
    This function returns the JS code for setting the chrome browser options.

function Get-SetChromeBrowserOptionsCode {
    param (
        # Select if the chrome browser is executed as headless (no GUI)
        [Bool]$isHeadless = $true,

        # The width of the browser viewport
        [String]$width = "1920",

        # The height of the browser viewport
        [String]$height = "1080"
    return ((@"
    // Set the Chrome browser options
    var chromeBrowserOptions = {};
    // Select whether Chrome will be executed as headless (no GUI)
    chromeBrowserOptions.headless = IS_HEADLESS;
    // Set default viewport to be larger, otherwise some page elements will not be available
    chromeBrowserOptions.defaultViewport = Object;
    chromeBrowserOptions.defaultViewport.width = WIDTH_VALUE;
    chromeBrowserOptions.defaultViewport.height = HEIGHT_VALUE;
 -replace "IS_HEADLESS", "$($isHeadless)".ToLower()) -replace "WIDTH_VALUE", $width) -replace "HEIGHT_VALUE", $height

    This function returns the JS code for launching a chrome browser.

function Get-LaunchChromeBrowserCode {
    return " const browser = await puppeteer.launch(chromeBrowserOptions);"

    This function returns the JS code for closing a chrome browser.

function Get-CloseChromeBrowserCode {
    return " await browser.close();"

    This function returns the JS code for navigating a new browser page to a link.

function Get-NavigateNewBrowserPageToLinkCode {
    param (
        # The link to navigate the new browser page to.
    return @"
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto(`"LINK`");
    await page.setViewport(chromeBrowserOptions.defaultViewport)
 -replace "LINK", $link

    This function returns the JS code for clicking on a selector on a browser page.

function Get-ClickOnBrowserPageSelectorCode {
    param (
        # The name of the selector.
    return @"
    selector = "SELECTOR_NAME";
    await page.waitForSelector(selector);
    await, { delay: 10 });
 -replace "SELECTOR_NAME", $selectorName

    This function returns the JS code for typing text into a selector on a browser page.

function Get-EnterTextIntoBrowserPageSelectorCode {
    param (
        # The name of the selector.

        # The text to enter.
    return (@"
    selector = "SELECTOR_NAME";
    await page.waitForSelector(selector);
    await page.type(selector, TEXT)
 -replace "SELECTOR_NAME", $selectorName) -replace "TEXT", $text

    This function returns the JS code for retrieving text from a selector on a browser page.

function Get-RetrieveTextFromBrowserPageSelectorCode {
    param (
        # The name of the selector.

        # The variable to save the text in.
    return (@"
    selector = "SELECTOR_NAME"
    await page.waitForSelector(selector);
    VARIABLE_NAME = await page.evaluate(selector => {
        const anchors = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
        return => { return anchor.textContent; });
    }, selector);
 -replace "SELECTOR_NAME", $selectorName) -replace "VARIABLE_NAME", $variable