function Test-BicepFile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specifies a path to one or more locations. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [Alias("PSPath")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Path, # Set output type [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Simple', 'Json')] [String] $OutputType = 'Simple', # Level of diagnostic that will fail the test [Parameter()] [Bicep.Core.Diagnostics.DiagnosticLevel] $AcceptDiagnosticLevel = [Bicep.Core.Diagnostics.DiagnosticLevel]::Info, # Write diagnostic output to screen [Parameter()] [switch] $IgnoreDiagnosticOutput ) begin { if (-not $Script:ModuleVersionChecked) { TestModuleVersion } if ($VerbosePreference -eq [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Continue) { $DLLPath = [Bicep.Core.Workspaces.Workspace].Assembly.Location $DllFile = Get-Item -Path $DLLPath $FullVersion = $DllFile.VersionInfo.ProductVersion.Split('+')[0] Write-Verbose -Message "Using Bicep version: $FullVersion" } if ($AcceptDiagnosticLevel -eq [Bicep.Core.Diagnostics.DiagnosticLevel]::Error) { throw 'Accepting diagnostic level Error results in test never failing.' } } process { $file = Get-Item -Path $Path try { $ParseParams = @{ Path = $file.FullName InformationVariable = 'DiagnosticOutput' ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if($IgnoreDiagnosticOutput) { $null = ParseBicep @ParseParams *>&1 } else { $null = ParseBicep @ParseParams } } catch { # We don't care about errors here. } $DiagnosticGroups = $DiagnosticOutput | Group-Object -Property { $_.Tags[0] } $HighestDiagLevel = $null foreach ($DiagGroup in $DiagnosticGroups) { $Level = [int][Bicep.Core.Diagnostics.DiagnosticLevel]$DiagGroup.Name if ($Level -gt $HighestDiagLevel) { $HighestDiagLevel = $Level } } switch ($OutputType) { 'Simple' { if ([int]$AcceptDiagnosticLevel -ge $HighestDiagLevel) { return $true } else { return $false } } 'Json' { $Result = @{} foreach($Group in $DiagnosticGroups) { $List = foreach($Entry in $Group.Group) { @{ Message = $Entry.MessageData.Message Source = $Entry.Source } } $Result[$Group.Name] = @($List) } return $Result | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } default { # this should never happen but just to make sure throw "$_ has not been implemented yet." } } } } |