describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/New-TextBlock" -Tag "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\New-TextBlock.ps1" it "generates a text block" { # Call the function $output = New-TextBlock { "line1" "line2" "line3" } # Verify the output $output | Should Be @" line1 line2 line3 "@ } it "generates a text block with the specified indentation amount" { # Call the function $output = New-TextBlock { "line1" "line2" "line3" } -IndentationAmount 2 # Verify the output $output | Should Be @" line1 line2 line3 "@ } it "generates a text block with the specified number of newline characters added to the end" { # Call the function $output = New-TextBlock { "line1" "line2" "line3" } -AppendNewLines 3 # Verify the output $output | Should Be @" line1 line2 line3 "@ } it "generates a text block using nested text blocks" { $output = New-TextBlock { "outerLine1" New-TextBlock { "innerLine1" New-TextBlock { "innerInnerLine1" "innerInnerLine2" } "innerLine2" } "outerLine2" } # Verify the output $output | Should Be @" outerLine1 innerLine1 innerInnerLine1 innerInnerLine2 innerLine2 outerLine2 "@ } } |