
  Function for creating a new Business Central Authorization Context
  Function for creating a new Business Central Authorization Context
  The Authorization Context can be used to authenticate to a Business Central online tenant/environment in various function from ContainerHelper.
  The Authorization Context contains an AccessToken and you can renew the accesstoken (if necessary) by calling Renew-BcAuthContext
  Order of priority of OAuth2 flows: client_credentials, password, refresh_token, devicecode
 .Parameter clientID
  ClientID of AAD app to use for authentication. Default is a well known PowerShell AAD App ID (1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2)
 .Parameter Resource
  Resource used for OAuth2 flow. This parameter is obsolete, use scopes instead.
 .Parameter tenantID
  TenantID to use for OAuth2 flow. Default is Common
 .Parameter authority
  Authority to use for OAuth2 login. Default is https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantID
 .Parameter scopes
  Scopes to use for OAuth2 flow. Default is https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/.default
 .Parameter refreshToken
  If Refresh token is specified, the refresh_token flow will be included in the list of OAuth2 flows to try
 .Parameter clientSecret
  If ClientSecret is specified, the client_credentials flow will be included in the list of OAuth2 flows to try
 .Parameter credential
  If Credential is specified, the password flow will be included in the list of OAuth2 flows to try
 .Parameter includeDeviceLogin
  Include this switch if you want to include a device login prompt if no other way to authenticate succeeds
 .Parameter deviceLoginTimeout
  Timespan indicating the timeout while waiting for user to perform devicelogin. Default is 5 minutes.
  $authContext = New-BcAuthContext -refreshToken $refreshTokenSecret.SecretValueText
  $authContext = New-BcAuthContext -clientID $clientID -clientSecret $clientSecret
  $authContext = New-BcAuthContext -includeDeviceLogin -deviceLoginTimeout ([TimeSpan]::FromHours(1))

function New-BcAuthContext {
        [string] $clientID = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2",
        [string] $Resource = "",
        [string] $tenantID = "Common",
        [string] $authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantID",
        [string] $refreshToken,
        [string] $scopes = "$($bcContainerHelperConfig.apiBaseUrl.TrimEnd('/'))/",
        [PSCredential] $credential,
        [switch] $includeDeviceLogin,
        [Timespan] $deviceLoginTimeout = [TimeSpan]::FromMinutes(5),
        [string] $deviceCode = ""

$telemetryScope = InitTelemetryScope -name $MyInvocation.InvocationName -parameterValues $PSBoundParameters -includeParameters @()
try {

    if ($clientSecret -and ($clientSecret -isnot [SecureString])) {
        $clientSecret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$clientSecret" -AsPlainText -Force

    if ($deviceCode) {
        $includeDeviceLogin = $true

    if ($resource) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Resource parameter on New-BcAuthContext is obsolete, please use scopes parameter instead"
        $scopes = "$($resource.TrimEnd('/'))/"

    $authContext = @{
        "clientID"           = $clientID
        "scopes"             = $scopes
        "tenantID"           = $tenantID
        "authority"          = $authority
        "includeDeviceLogin" = $includeDeviceLogin
        "deviceLoginTimeout" = $deviceLoginTimeout
        "deviceCode"         = $deviceCode
    $accessToken = $null
    if ($clientSecret) {
        if ($scopes.EndsWith('/')) {
            $scopes += ".default"

        $TokenRequestParams = @{
            Method = 'POST'
            Uri    = "$($authority.TrimEnd('/'))/oauth2/v2.0/token"
            Body   = @{
                "grant_type"    = "client_credentials"
                "scope"         = $scopes
                "client_id"     = $clientId
                "client_secret" = ($clientSecret | Get-PlainText)
            Headers = @{ "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
        try {
            Write-Host "Attempting authentication to $scopes using clientCredentials..."
            $TokenRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @TokenRequestParams -UseBasicParsing
            $accessToken = $TokenRequest.access_token
            $jwtToken = Parse-JWTtoken -token $accessToken
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Authenticated as app $($jwtToken.appid)"

            try {
                $expiresOn = [Datetime]::new(1970,1,1).AddSeconds($jwtToken.exp)
            catch {
                $expiresOn = [DateTime]::now.AddSeconds($TokenRequest)

            $authContext += @{
                "AccessToken"  = $accessToken
                "UtcExpiresOn" = $expiresOn
                "RefreshToken" = $null
                "Credential"   = $null
                "ClientSecret" = $clientSecret
                "appid"        = $jwtToken.appid
                "name"         = ""
                "upn"          = ""
            if ($tenantID -eq "Common") {
                Write-Host "Authenticated to common, using tenant id $($jwtToken.tid)"
                $authContext.TenantId = $jwtToken.tid

        catch {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red (GetExtendedErrorMessage $_)
            $accessToken = $null
    else {
        if ($scopes.EndsWith('/')) {
            $scopes += "user_impersonation offline_access"

        if ($credential) {
            $TokenRequestParams = @{
                Method = 'POST'
                Uri    = "$($authority.TrimEnd('/'))/oauth2/v2.0/token"
                Body   = @{
                    "grant_type" = "password"
                    "client_id"  = $ClientId
                    "username"   = $credential.UserName
                    "password"   = ($credential.Password | Get-PlainText)
                    "scope"      = $scopes
                Headers = @{ "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
            try {
                Write-Host "Attempting authentication to $Scopes using username/password..."
                $TokenRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @TokenRequestParams -UseBasicParsing
                $accessToken = $TokenRequest.access_token
                $jwtToken = Parse-JWTtoken -token $accessToken
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Authenticated from $($jwtToken.ipaddr) as user $($jwtToken.name) ($($jwtToken.unique_name))"
                $authContext += @{
                    "AccessToken"  = $accessToken
                    "UtcExpiresOn" = [Datetime]::UtcNow.AddSeconds($TokenRequest.expires_in)
                    "RefreshToken" = $TokenRequest.refresh_token
                    "Credential"   = $credential
                    "ClientSecret" = $null
                    "appid"        = ""
                    "name"         = $jwtToken.name
                    "upn"          = $jwtToken.unique_name
                if ($tenantID -eq "Common") {
                    Write-Host "Authenticated to common, using tenant id $($jwtToken.tid)"
                    $authContext.TenantId = $jwtToken.tid
            catch {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow (GetExtendedErrorMessage $_).Replace('{EmailHidden}',$credential.UserName)
                $accessToken = $null
        if (!$accessToken -and $refreshToken) {
            $TokenRequestParams = @{
                Method = 'POST'
                Uri    = "$($authority.TrimEnd('/'))/oauth2/v2.0/token"
                Body   = @{
                    "grant_type"    = "refresh_token"
                    "client_id"     = $ClientId
                    "refresh_token" = $refreshToken
                    "scope"         = $scopes
                Headers = @{ "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
                Write-Host "Attempting authentication to $Scopes using refresh token..."
                $TokenRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @TokenRequestParams -UseBasicParsing
                $accessToken = $TokenRequest.access_token
                try {
                    $jwtToken = Parse-JWTtoken -token $accessToken
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Authenticated using refresh token as user $($jwtToken.name) ($($jwtToken.unique_name))"
                catch {
                    $accessToken = $null
                    throw "Invalid Access token"
                $authContext += @{
                    "AccessToken"  = $accessToken
                    "UtcExpiresOn" = [Datetime]::UtcNow.AddSeconds($TokenRequest.expires_in)
                    "RefreshToken" = $TokenRequest.refresh_token
                    "Credential"   = $null
                    "ClientSecret" = $null
                    "appid"        = ""
                    "name"         = $jwtToken.name
                    "upn"          = $jwtToken.unique_name
                if ($tenantID -eq "Common") {
                    Write-Host "Authenticated to common, using tenant id $($jwtToken.tid)"
                    $authContext.TenantId = $jwtToken.tid
            catch {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Refresh token not valid"
        if (!$accessToken -and $includeDeviceLogin) {
            $deviceLoginStart = [DateTime]::Now
            $accessToken = ""
            $cnt = 0
            if ($deviceCode -eq "") {
                $DeviceCodeRequestParams = @{
                    Method = 'POST'
                    Uri    = "$($authority.TrimEnd('/'))/oauth2/v2.0/devicecode"
                    Body   = @{
                        "client_id" = $ClientId
                        "scope"     = $Scopes
                    Headers = @{ "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
                Write-Host "Attempting authentication to $Scopes using device login..."
                $DeviceCodeRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @DeviceCodeRequestParams -UseBasicParsing
                Write-Host $DeviceCodeRequest.message -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host -NoNewline "Waiting for authentication"
                $deviceCode = $DeviceCodeRequest.device_code

            $TokenRequestParams = @{
                Method = 'POST'
                Uri    = "$($authority.TrimEnd('/'))/oauth2/v2.0/token"
                Body   = @{
                    "grant_type"  = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"
                    "device_code" = $deviceCode
                    "client_id"   = $ClientId
                Headers = @{ "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }

            while ($accessToken -eq "" -and ([DateTime]::Now.Subtract($deviceLoginStart) -lt $deviceLoginTimeout)) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                try {
                    $TokenRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @TokenRequestParams -UseBasicParsing
                    $accessToken = $TokenRequest.access_token
                catch {
                    $tokenRequest = $null
                    $errorRecord = $_
                    try {
                        $err = ($errorRecord.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json).error
                        if ($err -eq "code_expired") {
                            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Authentication request expired."
                            $deviceCode = ""
                        elseif ($err -eq "expired_token") {
                            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Authentication token expired."
                            throw $errorRecord
                        elseif ($err -eq "authorization_declined") {
                            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Authentication request declined."
                            throw $errorRecord
                        elseif ($err -eq "authorization_pending") {
                            if ($cnt++ % 5 -eq 0) {
                                Write-Host -NoNewline "."
                        else {
                            throw $errorRecord
                    catch {
                        throw $errorRecord
            if ($accessToken) {
                try {
                    $jwtToken = Parse-JWTtoken -token $accessToken
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Authenticated from $($jwtToken.ipaddr) as user $($jwtToken.name) ($($jwtToken.unique_name))"
                catch {
                    $accessToken = $null
                    throw "Invalid Access token"
                $authContext += @{
                    "AccessToken"  = $accessToken
                    "UtcExpiresOn" = [Datetime]::UtcNow.AddSeconds($TokenRequest.expires_in)
                    "RefreshToken" = $TokenRequest.refresh_token
                    "Credential"   = $null
                    "ClientSecret" = $null
                    "appid"        = ""
                    "name"         = $jwtToken.name
                    "upn"          = $jwtToken.unique_name
                if ($tenantID -eq "Common") {
                    Write-Host "Authenticated to common, using tenant id $($jwtToken.tid)"
                    $authContext.TenantId = $jwtToken.tid
            else {
                $accessToken = "N/A"
                $authContext.deviceCode = $deviceCode
                $authContext += @{
                    "AccessToken"  = $accessToken
                    "UtcExpiresOn" = [Datetime]::Now
                    "RefreshToken" = ""
                    "Credential"   = $null
                    "ClientSecret" = $null
                    "appid"        = ""
                    "name"         = ""
                    "upn"          = ""
    if (!$accessToken) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Authentication failed"
        return $null
    return $authContext
catch {
    TrackException -telemetryScope $telemetryScope -errorRecord $_
finally {
    TrackTrace -telemetryScope $telemetryScope
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-BcAuthContext