function GetBicepTypes { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Path ) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { Write-Verbose "Importing Bicep Types" $types = Get-Content -Path $Path | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable $types = $types.Types $allResourceProviders = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() foreach ($type in $types.Keys) { # Type looks like this: Microsoft.Aad/domainServicess@2017-01-01 # We want to split here: ^ ^ # Or like this: Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates@2019-12-01 # Then we split here: ^ ^ ^ # First check if we have three parts before the @ # In that case the last one should be the child if (($type -split '/' ).count -eq 3) { $child = ( ($type -split '@') -split '/' )[2] } else { $child = $null } $ResourceProviders = [PSCustomObject]@{ ResourceProvider = ( ($type -split '@') -split '/' )[0] Resource = ( ($type -split '@') -split '/' )[1] Child = $child ApiVersion = ( $type -split '@' )[1] FullName = $type } $null = $allResourceProviders.Add($ResourceProviders) } $Script:BicepResourceProviders = $allResourceProviders } Write-Output -InputObject $Script:BicepResourceProviders } |