@{ Module = @{ Describe = "Module" ImportModule = "Importing module locally." CommandCheck = "Checking exported commands count." } GetSpdxLicenseFile = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicenseFile" GetFile = "Getting license file." } GetSpdxLicenseExceptionFile = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicenseExceptionFile" GetFile = "Getting license exception file." } GetSpdxLicenseOffline = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicense (offline)" ByName = "Getting 'BSD*' SPDX License by name." ById = "Getting 'BSD*' SPDX License by ID." ByReferenceNumber = "Getting 'BSD Zero Clause License' SPDX License by reference number (315)." ByReferenceNumberExclude = "Getting 'Affero General Public License v1.0' SPDX License by ID (AGPL-1.0) with option ExcludeDeprecated." Osi = "Getting 'Affero General Public License v1.0' SPDX License by ID (AGPL-1.0) with option OsiApproved." Fsf = "Getting 'Affero General Public License v1.0' SPDX License by ID (AGPL-1.0) with option FsfLibre." OsiFsfExclude = "Getting OSI approved, FSF Libre and not deprecated licenses." } GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicenseException (offline)" ByName = "Getting '*GPL*' SPDX License exceptions by name." ById = "Getting '*GPL*' SPDX License exception by ID." ByReferenceNumber = "Getting 'Nokia-Qt-exception-1.1' SPDX License exception by reference number (22)." ByReferenceNumberExclude = "Getting 'Nokia-Qt-exception-1.1' SPDX License exception by reference number (3) with option ExcludeDeprecated." Exclude = "Getting not deprecated licenses exceptions." } GetSpdxLicenseOnline = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicense (online)" Text = "Getting 'BSD Zero Clause License' SPDX License by ID (0BSD) with text." } GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOnline = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicenseException (online)" Text = "Getting 'Nokia Qt LGPL exception 1.1' SPDX License exception by ID (Nokia-Qt-exception-1.1) with text." } GetSpdxLicenseText = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicenseText" Text = "Getting 'BSD Zero Clause License' SPDX License text." } GetSpdxLicenseExceptionText = @{ Describe = "Get-SpdxLicenseExceptionText" Text = "Getting 'Nokia Qt LGPL exception 1.1' SPDX License exception text." } UpdateSpdxLicenseOnline = @{ Describe = "Update-SpdxLicense (online)" Update = "Simulating update of license file." } UpdateSpdxLicenseExceptionOnline = @{ Describe = "Update-SpdxLicenseException (online)" Update = "Simulating update of license exception file." } UpdateSpdxLicenseOffline = @{ Describe = "Update-SpdxLicense (offline)" Update = "Simulating update of license file." } UpdateSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline = @{ Describe = "Update-SpdxLicenseException (offline)" Update = "Simulating update of license exception file." } TestSpdxLicenseExpression = @{ Describe = "Test-SpdxLicenseExpression" Or = "Testing expression with 'OR' (OSI approved)." And = "Testing expression with 'AND' (FSF Libre)." And2 = "Testing expression with 2 'ANDs' (FSF and OSI)." AndDeprecated = "Testing expression with 'AND' (excluding deprecated)." WithPlus = "Testing expression with 'WITH' and '+'." } } |