describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.ExchangeOnline/Get-AllExchangeOnlineUsers" -Tag "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Get-AllExchangeOnlineUsers.ps1" # Declare external functions and mocks function Get-BT_RunbookEnvironment {} function Get-Office365TestEnvironmentAvailableUsers { param ($Domain, [Switch]$ExchangeOnline) } function Get-User { param ($ResultSize) } context "when the environment is set to testing" { # Declare mocks mock Get-BT_RunbookEnvironment { return @{ IsTestEnvironment = $true } } mock Get-Office365TestEnvironmentAvailableUsers {} $Global:ExchangeOnlineUsername = "" it "returns the test environment users" { # Call the function Get-AllExchangeOnlineUsers # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Get-Office365TestEnvironmentAvailableUsers -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Domain -eq "" -and $ExchangeOnline } -Scope it } } context "when the environment is not set to testing" { # Declare mocks mock Get-BT_RunbookEnvironment { return @{ IsTestEnvironment = $false } } mock Get-User {} $Global:ExchangeOnlineUsername = "" it "returns the Exchange Online users" { # Call the function Get-AllExchangeOnlineUsers # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Get-User -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $ResultSize -eq "unlimited" } -Scope it } } } |