describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/Set-BT_RunbookEnvironment" -Tags "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Set-BT_RunbookEnvironment.ps1" # Clear the global PSDefaultParameters $prevPSDefaultParameters = $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues = @{} # Fill in env PSModulePath with some string $prevEnvPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath $basePSModulePath = "C:\Users\dummyUser\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" $env:PSModulePath = $basePSModulePath # Retrieve the env BTEnvGitHome $prevEnvBTEnvGitHome = $env:BtEnvGitHome it -TestCases @( @{ environment = "Beta" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $false }, @{ environment = "Beta" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true }, @{ environment = "BT" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $false }, @{ environment = "BT" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true } ) "sets the global PSDefaultParameterValues to '<environment>' and '<isRunningOnLocalMachine>'" { param ($environment, $isRunningOnLocalMachine) # Call the function Set-BT_RunbookEnvironment -Environment $environment -IsRunningOnLocalMachine $isRunningOnLocalMachine # Verify the settings $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-BT_*:Environment"] | Should Be $environment $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*-BT_*:IsRunningOnLocalMachine"] | Should Be $isRunningOnLocalMachine } it -TestCases @( @{ environment = "Beta" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $false beforePSModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath)" psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath)" }, @{ environment = "BT" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $false beforePSModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath)" psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath)" }, @{ environment = "Beta" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true beforePSModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\Modules" psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\BetaModules" }, @{ environment = "BT" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true beforePSModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\BetaModules" psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\Modules" }, @{ environment = "Beta" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true beforePSModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\BetaModules" psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\BetaModules" }, @{ environment = "BT" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true beforePSModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\Modules" psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($env:BtEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\Modules" } ) "sets the env PSModule path from '<beforePSModulePath>' to '<psModulePath>' when setting the runbook environment to '<environment>' and '<isRunningOnLocalMachine>'" { param ($environment, $isRunningOnLocalMachine, $beforePSModulePath, $psModulePath) # Set the before env PSModulePath $env:PSModulePath = $beforePSModulePath # Call the function Set-BT_RunbookEnvironment -Environment $environment -IsRunningOnLocalMachine $isRunningOnLocalMachine # Verify the env PSModulePath $env:PSModulePath | Should Be $psModulePath } context "when env BTEnvGitHome is not set" { # Mock Get-Location mock Get-Location { return "$($prevEnvBTEnvGitHome)\Runbooks" } # Mock Split-Path to return the correct BTEnvGitHome mock Split-Path { return $prevEnvBTEnvGitHome } # Set env BTEnvGitHome to an empty string $env:BtEnvGitHome = "" it -TestCases @( @{ environment = "Beta" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($prevEnvBTEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\BetaModules" }, @{ environment = "BT" isRunningOnLocalMachine = $true psModulePath = "$($basePSModulePath);$($prevEnvBTEnvGitHome)\Runbooks\Modules" } ) "sets the env PSModule path to '<psModulePath>' when setting the runbook environment to '<environment>' and '<isRunningOnLocalMachine>'" { param ($environment, $isRunningOnLocalMachine, $psModulePath) # Call the function Set-BT_RunbookEnvironment -Environment $environment -IsRunningOnLocalMachine $isRunningOnLocalMachine # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Get-Location Assert-MockCalled Split-Path -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$($prevEnvBTEnvGitHome)\Runbooks" -and $Parent } # Verify the env PSModulePath $env:PSModulePath | Should Be $psModulePath } } # Set the global PSDefaultParameters back $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $prevPSDefaultParameters # Set the env PSModulePath back $env:PSModulePath = $prevEnvPSModulePath # Set the env BTEnvGitHome back $env:BtEnvGitHome = $prevEnvBTEnvGitHome } |