.SYNOPSIS Compiles bicep files to JSON ARM Templates .DESCRIPTION Invoke-BicepBuild is equivalent to bicep build but with the possibility to compile all .bicep files in a directory. .PARAMETER Path Specfies the path to the directory or file that should be compiled .PARAMETER ExcludeFile Specifies a .bicep file to exclude from compilation .PARAMETER GenerateParameterFile The -GenerateParameterFile switch generates a ARM Template paramter file for the compiled template .EXAMPLE Invoke-BicepBuild vnet.bicep Compile single bicep file in working directory .EXAMPLE Invoke-BicepBuild 'c:\bicep\modules\vnet.bicep' Compile single bicep file in different directory .EXAMPLE Invoke-BicepBuild Compile all .bicep files in working directory .EXAMPLE Invoke-BicepBuild -Path 'c:\bicep\modules\' Compile all .bicep files in different directory .EXAMPLE Invoke-BicepBuild -ExcludeFile vnet.bicep Compile all .bicep files in the working directory except vnet.bicep .EXAMPLE Invoke-BicepBuild -Path 'c:\bicep\modules\' -ExcludeFile vnet.bicep Compile all .bicep files in different directory except vnet.bicep .EXAMPLE Invoke-BicepBuild -GenerateParameterFile Compile all .bicep files in the working directory and generates a parameter files .NOTES Go to module repository for detailed info, reporting issues and to submit contributions. #> function Invoke-BicepBuild { [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Path = $pwd.path, [ValidateScript( { if ($_ -like '*.bicep') { $true } else { throw "Only .bicep files are allowed as input to -ExcludeFile." } })] [string]$ExcludeFile, [switch]$GenerateParameterFile ) if (TestBicep) { $files = Get-Childitem -Path $Path *.bicep -File if ($files) { foreach ($file in $files) { if ($file.Name -ne $ExcludeFile) { bicep build $file if ($GenerateParameterFile.IsPresent) { GenerateParameterFile -File $file } } } } else { Write-Host "No bicep files located in path $Path" } } else { Write-Error "Cannot find the Bicep CLI. Install Bicep CLI using Install-BicepCLI." } } |