describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/Invoke-ScriptBlock" -Tags "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Invoke-ScriptBlock.ps1" it "does not output any errors when invoking a script block with no output when no output is expected" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "generate no output" { } # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be $null $result.ErrorMessage | Should Be $null } it "generates an error when invoking a script block that throws an exception when no output is expected" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "generate no output" { throw "exceptionMessage" } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be $null $result.ErrorMessage | Should BeLike "Exception during 'generate no output'.*exceptionMessage*" } it "does not output any errors when invoking a script block with output when output is expected" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "retrieve test" { "test" } -ShouldHaveOutput # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be "test" $result.ErrorMessage | Should Be $null } it "generates an error when invoking a script block which throws an exception when output is expected" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "retrieve test" { throw "exceptionMessage" } -ShouldHaveOutput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be $null $result.ErrorMessage | Should BeLike "Exception during 'retrieve test'.*exceptionMessage*" } it "generates an error when invoking a script block with no output when output is expected" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "retrieve test" { } -ShouldHaveOutput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be $null $result.ErrorMessage | Should Be "Failed to 'retrieve test' - no output when an output is expected." } it "does not output any errors when invoking a script block with the expected output" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "retrieve test" { "test" } -ExpectedOutput "test" # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be "test" $result.ErrorMessage | Should Be $null } it "generates an error when invoking a script block which throws an exception instead of the expected output" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "retrieve test" { throw "exceptionMessage" } -ExpectedOutput "test" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be $null $result.ErrorMessage | Should BeLike "Exception during 'retrieve test'.*exceptionMessage*" } it "generates an error when invoking a script block with output which is not the expected output" { # Call the function $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock "retrieve test" { "testing" } -ExpectedOutput "test" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Verify the output $result.Output | Should Be "testing" $result.ErrorMessage | Should Be "Failed to 'retrieve test' - the output does not match the expected output." } } |