
  PROOF OF CONCEPT PREVIEW: Get Business Central NuGet Package Id from Publisher, Name and Id
  Get Business Central NuGet Package Id from Publisher, Name and Id
  Package Id
 .PARAMETER packageIdTemplate
  Template for package id with placeholders for publisher, name, id and version
 .PARAMETER publisher
  App Publisher (will be normalized)
  App name (will be normalized)
  App Id (must be a GUID if present)
  Tag to add to the package id
 .PARAMETER version
  App Version
  Get-BcNuGetPackageId -publisher 'Freddy Kristiansen' -name 'Bing Maps PTE' -id '165d73c1-39a4-4fb6-85a5-925edc1684fb'

function Get-BcNuGetPackageId {
        [string] $packageIdTemplate = '{publisher}.{name}.{tag}.{id}',
        [string] $publisher,
        [string] $name,
        [string] $id = '',
        [string] $tag = '',
        [string] $version = ''

    if ($id) {
        try { $id = ([GUID]::Parse($id)).Guid } catch { throw "App id must be a valid GUID: $id" }
    $nname = [nuGetFeed]::Normalize($name)
    $npublisher = [nuGetFeed]::Normalize($publisher)
    if ($nname -eq '') { throw "App name is invalid: '$name'" }
    if ($npublisher -eq '') { throw "App publisher is invalid: '$publisher'" }

    $packageIdTemplate = $packageIdTemplate.replace('{id}',$id).replace('{publisher}',$npublisher).replace('{tag}',$tag).replace('{version}',$version.Replace('.', '-')).Replace('..', '.').TrimEnd('.')
    # Max. Length of NuGet Package Id is 100 - we shorten the name part of the id if it is too long
    $packageId = $packageIdTemplate.replace('{name}',$nname)
    if ($packageId.Length -gt 100) {
        if ($nname.Length -gt ($packageId.Length - 99)) {
            $nname = $nname.Substring(0, $nname.Length - ($packageId.Length - 99))
        else {
            throw "Package id is too long: $packageId, unable to shorten it"
        $packageId = $packageIdTemplate.replace('{name}',$nname)
    return $packageId
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-BcNuGetPackageId