
    This function returns the Node JS Puppeteer code for setting a value for a selector on a browser page.
    A typical usage of this function is to select a value from a drop-down list,
    where selectorName is the selector for drop-down list (<select> </select> pair),
    and value is the 'value' attribute in <option>.

function Get-Puppeteer_SetValueForSelector {
    param (
        # The name of the selector.

        # The value to set.

    # Generate the code
    $code = @"
selector = '%selectorName%';
await page.waitForSelector(selector);
await, '%value%');

    $code = $code -replace "%selectorName%", $selectorName
    $code = $code -replace "%value%", $value

    # Return the code
    return $code