describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/Invoke-RestMethodWithRetry" -Tags "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Invoke-RestMethodWithRetry.ps1" # Declare our own Invoke-RestMethod $defaultRestResponse = [PSCustomObject]@{ Result = "Success" } function Invoke-RestMethod { param ($Uri, $Headers, $Body, $Method) return $defaultRestResponse } context "when there are no issues" { # Mock Invoke-RestMethod mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{ Result = "Success" } } it "invokes the REST method once" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-RestMethodWithRetry -Uri "uri" -Headers "headers" -Body "body" -Method "post" ` -IntervalMilliseconds 0 -MaximumNumberOfCalls 1 -ReturnUnsuccessfulResponseObject ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "uri" -and $Headers -eq "headers" -and $Body -eq "body" -and $Method -eq "post" } # Verify the output $errorVariable | Should BeNullOrEmpty Compare-Object $defaultRestResponse $output | Should Be $null } } context "when Invoke-RestMethod continuously throws exceptions" { # Mock Invoke-RestMethod mock Invoke-RestMethod { throw "throwing exception" } it "invokes the REST method the maximum number of times" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-RestMethodWithRetry -Uri "uri" -Headers "headers" -Body "body" -Method "post" ` -IntervalMilliseconds 0 -MaximumNumberOfCalls 10 -ReturnUnsuccessfulResponseObject ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 10 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "uri" -and $Headers -eq "headers" -and $Body -eq "body" -and $Method -eq "post" } -Scope it # Verify the output $errorVariable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $output | Should Be $null } } context "when the REST call is unsuccessful" { # Mock Invoke-RestMethod $failedRestResponse = [PSCustomObject]@{ Result = "Failed" } mock Invoke-RestMethod { return $failedRestResponse } it "invokes the REST method the maximum number of times" { # Call the function $output = Invoke-RestMethodWithRetry -Uri "uri" -Headers "headers" -Body "body" -Method "post" ` -IntervalMilliseconds 0 -MaximumNumberOfCalls 10 -ReturnUnsuccessfulResponseObject ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -Times 10 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "uri" -and $Headers -eq "headers" -and $Body -eq "body" -and $Method -eq "post" } -Scope it # Verify the output $errorVariable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty Compare-Object $failedRestResponse $output | Should Be $null } } } |