#################################################################################################### # Declarations #################################################################################################### # Set InformationPreference $InformationPreference = "Continue" #################################################################################################### # Functions #################################################################################################### # Import other BitTitan.Runbooks modules Import-BT_Module BitTitan.Runbooks.Common #################################################################################################### # The tests #################################################################################################### describe "Modules/BitTitan.Modules.Common/Csv/ConvertTo-CsvObject" -Tags "module", "common", "unit" { # Prepare the input $csvString = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1 ",2,"-1" True,"False","TRUE " "@ it "converts a CSV string to a CSV object with no additional processing" { # Call the function $csvObject = ConvertTo-CsvObject $csvString -ConvertBooleans:$false # Verify the output $csvObject.GetType().Name | Should Be "Object[]" $csvObject.length | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name1 | Should Be "1 " $csvObject[0].name2 | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name3 | Should Be "-1" $csvObject[1].name1 | Should Be "True" $csvObject[1].name2 | Should Be "False" $csvObject[1].name3 | Should Be "TRUE " } it "converts a CSV string to a CSV object converting the booleans" { # Call the function $csvObject = ConvertTo-CsvObject $csvString # Verify the output $csvObject.GetType().Name | Should Be "Object[]" $csvObject.length | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name1 | Should Be "1 " $csvObject[0].name2 | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name3 | Should Be "-1" $csvObject[1].name1 | Should Be $true $csvObject[1].name2 | Should Be $false $csvObject[1].name3 | Should Be $true } it "converts a CSV string to a CSV object converting the booleans and trimming the strings" { # Call the function $csvObject = ConvertTo-CsvObject $csvString -TrimStrings # Verify the output $csvObject.GetType().Name | Should Be "Object[]" $csvObject.length | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name1 | Should Be "1" $csvObject[0].name2 | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name3 | Should Be "-1" $csvObject[1].name1 | Should Be $true $csvObject[1].name2 | Should Be $false $csvObject[1].name3 | Should Be $true } it "converts a CSV string to a CSV object converting the booleans and trimming the strings and converting the numbers" { # Call the function $csvObject = ConvertTo-CsvObject $csvString -TrimStrings -ConvertIntegersMaxLength 2 # Verify the output $csvObject.GetType().Name | Should Be "Object[]" $csvObject.length | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name1 | Should Be 1 $csvObject[0].name2 | Should Be 2 $csvObject[0].name3 | Should Be -1 $csvObject[1].name1 | Should Be $true $csvObject[1].name2 | Should Be $false $csvObject[1].name3 | Should Be $true } } describe "Modules/BitTitan.Modules.Common/Csv/ConvertTo-CsvString" -Tags "module", "common", "unit" { # Prepare the input $csvObject = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ Name1 = "1" Name2 = $true Name3 = $false }, [PSCustomObject]@{ Name1 = 2 Name2 = $false Name3 = $true } ) context "when there are no complications" { it "converts a CSV object to a CSV string" { # Call the function $csvString = ConvertTo-CsvString $csvObject # Verify the output $expectedOutput = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "2","False","True" "@ $csvString | Should Be $expectedOutput } } } describe "Modules/BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/Csv/Get-FilteredCsvString" -Tags "module", "common", "unit" { context "when given a CSV and no specified columns" { # Set up the function parameters $csv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "2","False","True" "@ $columns = "" it "returns the same CSV" { # Call the function $filteredCsv = Get-FilteredCsvString -Csv $csv -Columns $columns -Filtering "and" # Verify the output $filteredCsv | Should Be $csv } } context "when given a CSV and one specified column" { # Set up the function parameters $csv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "2","False","True" "@ $columns = "name2" it "filters the CSV by the column using 'and' filtering" { # Call the function $filteredCsv = Get-FilteredCsvString -Csv $csv -Columns $columns -Filtering "and" # Verify the output $expectedCsv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "@ $filteredCsv | Should Be $expectedCsv } it "filters the CSV by the column using 'or' filtering" { # Call the function $filteredCsv = Get-FilteredCsvString -Csv $csv -Columns $columns -Filtering "or" # Verify the output $expectedCsv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "@ $filteredCsv | Should Be $expectedCsv } } context "when given a CSV and more than one specified column" { # Set up the function parameters $csv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "2","False","True" "@ $columns = "name2, name3" it "filters the CSV by columns using 'and' filtering" { # Call the function $filteredCsv = Get-FilteredCsvString -Csv $csv -Columns $columns -Filtering "and" # Verify the output $filteredCsv | Should Be $null } it "filters the CSV by the column using 'or' filtering" { # Call the function $filteredCsv = Get-FilteredCsvString -Csv $csv -Columns $columns -Filtering "or" # Verify the output $expectedCsv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "2","False","True" "@ $filteredCsv | Should Be $expectedCsv } } context "when given a CSV and a column which does not exist" { # Set up the function parameters $csv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3" "1","True","False" "2","False","True" "@ $columns = "name4" it "filters the CSV by columns using 'and' filtering" { # Call the function $filteredCsv = Get-FilteredCsvString -Csv $csv -Columns $columns -Filtering "and" # Verify the output $filteredCsv | Should Be $null } it "filters the CSV by the column using 'or' filtering" { # Call the function $filteredCsv = Get-FilteredCsvString -Csv $csv -Columns $columns -Filtering "or" # Verify the output $filteredCsv | Should Be $null } } } describe "Modules/BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/Csv/Get-CombinedCsvString" -Tags "module", "common", "unit" { context "when all the CSVs contain the same columns" { # Set up the function parameters $csvStrings = @( @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3","name4" "0","False","False","False" "1","False","False","True" "2","False","True","False" "@, @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3","name4" "3","False","True","True" "4","True","False","False" "5","True","False","True" "@, @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3","name4" "6","True","True","False" "7","True","True","True" "@ ) it "combines the CSVs" { # Call the function $combinedCsv = Get-CombinedCsvString -CsvStrings $csvStrings # Verify the output $expectedCsv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3","name4" "0","False","False","False" "1","False","False","True" "2","False","True","False" "3","False","True","True" "4","True","False","False" "5","True","False","True" "6","True","True","False" "7","True","True","True" "@ $combinedCsv | Should Be $expectedCsv } } context "when the CSVs contain different columns" { # Set up the function parameters $csvStrings = @( @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3","name4" "0","False","False","False" "1","False","False","True" "2","False","True","False" "@, @" sep=, "name5","name6","name7","name8" "3","False","True","True" "4","True","False","False" "5","True","False","True" "@, @" sep=, "name9","name10","name11","name12" "6","True","True","False" "7","True","True","True" "@ ) it "combines the CSVs" { # Call the function $combinedCsv = Get-CombinedCsvString -CsvStrings $csvStrings # Verify the output $expectedCsv = @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3","name4","name10","name11","name12","name5","name6","name7","name8","name9" "0","False","False","False",,,,,,,, "1","False","False","True",,,,,,,, "2","False","True","False",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,"3","False","True","True", ,,,,,,,"4","True","False","False", ,,,,,,,"5","True","False","True", ,,,,"True","True","False",,,,,"6" ,,,,"True","True","True",,,,,"7" "@ $combinedCsv | Should Be $expectedCsv } } context "when there are any invalid CSVs" { # Set up the function parameters $csvStrings = @( @" sep=, "name1","name2","name3","name4" "0","False","False","False" "1","False","False","True" "2","False","True","False" "@, " ", @" sep=, "name9","name10","name11","name12" "6","True","True","False" "7","True","True","True" "@ ) it "returns null" { # Call the function $combinedCsv = Get-CombinedCsvString -CsvStrings $csvStrings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Verify the output $combinedCsv | Should Be $null } } } |