if (Test-Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot LocalizedData)) { $global:TestLocalizedData = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot LocalizedData) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$?) { $global:TestLocalizedData = Import-LocalizedData -UICulture en-US -BaseDirectory (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot LocalizedData) } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.Module.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.Module.ImportModule { try { Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot Bca.Spdx.psd1) -Force $Result = $true } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } It $global:TestLocalizedData.Module.CommandCheck { $Commands = Get-Command -Module Bca.Spdx $Commands.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseFile.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseFile.GetFile { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicenseFile } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionFile.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionFile.GetFile { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicenseExceptionFile } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.ByName { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicense -Name "BSD*").Count } catch { $Result = 0 } $Result | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.ById { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicense -Id "BSD*").Count } catch { $Result = 0 } $Result | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.ByReferenceNumber { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicense -ReferenceNumber 315 } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.ByReferenceNumberExclude { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicense -Id "AGPL-1.0" -ExcludeDeprecated } catch { $Result = $true } $Result | Should -Be $null } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.Osi { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicense -Id "AGPL-1.0" -OsiApproved } catch { $Result = $true } $Result | Should -Be $null } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.Fsf { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicense -Id "AGPL-1.0" -FsfLibre } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOffline.OsiFsfExclude { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicense -OsiApproved -FsfLibre -ExcludeDeprecated).Count } catch { $Result = 0 } $Result | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.ByName { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicenseException -Name "*GPL*").Count } catch { $Result = 0 } $Result | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.ById { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicenseException -Id "*GPL*").Count } catch { $Result = 0 } $Result | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.ByReferenceNumber { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicenseException -ReferenceNumber 22 } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.ByReferenceNumberExclude { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicenseException -ReferenceNumber 3 -ExcludeDeprecated } catch { $Result = $true } $Result | Should -Be $null } It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.Exclude { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicenseException -ExcludeDeprecated).Count } catch { $Result = 0 } $Result | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOnline.Describe -Tags "Online" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseOnline.Text { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicense -Id "0BSD" -LicenseText).licenseText } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOnline.Describe -Tags "Online" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionOnline.Text { try { $Result = (Get-SpdxLicenseException -Id "Nokia-Qt-exception-1.1" -ExceptionText).licenseExceptionText } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseText.Describe -Tags "Online" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseText.Text { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicenseText -Id "0BSD" } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionText.Describe -Tags "Online" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.GetSpdxLicenseExceptionText.Text { try { $Result = Get-SpdxLicenseExceptionText -Id "Nokia-Qt-exception-1.1" } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseOnline.Describe -Tags "Online" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseOnline.Update { try { Update-SpdxLicense -WhatIf $Result = $true } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseExceptionOnline.Describe -Tags "Online" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseExceptionOnline.Update { try { Update-SpdxLicenseException -WhatIf $Result = $true } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseOffline.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseOffline.Update { try { Update-SpdxLicense -Path (Get-SpdxLicenseFile).FullName -WhatIf $Result = $true } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.UpdateSpdxLicenseExceptionOffline.Update { try { Update-SpdxLicenseException -Path (Get-SpdxLicenseExceptionFile).FullName -WhatIf $Result = $true } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } Describe $global:TestLocalizedData.TestSpdxLicenseExpression.Describe -Tags "Online", "Offline" { It $global:TestLocalizedData.TestSpdxLicenseExpression.Or { try { $Result = Test-SpdxLicenseExpression -Expression "(LGPL-2.1 OR MIT)" -OsiApproved } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } It $global:TestLocalizedData.TestSpdxLicenseExpression.And { try { $Result = Test-SpdxLicenseExpression -Expression "(LGPL-2.1 AND MIT)" -FsfLibre } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } It $global:TestLocalizedData.TestSpdxLicenseExpression.And2 { try { $Result = Test-SpdxLicenseExpression -Expression "(LGPL-2.1 AND MIT AND GPL-3.0)" -FsfAndOsi } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } It $global:TestLocalizedData.TestSpdxLicenseExpression.AndDeprecated { try { $Result = Test-SpdxLicenseExpression -Expression "(LGPL-2.1 AND MIT)" -ExcludeDeprecated -FsfOrOsi -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { $Result = $true } $Result | Should -Be $false } It $global:TestLocalizedData.TestSpdxLicenseExpression.WithPlus { try { $Result = Test-SpdxLicenseExpression -Expression "(GPL-2.0+ WITH Bison-exception-2.2)" -FsfAndOsi } catch { $Result = $false } $Result | Should -Be $true } } |