describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.MSOnline/Block-UntilMSOnlineUserAvailable" -Tag "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Block-UntilMSOnlineUserAvailable.ps1" # Declare our own Get-MsolUser # If we don't do this the mock will not work function Get-MsolUser { param ($SearchString) } # Declare our own Start-Sleep so that the function doesn't delay function Start-Sleep { param ($Seconds) } context "when the user is immediately available" { # Mock Get-MsolUser mock Get-MsolUser { return [PSCustomObject]@{ UserPrincipalName = "" } } # Mock Start-Sleep mock Start-Sleep {} it "returns the user after trying once" { # Call the function $output = Block-UntilMSOnlineUserAvailable -UserPrincipalName "" # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Get-MsolUser -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $SearchString -eq "" } -Scope it Assert-MockCalled Start-Sleep -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope it # Verify the output $output.UserPrincipalName | Should Be "" } } context "when the user is available after 10 tries" { # Mock Get-MsolUser $Global:numTries = 0 mock Get-MsolUser { ++$Global:numTries if ($Global:numTries -ge 10) { return [PSCustomObject]@{ UserPrincipalName = "" } } } # Mock Start-Sleep mock Start-Sleep {} it "returns the user after trying 10 times" { # Call the function $output = Block-UntilMSOnlineUserAvailable -UserPrincipalName "" -WaitLimit 20 # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Get-MsolUser -Times 10 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $SearchString -eq "" } -Scope it Assert-MockCalled Start-Sleep -Times 9 -Exactly -Scope it # Verify the output $output.UserPrincipalName | Should Be "" } } context "when the user is not available" { # Mock Get-MsolUser mock Get-MsolUser {} # Mock Start-Sleep mock Start-Sleep {} it "returns null after trying the maximum number of times and outputs an error" { # Call the function $output = Block-UntilMSOnlineUserAvailable -UserPrincipalName "" -WaitLimit 20 ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Get-MsolUser -Times 20 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $SearchString -eq "" } -Scope it Assert-MockCalled Start-Sleep -Times 20 -Exactly -Scope it # Verify the output $errorVariable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $output | Should Be $null } } } |