
    This function retrieves the members for a MSPComplete group object and stores them in the 'Members' property of the object.

function Add-MembersToMSPCompleteGroupObject {
    param (
        # The group object

        # Select the stream where the output messages will be directed.
        [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error", "None")]
        [String]$outputStream = "Error"

    # Set the local default parameter values
    # If this is not done, the local default parameter values are null
    $PSDefaultParameterValues = $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues

    # Retrieve the group members
    try {
        $members = @()
        $memberEndUserIds = (Get-BT_GroupMembership -Ticket $mspc.Ticket -GroupId $group.Id -IsDeleted $false -RetrieveAll).EndUserId
        foreach ($endUserId in $memberEndUserIds) {
            $members += (Get-BT_CustomerEndUser -Ticket $mspc.Ticket -Id $endUserId).PrimaryEmailAddress
    catch {
        Write-OutputMessage "Exception occurred while retrieving the members of group '$($group.Name)'.`r`n$($_.Exception.Message)" -OutputStream $outputStream -ReturnMessage:$false

    # Add the group members to the object
    $group | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Members" -NotePropertyValue $members -Force

    # Return the updated object
    return $group