function Get-QnaSession { <# .Synopsis Gets the previously instantiated Qna Session object. .Description The Get-QnaSession function is used to obtain the Qna Session object last instantiated by a call to New-QnaSession in the current scope. If called with the -Throw switch, the call will throw a fault in the event that no previously instantiated Qna Session object is found. .Parameter Throw Switch specifying that the call should throw a fault in the event that no previously instantiated Qna Session object is found. .Inputs None. This function does not accept pipeline input. .Outputs The last BigFix.Qna.Session object instantiated via a call to New-QnaSession, or nothing if no instantiated object exists. .Example # Gets the last instantiated Qna Session object. Get-QnaSession .Example # Gets the last instantiated Qna Session object or throw a fault. Get-QnaSession -Throw #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('BigFix.Qna.Session')] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Throw an error if no previously created Qna Session was found.' )] [Switch]$Throw = $false ) $Session = Get-Variable -Name QnaSession -ValueOnly -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne $Session) { return $Session } if ($true -eq $Throw) { throw 'No previously created Qna Session was found! Please call New-QnaSession first to create a new session instance.' } return } |