#################################################################################################### # Declarations #################################################################################################### # Set InformationPreference $InformationPreference = "Continue" #################################################################################################### # Functions #################################################################################################### # Import other BitTitan.Runbooks modules Import-BT_Module BitTitan.Runbooks.Common #################################################################################################### # The tests #################################################################################################### describe "Modules/BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/HashTables/Search-HashTable" -Tags "module", "common", "unit" { # Create hash table to search $hashTable = @{ Key1 = "Value1" kEy2 = 2 keY3 = $true } it "receives null with a non-existent key 'Key4' using case insensitive search" { $hashTable | Search-HashTable -Key "Key4" -CaseSensitive:$false | Should Be $null } it "receives null with a non-existent key 'Key4' using case sensitive search" { $hashTable | Search-HashTable -Key "Key4" -CaseSensitive:$true | Should Be $null } it -TestCases @( @{ key = "key1" value = "Value1" caseSensitive = $false }, @{ key = "kEy1" value = "Value1" caseSensitive = $false }, @{ key = "keY1" value = "Value1" caseSensitive = $false } ) "retrieves the value '<value>' with the case insensitive key '<key>' using case insensitive search" { param ($key, $value, $caseSensitive) $hashTable | Search-HashTable -Key $key -CaseSensitive:$caseSensitive | Should Be $value } it -TestCases @( @{ key = "Key1" value = "Value1" caseSensitive = $false }, @{ key = "Key2" value = 2 caseSensitive = $false }, @{ key = "Key3" value = $true caseSensitive = $false } ) "retrieves the value '<value>' with the case sensitive key '<key>' using case insensitive search" { param ($key, $value, $caseSensitive) $hashTable | Search-HashTable -Key $key -CaseSensitive:$caseSensitive | Should Be $value } it -TestCases @( @{ key = "Key1" value = "Value1" caseSensitive = $true }, @{ key = "kEy2" value = 2 caseSensitive = $true }, @{ key = "keY3" value = $true caseSensitive = $true } ) "retrieves the value '<value>' with the case sensitive key '<key>' using case sensitive search" { param ($key, $value, $caseSensitive) $hashTable | Search-HashTable -Key $key -CaseSensitive:$caseSensitive | Should Be $value } } |