describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/Invoke-UIAutomationScript" -Tags "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Invoke-UIAutomationScript.ps1" # Declare external functions and mocks mock Get-Location {} mock Set-Location {} mock Out-File {} mock Invoke-Expression { $Global:LastExitCode = 0 } context "when there are no issues" { it "indicates that the invoke was a success" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-UIAutomationScript -Script "script" -Name "name" -NodePackagePath "C:\temp" # Verify mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-Expression -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "node name.js *>&1" } -Scope it # Verify output $output.Success | Should Be $true $output.Result | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } context "when the invoke fails due to a selector timeout error" { # Declare mocks mock Invoke-Expression { $Global:LastExitCode = 1 'Error: waiting for selector "#selector" failed, timeout 30s exceeded.' } it "returns a custom result message" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-UIAutomationScript -Script "script" -Name "name" -NodePackagePath "C:\temp" # Verify mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-Expression -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "node name.js *>&1" } -Scope it # Verify output $output.Success | Should Be $false $output.Result | Should Be "Timeout on selector '#selector'." } } context "when the invoke fails due to a non-selector timeout error" { # Declare mocks mock Invoke-Expression { $Global:LastExitCode = 1 "timeout 30s exceeded" } it "returns a custom result message" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-UIAutomationScript -Script "script" -Name "name" -NodePackagePath "C:\temp" # Verify mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-Expression -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "node name.js *>&1" } -Scope it # Verify output $output.Success | Should Be $false $output.Result | Should Be "timeout 30s exceeded`r`n" } } context "when the invoke fails due to a non-timeout error" { # Declare mocks mock Invoke-Expression { $Global:LastExitCode = 1 "unknown error" } it "returns a custom result message" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-UIAutomationScript -Script "script" -Name "name" -NodePackagePath "C:\temp" # Verify mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-Expression -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "node name.js *>&1" } -Scope it # Verify output $output.Success | Should Be $false $output.Result | Should Be "unknown error`r`n" } } context "when an exception occurs while invoking the script" { # Declare mocks mock Invoke-Expression { throw "up" } it "outputs an error and returns the exception message" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-UIAutomationScript -Script "script" -Name "name" -NodePackagePath "C:\temp" ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable # Verify mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-Expression -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "node name.js *>&1" } -Scope it # Verify output $output.Success | Should Be $false $output.Result | Should BeLike "Exception occurred*up" } } } |