.SYNOPSIS Powershell module for common MSPComplete functions and resources. .NOTES Version: 0.2.0 Last updated: 1 October 2018 Copyright (c) BitTitan, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. #> # Enumeration for the various MSPComplete Entity types enum MSPCompleteEntityType { Customer CustomerGroup CustomerEndUser } <# .SYNOPSIS This function retrieves the credential (username + password) from a MSPComplete Endpoint. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves the credential (username + password) from a MSPComplete Endpoint. There is no pre-processing required on the Endpoint, whether it is passed in using the MSPComplete platform or retrieved using Get-BT_Endpoint. .PARAMETER endpointID The ID of the MSPComplete Endpoint. .PARAMETER endpoint The MSPComplete Endpoint. .PARAMETER ticket The MSPComplete Customer Ticket. .PARAMETER environment The Environment where the Endpoint is stored. .EXAMPLE $unmaskedEndpoint = Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint -EndpointID $Endpoint.Id .EXAMPLE $unmaskedEndpoint = Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint -Endpoint $Endpoint .EXAMPLE $unmaskedEndpoint = $Endpoint | Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint #> function Get-CredentialFromMSPCompleteEndpoint { param ( # The ID of the MSPComplete Endpoint [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="endpointID")] [String]$endpointID, # The MSPComplete Endpoint [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="endpoint", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $endpoint, # The MSPComplete Ticket [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ticket = $mspc.Ticket, # The environment where the endpoint is stored. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("BT", "Beta", "Develop", "Release")] [String]$environment = "Beta" ) # Endpoint is provided and it already has a "Credential" property # This case applies when the endpoint is passed in on the MSPC platform if ($null -ne $endpoint.Credential -and ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($endpoint.Credential.UserName) -and $null -ne $endpoint.Credential.Password) { Write-Information "Using the 'Credential' property from the Endpoint '$($endpoint.Name)'." return $endpoint.Credential } # Retrieve the endpoint ID from the endpoint if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "endpoint") { $endpointID = $endpoint.Id } # Retrieve the endpoint with a credential property, and return the credential Write-Information "Retrieving the Endpoint with a 'Credential' property." return (Get-MSPCompleteEndpointWithCredential -EndpointID $endpointID -Ticket $ticket -Environment $environment).Credential } <# .SYNOPSIS This function retrieves a copy of the given MSPComplete Endpoint with a "Credential" property. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves a copy of the given MSPComplete Endpoint with a "Credential" property. The property is a PSCredential object storing the username and password. .PARAMETER endpointID The ID of the MSPComplete Endpoint. .PARAMETER endpoint The MSPComplete Endpoint. .PARAMETER ticket The MSPComplete Ticket. .PARAMETER environment The Environment where the Endpoint is stored. .EXAMPLE Get-MSPCompleteEndpointWithCredential -EndpointID $Endpoint.Id .EXAMPLE Get-MSPCompleteEndpointWithCredential -Endpoint $Endpoint .EXAMPLE $Endpoint | Get-MSPCompleteEndpointWithCredential #> function Get-MSPCompleteEndpointWithCredential { param ( # The ID of the MSPComplete Endpoint. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="endpointID")] [String]$endpointID, # The MSPComplete Endpoint. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="endpoint", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $endpoint, # The MSPComplete Ticket. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ticket = $mspc.Ticket, # The environment where the endpoint is stored. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("BT", "Beta", "Develop", "Release")] [String]$environment = "Beta" ) # Retrieve the endpoint ID from the endpoint if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "endpoint") { $endpointID = $endpoint.Id } # Retrieve the masked endpoint to return later else { try { $endpoint = Get-BT_Endpoint -Ticket $ticket -Id $endpointID -Environment $environment } catch { Write-Error "Error while retrieving masked endpoint with ID '$($endpointID)'. `r`n$($_.Exception.Message)" return $null } if ($null -eq $endpoint) { Write-Error "Failed to retrieve masked endpoint with ID '$($endpointID)'." return $null } } # Try to retrieve the unmasked endpoint using the endpoint ID try { # Create hash table to store params $getBTEndpointParams = @{ Ticket = $ticket Id = $endpointID ShouldUnmaskProperties = $true Environment = $environment } # Get the unmasked endpoint using the endpoint ID $unmaskedEndpoint = Get-BT_Endpoint @getBTEndpointParams } # Error while retrieving unmasked endpoint catch { Write-Error "Error while retrieving the unmasked Endpoint with ID '$($endpointID)'. `r`n$($_.Exception.Message)" return $null } # Verify endpoint if ($null -eq $unmaskedEndpoint) { Write-Error "Failed to retrieve the unmasked Endpoint with ID '$($endpointID)'." return $null } # Create the credential object # Endpoint contains exchange configuration if ($unmaskedEndpoint.Configuration.GetType() -eq [ManagementProxy.ManagementService.ExchangeConfiguration]) { $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( $unmaskedEndpoint.Configuration.AdministrativeUserName, ($unmaskedEndpoint.Configuration.AdministrativePassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ) } # Endpoint contains generic configuration elseif ($unmaskedEndpoint.Configuration.GetType() -eq [ManagementProxy.ManagementService.GenericConfiguration]) { $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( $unmaskedEndpoint.Configuration.Username, ($unmaskedEndpoint.Configuration.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ) } # Currently unsupported configuration type else { Write-Error "Endpoint '$($unmaskedEndpoint.Name)' has unsupported configuration type '$($endpoint.Configuration.GetType().Name)'." } # Add credential to masked endpoint $endpoint | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Credential" -NotePropertyValue $credential -Force # Return masked endpoint with credential property return $endpoint } |