
    This function removes a member from a group in GSuite.

function Remove-GSuiteGroupMember {
    param (
        # The primary email address of the group.

        # The primary email address of the member.

    # Validate that the 'connection' has been established and the group access token exists
    Assert-GSuiteConnection -Scope "Group"

    # Prepare REST call parameters
    $invokeRestMethodParams = @{
        Uri     = "$($groupPrimaryEmailAddress)/members/$($memberPrimaryEmailAddress)"
        Method  = "DELETE"
        Headers = @{
            Accept        = "application/json"
            Authorization = "Bearer $($Global:GSuiteAccessTokensHashTable.Group)"

    # Invoke the REST call
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParams

    # If the removal is successful, $response will be an empty string
    if ("" -eq $response) {
        return $true
    else {
        return $false