
# Module manifest for module 'BcContainerHelper'
# Generated by: Freddy Kristiansen
# Generated on: 9/30/2021


# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
RootModule = 'BcContainerHelper.psm1'

# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '2.0.16'

# Supported PSEditions
# CompatiblePSEditions = @()

# ID used to uniquely identify this module
GUID = '8e034fbc-8c30-446d-bbc3-5b3be5392491'

# Author of this module
Author = 'Freddy Kristiansen'

# Company or vendor of this module
CompanyName = 'Microsoft'

# Copyright statement for this module
Copyright = '(c) 2020 Microsoft. All rights reserved.'

# Description of the functionality provided by this module
Description = 'PowerShell module'

# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
# PowerShellVersion = ''

# Name of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module
# PowerShellHostName = ''

# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module
# PowerShellHostVersion = ''

# Minimum version of Microsoft .NET Framework required by this module. This prerequisite is valid for the PowerShell Desktop edition only.
# DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''

# Minimum version of the common language runtime (CLR) required by this module. This prerequisite is valid for the PowerShell Desktop edition only.
# CLRVersion = ''

# Processor architecture (None, X86, Amd64) required by this module
# ProcessorArchitecture = ''

# Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
# RequiredModules = @()

# Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module
# RequiredAssemblies = @()

# Script files (.ps1) that are run in the caller's environment prior to importing this module.
# ScriptsToProcess = @()

# Type files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
# TypesToProcess = @()

# Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
# FormatsToProcess = @()

# Modules to import as nested modules of the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess
# NestedModules = @()

# Functions to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no functions to export.
FunctionsToExport = 'Add-FontsToBcContainer', 'Add-GitToAlProjectFolder', 
               'Backup-BcContainerDatabases', 'Check-BcContainerHelperPermissions', 
               'Clean-BcContainerDatabase', 'Compile-AppInBcContainer', 
               'Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer', 'Convert-AlcOutputToDevOps', 
               'Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages', 'Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl', 
               'ConvertTo-GitHubGoCredentials', 'ConvertTo-HashTable', 
               'ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary', 'Convert-Txt2Al', 'Copy-AlSourceFiles', 
               'Copy-CompanyInBcContainer', 'Copy-FileFromBcContainer', 
               'Copy-FileToBcContainer', 'Create-AadAppsForNav', 
               'Create-AlProjectFolderFromBcContainer', 'Create-MyDeltaFolder', 
               'Create-MyOriginalFolder', 'Download-Artifacts', 'Download-File', 
               'Enter-BcContainer', 'Export-BcContainerDatabasesAsBacpac', 
               'Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas', 'Export-NavContainerObjects', 
               'Extract-AppFileToFolder', 'Extract-FilesFromBcContainerImage', 
               'Extract-FilesFromStoppedBcContainer', 'Flush-ContainerHelperCache', 
               'Get-AzureFeedWildcardVersion', 'Get-BCArtifactUrl', 
               'Get-BcContainerApiCompanyId', 'Get-BcContainerApp', 
               'Get-BcContainerAppInfo', 'Get-BcContainerAppRuntimePackage', 
               'Get-BcContainerArtifactUrl', 'Get-BcContainerBcUser', 
               'Get-BcContainerCountry', 'Get-BcContainerDebugInfo', 
               'Get-BcContainerEula', 'Get-BcContainerEventLog', 
               'Get-BcContainerGenericTag', 'Get-BcContainerId', 
               'Get-BcContainerImageLabels', 'Get-BcContainerImageName', 
               'Get-BcContainerImageTags', 'Get-BcContainerIpAddress', 
               'Get-BcContainerLegal', 'Get-BcContainerName', 
               'Get-BcContainerNavVersion', 'Get-BcContainerOsVersion', 
               'Get-BcContainerPath', 'Get-BcContainerPlatformVersion', 
               'Get-BcContainers', 'Get-BcContainerServerConfiguration', 
               'Get-BcContainerSession', 'Get-BcContainerSharedFolders', 
               'Get-BcContainerTenants', 'Get-BcDatabaseExportHistory', 
               'Get-BcEnvironments', 'Get-BcInstalledExtensions', 
               'Get-BcPublishedApps', 'Get-BestBcContainerImageName', 
               'Get-BestGenericImageName', 'Get-CompanyInBcContainer', 
               'Get-LatestAlLanguageExtensionUrl', 'Get-LocaleFromCountry', 
               'Get-NavArtifactUrl', 'Get-NavVersionFromVersionInfo', 
               'Get-PlainText', 'Get-TestsFromBcContainer', 
               'Import-BcContainerLicense', 'Import-CertificateToBcContainer', 
               'Import-ConfigPackageInBcContainer', 'Import-DeltasToNavContainer', 
               'Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer', 'Install-AzDevops', 
               'Install-BcAppFromAppSource', 'Install-BcContainerApp', 
               'Invoke-BcContainerApi', 'Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit', 
               'Invoke-ScriptInBcContainer', 'New-BcAuthContext', 'New-BcContainer', 
               'New-BcContainerBcUser', 'New-BcContainerTenant', 
               'New-BcContainerWindowsUser', 'New-BcContainerWizard', 
               'New-BcDatabaseExport', 'New-BcEnvironment', 'New-BcImage', 
               'New-CompanyInBcContainer', 'New-DesktopShortcut', 
               'New-LetsEncryptCertificate', 'Open-BcContainer', 
               'Publish-BcContainerApp', 'Publish-BuildOutputToAzureFeed', 
               'Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps', 'Remove-BcContainer', 
               'Remove-BcContainerSession', 'Remove-BcContainerTenant', 
               'Remove-BcDatabase', 'Remove-BcEnvironment', 
               'Remove-CompanyInBcContainer', 'Remove-ConfigPackageInBcContainer', 
               'Remove-DesktopShortcut', 'Renew-BcAuthContext', 
               'Renew-LetsEncryptCertificate', 'Repair-BcContainerApp', 
               'Replace-BcServerContainer', 'Replace-DependenciesInAppFile', 
               'Resolve-DependenciesFromAzureFeed', 'Restart-BcContainer', 
               'Restore-BcDatabaseFromArtifacts', 'Restore-DatabasesInBcContainer', 
               'Run-AlCops', 'Run-AlPipeline', 'Run-AlValidation', 
               'Run-ConnectionTestToBcContainer', 'Run-TestsInBcContainer', 
               'Setup-TraefikContainerForBcContainers', 'Sign-BcContainerApp', 
               'Sort-AppFilesByDependencies', 'Sort-AppFoldersByDependencies', 
               'Start-BcContainer', 'Start-BcContainerAppDataUpgrade', 
               'Stop-BcContainer', 'Sync-BcContainerApp', 'Test-BcContainer', 
               'UnInstall-BcContainerApp', 'UnPublish-BcContainerApp', 
               'Wait-BcContainerReady', 'Write-BcContainerHelperWelcomeText'

# Cmdlets to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no cmdlets to export.
CmdletsToExport = @()

# Variables to export from this module
# VariablesToExport = @()

# Aliases to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no aliases to export.
AliasesToExport = 'Add-FontsToNavContainer', 'Backup-NavContainerDatabases', 
               'Check-NavContainerHelperPermissions', 'Compile-AppInNavContainer', 
               'Convert-AlcOutputToAzureDevOps', 'Copy-CompanyInNavContainer', 
               'Copy-FileFromNavContainer', 'Copy-FileToNavContainer', 
               'Create-AadAppsForBC', 'Create-AadUsersInNavContainer', 
               'Create-AlProjectFolderFromNavContainer', 'Enter-NavContainer', 
               'Get-BestNavContainerImageName', 'Get-CompanyInNavContainer', 
               'Get-NavContainerApiCompanyId', 'Get-NavContainerApp', 
               'Get-NavContainerAppInfo', 'Get-NavContainerAppRuntimePackage', 
               'Get-NavContainerArtifactUrl', 'Get-NavContainerCountry', 
               'Get-NavContainerDebugInfo', 'Get-NavContainerEula', 
               'Get-NavContainerEventLog', 'Get-NavContainerGenericTag', 
               'Get-NavContainerId', 'Get-NavContainerImageLabels', 
               'Get-NavContainerImageName', 'Get-NavContainerImageTags', 
               'Get-NavContainerIpAddress', 'Get-NavContainerLegal', 
               'Get-NavContainerName', 'Get-NavContainerNavUser', 
               'Get-NavContainerNavVersion', 'Get-NavContainerOsVersion', 
               'Get-NavContainerPath', 'Get-NavContainerPlatformVersion', 
               'Get-NavContainers', 'Get-NavContainerServerConfiguration', 
               'Get-NavContainerSession', 'Get-NavContainerSharedFolders', 
               'Get-NavContainerTenants', 'Get-TestsFromNavContainer', 
               'Import-ConfigPackageInNavContainer', 'Import-NavContainerLicense', 
               'Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer', 'Install-NavContainerApp', 
               'Invoke-NavContainerApi', 'Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer', 
               'New-CompanyInNavContainer', 'New-NavContainer', 
               'New-NavContainerNavUser', 'New-NavContainerTenant', 
               'New-NavContainerWindowsUser', 'New-NavContainerWizard', 
               'New-NavImage', 'Open-NavContainer', 'Publish-NavContainerApp', 
               'Remove-ConfigPackageInNavContainer', 'Remove-NavContainer', 
               'Remove-NavContainerSession', 'Remove-NavContainerTenant', 
               'Repair-NavContainerApp', 'Replace-NavServerContainer', 
               'Restart-NavContainer', 'Restore-DatabasesInNavContainer', 
               'Run-ConnectionTestToNavContainer', 'Run-TestsInNavContainer', 
               'Setup-TraefikContainerForNavContainers', 'Sign-NavContainerApp', 
               'Start-NavContainer', 'Start-NavContainerAppDataUpgrade', 
               'Stop-NavContainer', 'Sync-NavContainerApp', 'Test-NavContainer', 
               'UnInstall-NavContainerApp', 'UnPublish-NavContainerApp', 

# DSC resources to export from this module
# DscResourcesToExport = @()

# List of all modules packaged with this module
# ModuleList = @()

# List of all files packaged with this module
# FileList = @()

# Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell.
PrivateData = @{

    PSData = @{

        # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
        # Tags = @()

        # A URL to the license for this module.
        LicenseUri = 'https://github.com/Microsoft/navcontainerhelper/blob/master/LICENSE'

        # A URL to the main website for this project.
        ProjectUri = 'https://www.github.com/microsoft/navcontainerhelper'

        # A URL to an icon representing this module.
        # IconUri = ''

        # ReleaseNotes of this module
        ReleaseNotes = '2.0.16
Issue #2023 Invoke-NavContainerAPI doesnt support nested hashtables
Add ApplicationInsightsConnectionString to Run-AlPipeline to support new app.json property. This value will be used instead of ApplicationInsightsKey if runtime >= 7.2 or bcVersion >= 18.2. (Thanks TheNCuber)
Support different extension on license files (thanks SBalslev)
Map Ukraine to w1 in mapCountryCode, allowing to create ua containers (thanks Sergeyol)
Add parameter CustomCodeCops to Run-AlPipeline and Compile-AppInBcContainer to allow for specifying custom code cops (thanks jfamvg)
Use Latest shipped AL Language Extension by default for all shipped version in Run-AlValidation
Increased support for Github Actions in Run-AlPipeline and Run-TestsInBcContainer
Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages: Allow to skip failing apps, run scriptblock after each processed runtime (Thanks MODUSCarstenScholling)
Allow runtime packages as previous apps run Run-AlPipeline (Thanks MODUSCarstenScholling)
Unpublish app in multitenant container fails if the app is installed in multiple tenants (Thanks lktraser)
Fixing bug in Resolve-DependenciesFromAzureFeed that downloaded all apps from first lvl (Thanks jonaswer)
Remove countries which have their own artifacts from mapCountryCode
Add Windows 11 / ltsc2022 support
Run-AlValidation sometimes returns error AL1040: The guid number '''' does not match the expected pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$".
Add Parameter appVersion to Run-AlPipeline to stamp in full version number during build
Skip ConnectionTest by default on Run-AlValidation
Issue #2069 New-BcImage - incorrect evaluation resulting $forceRebuild is true always for us.
Issue #2060 Add BaseUrl and ApiBaseUrl to ContainerHelper config to support embed SaaS environments
Issue #2050 Get-BcContainerAppInfo does not work properly with multiple published apps
Issue #2050 Add parameter -installedOnly to Get-BcContainerAppInfo to only take installed apps into account
Add OpenFolder parameter to Extract-AppFileToFolder
Fix dropbox download url (common mistake, replace dl=0 with dl=1) in Download-File
Issue #2076 CmdLet Copy-AlSourceFiles can''t be used on BC 19x
Issue #2079 don''t create a user if no users are in the database when running Run-TestsInBcContainer
Add CompanyName to Run-AlPipeline to support running tests in a specific company
Issue #2084 Add parameter TestRunnerCodeunitId to Run-TestsInBcContainer
Run-AlPipeline should create launch.json if it doesn''t exist
Add function ConvertTo-HashTable to convert PSCustomObject to HashTable
Add function ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary to convert PSCustomObject to OrderedDictionary
Add function ConvertTo-GitHubGoCredentials to convert an auth context hashtable to GitHub-Go credentials
Add parameter deviceCode to New-BcAuthContext to allow initiating the device code flow in one call and finish in another
Add function Import-CertificateToBcContainer to import a .cer certificate to the container
Add support for URLs in Import-PfxCertificateToBcContainer and Import-CertificateToBcContainer
Add KeyVault access parameters to Run-AlPipeline
Bug with recursive copy of report layouts during Extract-AppFileToFolder
Issue #2097 add resilience to Add-FontsToBcContainer'

        # Prerelease string of this module
        Prerelease = 'preview491'

        # Flag to indicate whether the module requires explicit user acceptance for install/update/save
        # RequireLicenseAcceptance = $false

        # External dependent modules of this module
        # ExternalModuleDependencies = @()

    } # End of PSData hashtable

 } # End of PrivateData hashtable

# HelpInfo URI of this module
# HelpInfoURI = ''

# Default prefix for commands exported from this module. Override the default prefix using Import-Module -Prefix.
# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
