if ($isWindows) { $programDataFolder = 'C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper' $artifactsCacheFolder = "c:\bcartifacts.cache" } elseif ($isMacOS) { $programDataFolder = "/Users/$myUsername/.bccontainerhelper" $artifactsCacheFolder = "/Users/$myUsername/.bcartifacts.cache" } else { $programDataFolder = "/home/$myUsername/.bccontainerhelper" $artifactsCacheFolder = "/home/$myUsername/.bcartifacts.cache" } function Get-ContainerHelperConfig { if (!((Get-Variable -scope Script bcContainerHelperConfig -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and $bcContainerHelperConfig)) { Set-Variable -scope Script -Name bcContainerHelperConfig -Value @{ "bcartifactsCacheFolder" = "" "genericImageName" = 'mcr.microsoft.com/businesscentral:{1}' "genericImageNameFilesOnly" = 'mcr.microsoft.com/businesscentral:{1}-filesonly' "usePsSession" = $true "usePwshForBc24" = $true "useSslForWinRmSession" = $true "useWinRmSession" = "allow" # allow, always, never "addTryCatchToScriptBlock" = $true "killPsSessionProcess" = $false "usePrereleaseAlTool" = $false "useVolumes" = $false "useVolumeForMyFolder" = $false "use7zipIfAvailable" = $true "defaultNewContainerParameters" = [PSCustomObject]@{ } "hostHelperFolder" = "" "containerHelperFolder" = $programDataFolder "defaultContainerName" = "bcserver" "useCompilerFolder" = $false "digestAlgorithm" = "SHA256" "timeStampServer" = "http://timestamp.digicert.com" "sandboxContainersAreMultitenantByDefault" = $true "useSharedEncryptionKeys" = $true "DOCKER_SCAN_SUGGEST" = $false "psSessionTimeout" = 0 "artifactDownloadTimeout" = 600 "defaultDownloadTimeout" = 120 "baseUrl" = "https://businesscentral.dynamics.com" "apiBaseUrl" = "https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com" "mapCountryCode" = [PSCustomObject]@{ "ae" = "w1" "ar" = "w1" "bd" = "w1" "dz" = "w1" "cl" = "w1" "pr" = "w1" "eg" = "w1" "fo" = "dk" "gl" = "dk" "id" = "w1" "ke" = "w1" "lb" = "w1" "lk" = "w1" "lu" = "w1" "ma" = "w1" "mm" = "w1" "mt" = "w1" "my" = "w1" "ng" = "w1" "qa" = "w1" "sa" = "w1" "sg" = "w1" "tn" = "w1" "ua" = "w1" "za" = "w1" "ao" = "w1" "bh" = "w1" "ba" = "w1" "bw" = "w1" "cr" = "br" "cy" = "w1" "do" = "br" "ec" = "br" "sv" = "br" "gt" = "br" "hn" = "br" "jm" = "w1" "mv" = "w1" "mu" = "w1" "ni" = "br" "pa" = "br" "py" = "br" "tt" = "br" "uy" = "br" "zw" = "w1" "im" = "gb" "gg" = "gb" } "mapNetworkSettings" = [PSCustomObject]@{ } "AddHostDnsServersToNatContainers" = $false "TraefikUseDnsNameAsHostName" = $false "TreatWarningsAsErrors" = @() "PartnerTelemetryConnectionString" = "" "MicrosoftTelemetryConnectionString" = "InstrumentationKey=5b44407e-9750-4a07-abe9-30c3b853821b;IngestionEndpoint=https://southcentralus-0.in.applicationinsights.azure.com/" "SendExtendedTelemetryToMicrosoft" = $false "TraefikImage" = "tobiasfenster/traefik-for-windows:v1.7.34" "ObjectIdForInternalUse" = 88123 "WinRmCredentials" = $null "WarningPreference" = "SilentlyContinue" "UseNewFormatForGetBcContainerAppInfo" = $false "NoOfSecondsToSleepAfterPublishBcContainerApp" = 1 "RenewClientContextBetweenTests" = $false "DebugMode" = $false "UseIndexForArtifacts" = $true "MinimumDotNetRuntimeVersionStr" = "6.0.16" "MinimumDotNetRuntimeVersionUrl" = 'https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/ca13c6f1-3107-4cf8-991c-f70edc1c1139/a9f90579d827514af05c3463bed63c22/dotnet-sdk-6.0.408-win-x64.zip' "MSSymbolsNuGetFeedUrl" = 'https://dynamicssmb2.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DynamicsBCPublicFeeds/_packaging/MSSymbols/nuget/v3/index.json' "MSAppsNuGetFeedUrl" = 'https://dynamicssmb2.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DynamicsBCPublicFeeds/_packaging/MSApps/nuget/v3/index.json' "TrustedNuGetFeeds" = @( ) "IsGitHubActions" = ($env:GITHUB_ACTIONS -eq "true") "IsAzureDevOps" = ($env:TF_BUILD -eq "true") "IsGitLab" = ($env:GITLAB_CI -eq "true") "useApproximateVersion" = $false "useSqlServerModule" = $false } if ($isInsider) { $bcContainerHelperConfig.genericImageName = 'mcr.microsoft.com/businesscentral:{1}-dev' $bcContainerHelperConfig.genericImageNameFilesOnly = 'mcr.microsoft.com/businesscentral:{1}-filesonly-dev' } if ($bcContainerHelperConfigFile -notcontains (Join-Path $programDataFolder "BcContainerHelper.config.json")) { $bcContainerHelperConfigFile = @((Join-Path $programDataFolder "BcContainerHelper.config.json"))+$bcContainerHelperConfigFile } $bcContainerHelperConfigFile | ForEach-Object { $configFile = $_ if (Test-Path $configFile) { try { $savedConfig = Get-Content $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json if ("$savedConfig") { $keys = $bcContainerHelperConfig.Keys | ForEach-Object { $_ } $keys | ForEach-Object { if ($savedConfig.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq "$_") { $savedConfigValue = $savedConfig."$_" if ($isPsCore -and ($savedConfigValue -is [Int64])) { $savedConfigValue = [Int32]$savedConfigValue } if ($bcContainerHelperConfig."$_" -and $savedConfigValue -and $bcContainerHelperConfig."$_".GetType() -ne $savedConfigValue.GetType()) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Ignoring config setting $_ as the type in the config file is different than in the default configuration" } else { if ((ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $bcContainerHelperConfig."$_" -Compress) -eq (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $savedConfigValue -Compress)) { if (!$silent) { Write-Host "Ignoring unchanged config setting $_" } } else { if (!$silent) { Write-Host "Setting $_ = $savedConfigValue" } $bcContainerHelperConfig."$_" = $savedConfigValue } } } } } } catch { throw "Error reading configuration file $configFile, cannot import module." } } } if ($isInsideContainer) { $bcContainerHelperConfig.usePsSession = $true try { $myinspect = docker inspect $(hostname) | ConvertFrom-Json $bcContainerHelperConfig.WinRmCredentials = New-Object PSCredential -ArgumentList 'WinRmUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString -string "P@ss$($myinspect.Id.SubString(48))" -AsPlainText -Force) } catch {} } if ($bcContainerHelperConfig.UseVolumes) { if ($bcContainerHelperConfig.bcartifactsCacheFolder -eq "") { $bcContainerHelperConfig.bcartifactsCacheFolder = "bcartifacts.cache" } if ($bcContainerHelperConfig.hostHelperFolder -eq "") { $bcContainerHelperConfig.hostHelperFolder = "hostHelperFolder" } $bcContainerHelperConfig.useVolumeForMyFolder = $false } else { if ($bcContainerHelperConfig.bcartifactsCacheFolder -eq "") { $bcContainerHelperConfig.bcartifactsCacheFolder = $artifactsCacheFolder } if ($bcContainerHelperConfig.hostHelperFolder -eq "") { $bcContainerHelperConfig.hostHelperFolder = $programDataFolder } } if ($isWindows -and ($bcContainerHelperConfig.useWinRmSession -ne 'never')) { # useWinRmSession should be never if the service isn't running $service = get-service WinRm -erroraction SilentlyContinue if ($service -and $service.Status -ne "Running") { if (!$Silent) { Write-Host "WinRM service is not running, will not try to use WinRM sessions" } $bcContainerHelperConfig.useWinRmSession = 'never' } } Export-ModuleMember -Variable bcContainerHelperConfig } return $bcContainerHelperConfig } $configHelperFolder = $programDataFolder if (!(Test-Path $configHelperFolder)) { New-Item -Path $configHelperFolder -ItemType Container -Force | Out-Null if ($isWindows -and !$isAdministrator) { $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($myUsername,'FullControl', 3, 'InheritOnly', 'Allow') $acl = Get-Acl -Path $configHelperFolder $acl.AddAccessRule($rule) Set-Acl -Path $configHelperFolder -AclObject $acl | Out-Null } } Get-ContainerHelperConfig | Out-Null $telemetry = @{ "Assembly" = $null "PartnerClient" = $null "MicrosoftClient" = $null "CorrelationId" = "" "TopId" = "" "Debug" = $false } try { if (($bcContainerHelperConfig.MicrosoftTelemetryConnectionString) -and !$Silent) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "BC.HelperFunctions emits usage statistics telemetry to Microsoft" } $dllPath = Join-Path $configHelperFolder 'Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.' if (-not (Test-Path $dllPath)) { Copy-Item (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.dll") -Destination $dllPath } $telemetry.Assembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($dllPath) } catch { if (!$Silent) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Unable to load ApplicationInsights.dll" } } . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "TelemetryHelper.ps1") # Telemetry functions Export-ModuleMember -Function RegisterTelemetryScope Export-ModuleMember -Function InitTelemetryScope Export-ModuleMember -Function AddTelemetryProperty Export-ModuleMember -Function TrackTrace Export-ModuleMember -Function TrackException # Common functions . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\Download-File.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\New-DesktopShortcut.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\Remove-DesktopShortcut.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\ConvertTo-HashTable.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\Get-PlainText.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\Invoke-gh.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\Invoke-git.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Common\ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary.ps1") # BC Authentication helper functions . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Auth\New-BcAuthContext.ps1") . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Auth\Renew-BcAuthContext.ps1") |