function Get-DacDllPath { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the path of the DAC DLL. .DESCRIPTION Gets the path of the DAC DLL. .OUTPUTS System.String Returns a String containing the path to the DLL. .EXAMPLE Get-DacDllPath Description ----------- This example will return a string containing the path to the DLL. .NOTES This function will either retrieve the path set by Set-DacDllPath, autodiscover the path from the path the PowerShell module SqlServer if present, or return an empty string. .LINK Set-DacDllPath #> [CmdletBinding()] param() Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.Global.Debug.Entering -f $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand) if (!$script:DacDllPath) { Write-Verbose $script:LocalizedData.GetDacDllPath.Verbose.FromModule $SqlServerModule = Get-Module SqlServer -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ($SqlServerModule) { $DacDllPath = Join-Path $SqlServerModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll" if (Test-Path $DacDllPath) { Set-DacDllPath -Path $DacDllPath } } } $script:DacDllPath Write-Debug ($script:LocalizedData.Global.Debug.Leaving -f $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand) } |