Describe "GSuite/New-GSuiteEndpointConfiguration" -Tag "task", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\New-GSuiteEndpointConfiguration.ps1" # Declare external functions function New-Object { param($typeName, $property) } context "when there are no issues" { # Declare mocks mock New-Object { param($typeName, $property) } # Declare the function inputs $endpointParams = @{ GSuiteApplicationID = "id" GSuiteClientSecret = "secret" UserRefreshToken = "user" GroupRefreshToken = "group" OrganizationalUnitRefreshToken = "organizationalUnit" UserSchemaRefreshToken = "userSchema" MobileDeviceRefreshToken = "mobileDevice" SecurityRefreshToken = "security" CustomerRefreshToken = "customer" DomainRefreshToken = "domain" } # Declare the expected password $expectedPassword = "ClientSecret:secret User:user Group:group OrganizationalUnit:organizationalUnit UserSchema:userSchema MobileDevice:mobileDevice Security:security Customer:customer Domain:domain" it "creates a configuration object" { # Call the function $output = New-GSuiteEndpointConfiguration @endpointParams Assert-MockCalled New-Object -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $TypeName -eq "ManagementProxy.ManagementService.GenericConfiguration" -and $Property.Username -eq "id" -and $Property.Url -eq "" -and $Property.UseAdministrativeCredentials -eq $true } -Scope it } } } |