
    This class generates snippets of Puppeteer code for UI automation.

class PuppeteerCodeGenerator {

    # Members #
    # This is the folder where the screenshots will be stored, relative to the Node package directory.
    [String]$ScreenshotFolder = "screenshots"

    # This selects if screenshots should be taken.
    [Bool]$ScreenshotsEnabled = $false

    # This tracks the current screenshot index.
    [Int32]$ScreenshotIndex = 0

    # Basic Methods #
    # This is the constructor for the code generator.
    PuppeteerCodeGenerator() {}

    # This method returns the code for calling a function.
    [String]CallFunction([String]$functionName) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_CallFunction -FunctionName $functionName

    # This method returns the code for clicking on a selector and waiting for the page to load.
    [String]ClickOnSelector([String]$selectorName) {
        return $this.ClickOnSelector($selectorName, "wait")

    # This method returns the code for clicking on a selector and choosing whether to wait
    # for the page to load.
    [String]ClickOnSelector([String]$selectorName, [String]$waitPolicy) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_ClickOnSelector -SelectorName $selectorName -WaitForPageToLoad:($waitPolicy -eq "wait")

    # This method returns the code for closing the chrome browser.
    [String]CloseChromeBrowser() {
        return Get-Puppeteer_CloseChromeBrowser

    # This method returns the code for closing a function declaration.
    [String]CloseFunctionDeclaration() {
        return Get-Puppeteer_CloseFunctionDeclaration

    # This method returns the code for declaring the delay function.
    [String]DeclareDelayFunction() {
        return Get-Puppeteer_DeclareDelayFunction

    # This method returns the code for declaring username and password variables.
    [String]DeclareUsernameAndPassword([String]$username, [SecureString]$password) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_DeclareUsernameAndPassword -Username $username -Password $password

    # This method returns the code for declaring username and password variables.
    [String]DeclareUsernameAndPassword([PSCredential]$credential) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_DeclareUsernameAndPassword -Credential $credential

    # This method returns the code for declaring a non-const variable.
    [String]DeclareVariable([String]$name, [String]$value) {
        return $this.DeclareVariable($name, $value, "nonConst")

    # This method returns the code for declaring a variable, choosing if it is const or non-const.
    [String]DeclareVariable([String]$name, [String]$value, [String]$constPolicy) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_DeclareVariable -Name $name -Value $value -Const:($constPolicy -eq "const")

    # This method returns the code for delaying for a specified number of seconds.
    [String]DelaySeconds([Int32]$seconds) {
        return $this.DelayMilliseconds($seconds * 1000)

    # This method returns the code for delaying for a specified number of milliseconds.
    [String]DelayMilliseconds([Int32]$milliseconds) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_Delay -Milliseconds $milliseconds

    # This method returns the code for entering text into a selector.
    [String]EnterTextIntoSelector([String]$selectorName, [String]$text) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_EnterTextIntoSelector -SelectorName $selectorName -Text $text

    # This method returns the code for entering the value of a variable into a selector.
    [String]EnterVariableIntoSelector([String]$selectorName, [String]$variableName) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_EnterVariableIntoSelector -SelectorName $selectorName -VariableName $variableName

    # This method returns the code for importing the Puppeteer requirements.
    [String]ImportRequirements() {
        return Get-Puppeteer_ImportRequirements

    # This method returns the code for launching a chrome browser
    [String]LaunchChromeBrowser() {
        return Get-Puppeteer_LaunchChromeBrowser

    # This method returns the code for logging a message.
    [String]LogMessage([String]$message) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_LogMessage -Message $message

    # This method returns the code for logging the current url.
    [String]LogUrl() {
        return Get-Puppeteer_LogUrl

    # This method returns the code for logging the value of a variable.
    [String]LogVariable([String]$variableName) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_LogVariable -VariableName $variableName

    # This method returns the code for navigating a new browser page to a link.
    [String]NavigateNewBrowserPageToLink([String]$link) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_NavigateNewBrowserPageToLink -Link $link

    # This method returns the code for retrieving text from a selector.
    [String]RetrieveTextFromSelector([String]$selectorName, [String]$variableName) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_RetrieveTextFromSelector -SelectorName $selectorName -VariableName $variableName

    # This method returns the code for setting the chrome browser options.
    [String]SetChromeBrowserOptions([String]$headlessPolicy, [Int32]$width, [Int32]$height) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_SetChromeBrowserOptions -IsHeadless ($headlessPolicy -eq "headless") -Width $width -Height $height

    # This method returns the code for taking a screenshot.
    [String]TakeScreenshot([String]$filePath) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_TakeScreenshot -FilePath $filePath

    # This method returns the code for throwing an exception upon encountering an unhandled rejection.
    [String]ThrowExceptionOnUnhandledRejection() {
        return Get-Puppeteer_ThrowExceptionOnUnhandledRejection

    # This method returns the code for opening an async function declaration.
    [String]OpenAsyncFunctionDeclaration([String]$functionName) {
        return Get-Puppeteer_OpenAsyncFunctionDeclaration -FunctionName $functionName

    # Compound Methods #
    # This method returns the code for:
    # Writing a log message
    # Taking a screen shot using the processed log message as the file name
    [String]LogMessageWithScreenshot([String]$message) {
        # Generate the code
        $code = $this.LogMessage($message)

        # Add the screenshot code
        if ($this.ScreenshotsEnabled) {
            # Replace spaces with '_', remove non alphanumeric characters from the message
            # and trim to 100 characters
            $processedMessage = (($message -replace " ", "_") -replace "[^\w]*", "")
            if ($processedMessage.Length -gt 100) {
                $processedMessage = $processedMessage.Substring(0, 100)

            # Generate the screenshot index string - format the index to be 3 characters wide
            $screenshotIndexString = $this.ScreenshotIndex.ToString("000")
            $this.ScreenshotIndex += 1

            # Set the screenshot file path
            if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.ScreenshotFolder)) {
                $screenshotFilePath = "$($this.ScreenshotFolder)/$($screenshotIndexString)-$($processedMessage).jpeg"
            else {
                $screenshotFilePath = "$($screenshotIndexString)$($processedMessage).jpeg"

            # Add to the code
            $code += "`r`n"
            $code += $this.TakeScreenshot($screenshotFilePath)

        # Return the code
        return $code

    This function returns a new Puppeteer code generator object.

function New-PuppeteerCodeGenerator {
    param ()
    return [PuppeteerCodeGenerator]::new()