.SYNOPSIS Explore your command history like zimfw or oh my zsh. .DESCRIPTION The function BetterHistoryNavigation() overrides keys handler using PSReadLine to perform lazy research over your hiustory command. More information in the BetterHistoryNavigation() function help. .LINK #> Import-Module PSReadLine $global:__HISTO_LIST = $null $global:__HISTO_FILTERED = $null $global:__HISTO_SEARCH = $null $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS = $null <# .SYNOPSIS Explore your command history like zimfw or oh my zsh. .DESCRIPTION This script overrides keys handler using PSReadLine to perform lazy research over your hiustory command. It allows you to explore your command history like zimfw or oh my zsh. The following keys is overrided : - Up arrow : search previous command - Down arrow : search next command - Enter : execute command - Ctrl + C : Undo your current line - Escape : Return to you entry line #> function BetterHistoryNavigation { $funcName={ param ([System.ConsoleKeyInfo] $key,$arg) function Init-Histo { if ($null -eq $global:__HISTO_SEARCH) { $global:__HISTO_SEARCH = $null $global:__HISTO_FILTERED = $null [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref] $global:__HISTO_SEARCH, [ref] $null) } if ($null -eq $global:__HISTO_LIST) { $global:__HISTO_LIST = (Get-Content (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath) [array]::Reverse($global:__HISTO_LIST) } if ($null -eq $global:__HISTO_FILTERED) { if ("" -eq $global:__HISTO_SEARCH) { $global:__HISTO_FILTERED = $global:__HISTO_LIST } else { $global:__HISTO_FILTERED = $global:__HISTO_LIST | Where-Object { $_.ToLower().Contains($global:__HISTO_SEARCH.ToLower()) } if ($null -eq $global:__HISTO_FILTERED) { $global:__HISTO_FILTERED = @() } } } } function HistoBackToOrigin { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::DeleteLine() if ($null -ne $global:__HISTO_SEARCH) { if ($global:__HISTO_FILTERED.Count -ne 0) { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert($global:__HISTO_SEARCH) } $global:__HISTO_SEARCH = $null } $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS = $null } function HistoForward { param () Init-Histo if ($global:__HISTO_FILTERED.Count -eq 0) { return } elseif ($null -eq $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS) { $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS = 0 } elseif ($global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS -lt $global:__HISTO_FILTERED.Count) { $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS = $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS + 1 } [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::DeleteLine() [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert($global:__HISTO_FILTERED[$global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS]) } function HistoBackward { param () Init-Histo if ($null -eq $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS) { return } elseif ($global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS -gt 0) { $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS = $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS - 1 } elseif ($global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS -eq 0) { HistoBackToOrigin return } [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::DeleteLine() [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert($global:__HISTO_FILTERED[$global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS]) } if (($key.Modifiers -eq 0) -and ($key.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::UpArrow)) { HistoForward } elseif (($key.Modifiers -eq 0) -and ($key.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::DownArrow)) { HistoBackward } elseif (($key.Modifiers -eq [System.ConsoleModifiers]::Control) -and ($key.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::C)) { $global:__HISTO_SEARCH = $null $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS = $null [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::CopyOrCancelLine() } elseif (($key.Modifiers -eq 0) -and $key.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::Enter) { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::AcceptLine() $global:__HISTO_SEARCH = $null $global:__HISTO_LIST = $null $global:__HISTO_FILTERED = $null $global:__HISTO_CURRENT_POS = $null } elseif (($key.Modifiers -eq 0) -and $key.Key -eq [System.ConsoleKey]::Escape) { HistoBackToOrigin } } Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord UpArrow,DownArrow,Ctrl+c,Enter,Escape -ScriptBlock $funcName } |