describe "BitTitan.Runbooks.Common/Send-Email" -Tags "module", "unit" { # Import the function to test . "$($PSScriptRoot)\Send-Email.ps1" # Set up the function inputs $emailCredentials = [PSCredential]::new("username", ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)) $smtpMailServer = "" $portNumber = "port001" $destinationEmailAddress = "" $emailSubject = "Email subject" $emailBody = "Email body." $attachmentFilePaths = @("Z:\file1.txt", "Z:\file2.txt", "Z:\file3.txt") $attachmentFilePath = "Z:\singleFile.txt" # Mock Test-Path to return true (valid path) mock Test-Path { return $true } # Declare our own Send-MailMessage function Send-MailMessage { param ($From, $Credential, $SmtpServer, $Port, $To, $Subject, $Body, $Attachments) } context "when there are no issues" { # Mock Compress-Archive mock Compress-Archive {} # Mock Get-Item mock Get-Item { return @{ FullName = "Z:\" } } # Mock Send-MailMessage mock Send-MailMessage {} it "sends the email with multiple attachments" { # Call the function $output = Send-Email -EmailCredentials $emailCredentials -SmtpServer $smtpMailServer -PortNumber $portNumber ` -DestinationEmailAddress $destinationEmailAddress -EmailSubject $emailSubject -EmailBody $emailBody ` -AttachmentFilePaths $attachmentFilePaths # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Send-MailMessage -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $From -eq "username" -and $Credential -eq $emailCredentials -and $SmtpServer -eq $smtpMailServer -and $Port -eq $portNumber -and $To -eq $destinationEmailAddress -and $Subject -eq $emailSubject -and $Body -eq $emailBody -and $Attachments -eq "Z:\" } # Verify the output $output | Should Be $true } it "sends the email with a single attachment" { # Call the function $output = Send-Email -EmailCredentials $emailCredentials -SmtpServer $smtpMailServer -PortNumber $portNumber ` -DestinationEmailAddress $destinationEmailAddress -EmailSubject $emailSubject -EmailBody $emailBody ` -AttachmentFilePath $attachmentFilePath # Verify the mocks Assert-MockCalled Send-MailMessage -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $From -eq "username" -and $Credential -eq $emailCredentials -and $SmtpServer -eq $smtpMailServer -and $Port -eq $portNumber -and $To -eq $destinationEmailAddress -and $Subject -eq $emailSubject -and $Body -eq $emailBody -and $Attachments -eq "Z:\singleFile.txt" } -Scope it # Verify the output $output | Should Be $true } } # Declare the functions to throw exceptions $functionsToThrowExceptions = @( "Compress-Archive", "Get-Item", "Send-MailMessage" ) foreach ($function in $functionsToThrowExceptions) { context "when $($function) throws an exception" { # Mock Compress-Archive mock Compress-Archive {} # Mock Get-Item mock Get-Item { return @{ FullName = "Z:\" } } # Mock Send-MailMessage mock Send-MailMessage {} # Mock the function to throw an exception mock $function { throw "throws exception" } it "fails to send the email and outputs an error message" { # Call the function $output = Send-Email -EmailCredentials $emailCredentials -SmtpServer $smtpMailServer -PortNumber $portNumber ` -DestinationEmailAddress $destinationEmailAddress -EmailSubject $emailSubject -EmailBody $emailBody ` -AttachmentFilePaths $attachmentFilePaths -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable # Verify the output $errorVariable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $output | Should Be $false } } } context "when Get-Item fails" { # Mock Compress-Archive mock Compress-Archive {} # Mock Get-Item mock Get-Item {} # Mock Send-MailMessage mock Send-MailMessage {} it "fails to send the email and outputs an error message" { # Call the function $output = Send-Email -EmailCredentials $emailCredentials -SmtpServer $smtpMailServer -PortNumber $portNumber ` -DestinationEmailAddress $destinationEmailAddress -EmailSubject $emailSubject -EmailBody $emailBody ` -AttachmentFilePaths $attachmentFilePaths -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorVariable # Verify the output $errorVariable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $output | Should Be $false } } } |