscode turns from 202 (in progress) to 200 (done) Do { $nowtime = Get-Date $ElapsedTime = $nowtime - $OperationStart Write-Verbose "Waiting for arm operation (elapsed seconds: $($ElapsedTime.Totalseconds))" $AllCompleted = $true $UriCounter = 0 Foreach ($ThisUri in $Uri) { $UriCounter ++ Write-verbose "Waiting for operation $UriCounter of $($uri.count)" $OperationResult = Get-InternalRest -Uri $ThisUri -ReturnFull $true -ApiVersion $ApiVersion if ($OperationResult.StatusCode -eq $FinishedStatus) { #Arm Operation done, remove self from array $Uri = $uri | where {$_ -ne $thisuri} Write-verbose "Operation $UriCounter done. Waiting for $($Uri.Count) more operations" } ElseIf ($OperationResult.StatusCode -eq $InProgressStatus) { #Arm operation Still in progress $AllCompleted = $false } Else { #No idea whats going on } } if ($AllCompleted -eq $true) { $OperationIsFinished = $true } #Start sleeping after a while with a bit of easing back if ($counter -gt 5 -and $counter -lt 10) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 } ElseIf ($counter -gt 11 -and $counter -lt 50) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } ElseIf ($counter -gt 50 -and $counter -lt 999) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } $counter ++ } Until (($OperationIsFinished -eq $true) -or ($Counter -gt 999)) } |