
function ConvertFrom-JwtToken
            Converts a JWT token string.
            Converts a JWT token string to an object containing members representing the header, payload and signature of the raw token.
        .PARAMETER Token
            A string containing the raw JWT token.
        .PARAMETER AsJson
            A switch specifying whether or not to return the parts as JSON (except the signature).
        .PARAMETER ConvertDate
            A switch specifying whether or not to convert the date from seconds since Unix epoch to DateTime (affected fields are 'nbf', 'exp' and 'auth_time' in the payload).
            This parameter has no effect if AsJson is specified.
            You can pipe a value for the raw token to this cmdlet.
            Returns a PSCustomObject containing a description of the token.
            ConvertFrom-JwtToken -Token $MyRawToken
            This example will return an object representing the token.
            ConvertFrom-JwtToken -Token $MyRawToken -AsJson
            This example will return an object representing the token with header and payload as JSON.
            $MyRawToken | ConvertFrom-JwtToken -ConvertDate
            This example will return an object representing the token dates converted from seconds since Unix epoch to DateTime.
            Signature is kept raw but padded, so it can be offuscated if needed.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { if (!(Test-JwtToken -Token $_)) { throw ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Error.InvalidToken -f $_) } else { $true } })]
        [string] $Token,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch] $AsJson,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch] $ConvertDate
        Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.Global.Debug.Entering -f $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        $PartNames = Get-JwtTokenPart
            if ($Token)
                Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Debug.TokenBefore -f $Token)
                $Token = $Token.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
                Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Debug.TokenAfter -f $Token)
                $TokenObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject
                $i = 0
                $Token.Split(".") | ForEach-Object {
                    $Part = $_
                    Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Debug.PartBeforePadding -f $PartNames[$i], $Part)
                    while ($Part.Length % 4) { $Part += "=" }
                    Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Debug.PartAfterPadding -f $PartNames[$i], $Part)
                    if ($PartNames[$i] -ne "Signature")
                        Write-Verbose ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Verbose.ConvertToBase64 -f $PartNames[$i].ToLower())
                        $Part = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([system.convert]::FromBase64String($Part))
                        Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Debug.PartAsJson -f $PartNames[$i], $Part)
                        if (!$AsJson) { $Part = $Part | ConvertFrom-Json }
                        if (($PartNames[$i] -eq "Payload") -and $ConvertDate -and !$AsJson)
                            Get-JwtTokenPayloadDateField | Where-Object { $Part.$_ } | ForEach-Object { 
                                Write-Verbose ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Verbose.ConvertFromUnixEpoch -f $_)
                                Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Debug.DateBefore -f $_, $Part.$_)
                                $Part.$_ = (Get-Date "1970-01-01").AddSeconds($Part.$_)
                                Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.ConvertFromJwtToken.Debug.DateAfter -f $_, $Part.$_)
                    $TokenObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $PartNames[$i] -Value $Part | Out-Null
            Write-Error $_
        Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.Global.Debug.Leaving -f $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand)