describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.UIAutomation/Get-Puppeteer_ClickOnSelector" -Tags "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Get-Puppeteer_ClickOnSelector.ps1" it "returns the code to click on a selector without waiting for the page to load" { # Call the function $output = Get-Puppeteer_ClickOnSelector -SelectorName "#Selector" -WaitForPageToLoad:$false # Verify the output $output | Should Be @" selector = '#selector'; await page.waitForSelector(selector); await; "@ } it "returns the code to click on a selector and waiting for the page to load" { # Call the function $output = Get-Puppeteer_ClickOnSelector -SelectorName "#Selector" -WaitForPageToLoad # Verify the output $output | Should Be @" selector = '#selector'; await page.waitForSelector(selector); await Promise.all([, page.waitForNavigation() ]) "@ } } |