.SYNOPSIS Import advanced function code to remote PowerShell session. .DESCRIPTION Import advanced function code to remote PowerShell session. Import-SessionFunction allows you to export the code from a local function and import the function into memory of an existing PowerShell session. Once the function is loaded in the remote session you can call that function with other cmdlets and/or functions. This supports open source PowerShell advanced functions only. .PARAMETER FunctionName Enter the name of a function. .PARAMETER Session Enter a Powershell session object .EXAMPLE Import-SessionFunction -FunctionName Convert-UnixTimeToDateTime -Session $Session .NOTES Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja Modified: 7/26/2017 10:34:58 AM #> function Import-SessionFunction { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$FunctionName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]$Session ) Write-Verbose -Message "Getting module for function $FunctionName" $Module = Get-Module (Get-Command -Name $FunctionName).Module Write-Verbose -Message "$FunctionName is part of module $($Module.Name)" Write-Verbose -Message "Importing function $FunctionName to remote session on $($Session.ComputerName)" $FunctionCode = (Get-Command "$($Module.ModuleBase)\$FunctionName.ps1").ScriptContents Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {param ($FunctionCode) Invoke-Expression $FunctionCode} -ArgumentList $FunctionCode, $Session Write-Verbose -Message "Function $FunctionName has been imported to remote session on $($Session.ComputerName)" } |