
function Get-Benchmark
        Gets benchmark files.
        Gets benchmark script files and benchmark input files.
        Get-Benchmark -BenchmarkPath a.benchmark.ps1

    # The path to the benchmark file
    # The name of a module
    process {
        #region Find Module Benchmarks
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Module') { # If we want a module's benchmarks
            $loadedModules = Get-Module # find all loaded modules
            $theModule = foreach ($_ in $loadedModules) { # then find this module.
                if ($_.Name -eq $ModuleName) { $_ }
            if (-not $theModule) { # If we couldn't, write and error and bounce.
                Write-Error "Could not find module $ModuleName. It may not be loaded"

            $theModule | # Go to the module's
                Split-Path | # root directory
                Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.benchmark.* | # get all benchmark files
                Where-Object -Property Name -Match "(psd1|ps1|clixml|csv|json)$" |# of the right extension
                Get-Benchmark # and pipe them to Get-Benchmark

        #endregion Find Module Benchmarks
        # If we want benchmarks from the current directory
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CurrentDirectory') {
            Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.benchmark.* | # get all benchmark files
                Where-Object -Property Name -Match "(psd1|ps1|clixml|csv|json)$" | # of the right extension
                Get-Benchmark # and pipe them to Get-Benchmark
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') { # If want benchmark information for a particular file(s)
            foreach ($bp in $benchmarkPath) {
                # try to resolve it's path
                $resolvedBenchmarkPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($bp)
                # If we couldn't, return.
                if (-not $resolvedBenchmarkPath)  { return }
                # Get the actual benchmark file
                $benchmarkFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath $resolvedBenchmarkPath
                # Determine it's extension and short name
                $benchmarkFullExtension = '.benchmark' + $benchmarkFile.Extension
                $benchmarkFileName = $benchmarkFile.Name.Substring(0,
                    $benchmarkFile.Name.Length - $benchmarkFullExtension.Length) -replace '_', ' '

                if ($benchmarkFile.Extension -eq '.ps1') { # If it's a .PS1
                    # we return a pointer to the file
                    $benchmarkCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($benchmarkFile.FullName, 'ExternalScript')
                    $benchmarkCmd |
                        Add-Member NoteProperty FileName $benchmarkFileName -Force -PassThru |
                        Add-Member NoteProperty FilePath $benchmarkFile.FullName -Force -PassThru

                # Otherwise, we load the benchmark data
                $benchmarkInput =
                    if ($benchmarkFile.Extension -eq '.psd1') # .psd1s get treated as a data blocks
                        & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("data { $([IO.File]::ReadAllText($benchmarkFile.FullName))}")) |
                            & {
                                process {
                                    if ($_ -is [string]) {
                                    } else {

                    elseif ($benchMarkFile.Extension -eq '.json') { # .json gets treated as JSON
                        [IO.File]::ReadAllText($benchmarkFile.FullName) | ConvertFrom-Json
                    elseif ($benchMarkFile.Extension -eq '.clixml') { # .clixml gets imported
                        $benchmarkFile | Import-Clixml
                    elseif ($benchMarkFile.Extension -eq '.csv') { # .csv gets imported
                        $benchmarkFile | Import-Csv
                if (-not $benchmarkInput) { # If we don't have any benchmark data
                    Write-Error "$bp did not contain benchmarks" # error
                    return # and bounce.
                # Now we have to fix the benchmark data
                foreach ($benchmark in $benchmarkInput) {

                    if ($benchMark -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { # If the benchmark is a hashtable
                        $benchmark = New-Object PSObject -Property $benchmark # turn it into a property bag.
                    # If the .Technique property was not a hashtable
                    if ($benchmark.Technique -isnot [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                        # make it one
                        $technique = [Ordered]@{}
                        foreach ($prop in $ {
                            $technique[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
                        if ($technique.Count) {
                            # and overwrite the original technique property
                            $benchmark | Add-Member NoteProperty Technique $technique -Force
                    if ($benchmark.ScriptBlock -and $benchmark.ScriptBlock -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
                        $benchmark.ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($benchmark.ScriptBlock)
                    # Return the benchmark, with the short file name
                    $benchmark  |
                        Add-Member NoteProperty FileName $benchmarkFileName -Force -PassThru |
                        Add-Member NoteProperty FilePath $benchmarkFile.FullName -Force -PassThru