.Synopsis PROOF OF CONCEPT PREVIEW: Publish Business Central NuGet Package to container .Description Publish Business Central NuGet Package to container .PARAMETER nuGetServerUrl NuGet Server URL .PARAMETER nuGetToken NuGet Token for authenticated access to the NuGet Server If not specified, the NuGet Server is accessed anonymously (and needs to support this) .PARAMETER packageName Package Name to search for. This can be the full name or a partial name with wildcards. If more than one package is found, matching the name, an error is thrown. .PARAMETER version Package Version, following the nuget versioning rules .PARAMETER select Select the package to download if more than one package is found matching the name and version - Earliest: Select the earliest version - EarliestMatching: Select the earliest version matching the already installed dependencies - Latest: Select the latest version (default) - LatestMatching: Select the latest version matching the already installed dependencies - Exact: Select the exact version - Any: Select the first version found .PARAMETER containerName Name of the container to publish to If not specified, the default container name is used .Parameter tenant The tenant in which you want to install the app .Parameter bcAuthContext Authorization Context created by New-BcAuthContext. By specifying BcAuthContext and environment, the function will publish the app to the online Business Central Environment specified .Parameter environment Environment to use for publishing .Parameter copyInstalledAppsToFolder If specified, the installed apps will be copied to this folder in addition to being installed in the container .Parameter skipVerification Include this parameter if the app you want to publish is not signed .EXAMPLE Publish-BcNuGetPackageToContainer -containerName $containerName -packageName 'FreddyKristiansen.BingMapsPTE.165d73c1-39a4-4fb6-85a5-925edc1684fb' -version "" -select earliest #> Function Publish-BcNuGetPackageToContainer { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $nuGetServerUrl = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $nuGetToken = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $packageName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $version = '', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Earliest', 'EarliestMatching', 'Latest', 'LatestMatching', 'Exact', 'Any')] [string] $select = 'Latest', [string] $containerName = "", [Hashtable] $bcAuthContext, [string] $environment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $tenant = "default", [string] $appSymbolsFolder = "", [string] $copyInstalledAppsToFolder = "", [switch] $skipVerification ) if ($containerName -eq "" -and (!($bcAuthContext -and $environment))) { $containerName = $bcContainerHelperConfig.defaultContainerName } $installedApps = @() if ($bcAuthContext -and $environment) { $envInfo = Get-BcEnvironments -bcAuthContext $bcAuthContext -environment $environment $installedPlatform = [System.Version]$envInfo.platformVersion $installedCountry = $envInfo.countryCode.ToLowerInvariant() $installedApps = @(Get-BcEnvironmentInstalledExtensions -bcAuthContext $authContext -environment $environment | ForEach-Object { @{ "Publisher" = $_.Publisher; "Name" = $_.displayName; "Id" = $_.Id; "Version" = [System.Version]::new($_.VersionMajor, $_.VersionMinor, $_.VersionBuild, $_.VersionRevision) } }) } else { $installedApps = @(Get-BcContainerAppInfo -containerName $containerName -installedOnly | ForEach-Object { @{ "Publisher" = $_.Publisher; "Name" = $_.Name; "Id" = "$($_.AppId)"; "Version" = $_.Version } } ) $installedPlatform = [System.Version](Get-BcContainerPlatformVersion -containerOrImageName $containerName) $installedCountry = (Get-BcContainerCountry -containerOrImageName $containerName).ToLowerInvariant() } $tmpFolder = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([GUID]::NewGuid().ToString()) New-Item $tmpFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null try { if (Download-BcNuGetPackageToFolder -nuGetServerUrl $nuGetServerUrl -nuGetToken $nuGetToken -packageName $packageName -version $version -appSymbolsFolder $tmpFolder -installedApps $installedApps -installedPlatform $installedPlatform -installedCountry $installedCountry -verbose:($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') -select $select) { $appFiles = Get-Item -Path (Join-Path $tmpFolder '*.app') | ForEach-Object { if ($appSymbolsFolder) { Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $appSymbolsFolder -Force } $_.FullName } Publish-BcContainerApp -containerName $containerName -bcAuthContext $bcAuthContext -environment $environment -tenant $tenant -appFile $appFiles -sync -install -upgrade -checkAlreadyInstalled -skipVerification -copyInstalledAppsToFolder $copyInstalledAppsToFolder } elseif ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'Stop') { throw "No apps to publish" } else { Write-Host "No apps to publish" } } finally { Remove-Item -Path $tmpFolder -Recurse -Force } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Publish-BcNuGetPackageToContainer |