

Easy Benchmarking with PowerShell

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Benchpress

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Benchpress

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright 2019 Start-Automating

Package Details


  • James Brundage


performance benchmarking


Checkpoint-Benchmark Get-Benchmark Show-Benchmark Measure-Benchmark


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

### 1.3.8:

* Supporting Sponsorship (#51) (please show your support)
* New Benchmark : Hashtable vs Ordered (#42)
* Updating README (mentioning gallery) (#41)
* Upping RepeatCount for Namespace tests (#44)
* Updating Wasy to Hash a File (#45)
* Measure-Benchmark now includes .RepeatCount (#48)
* Improving Benchmark Output (#47 #48 #49 #50)

Thanks @NLZ @robinmalik !


### 1.3.7:

* New Benchmarks:
 * What is the Fastest Way to Read a File (Fixes #37)
 * Which Random Is Faster (Fixes #38)


### 1.3.6:
* New Benchmarks:
   * Checking if a File Exists (Fixes #29)
   * What Is The Quickest Way to Compare Types (Fixes #33)
* Show-Benchmark now includes a YAML header (Fixes #30)
* GitHub Action no longer rebases (Fixes #34)


### 1.3.5:
* New Benchmarks:
 * Best Way To Accumulate Pipeline Results (Fixes #21)
 * Comparing Command Lookup (Fixes #18)
 * Is Using Faster (Fixes #27)  


### 1.3.4:
* Show-Benchmark: Fixing run vs load logic (Fixes #24)
* Updating Action (preferring local bits) (Fixes #25)


### 1.3.3:
* Adding Show-Benchmark (Fixes #22)
* Adding markdown formatting (Fixes #19)
* Updating Action to check in files (Fixes #20)


### 1.3.2:
* Adding Benchmark for Multithreading (thanks @santysq)
* Autogenerating formatting (#15)
* Autogenerating docs (#16)


### 1.3.1:
Fixing #10 (crossplatform / core issues with CPU data).   Thanks @mklement0!


### 1.3:
Now including .ClockSpeed in results (fixes #7)
Formatting deserialized results (fixes #8)


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.3.8 (current version) 4,147 7/8/2023
1.3.7 43 1/21/2023
1.3.6 53 11/3/2022
1.3.5 78 8/30/2022
1.3.4 62 8/30/2022
1.3.3 62 8/30/2022
1.3.2 79 7/11/2022
1.3.1 84 6/6/2022
1.3 187 11/8/2021
1.1 309 6/18/2019
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