Issue #2023 Invoke-NavContainerAPI doesnt support nested hashtables Add ApplicationInsightsConnectionString to Run-AlPipeline to support new app.json property. This value will be used instead of ApplicationInsightsKey if runtime >= 7.2 or bcVersion >= 18.2. (Thanks TheNCuber) Support different extension on license files (thanks SBalslev) Map Ukraine to w1 in mapCountryCode, allowing to create ua containers (thanks Sergeyol) Add parameter CustomCodeCops to Run-AlPipeline and Compile-AppInBcContainer to allow for specifying custom code cops (thanks jfamvg) Use Latest shipped AL Language Extension by default for all shipped version in Run-AlValidation Increased support for Github Actions in Run-AlPipeline and Run-TestsInBcContainer Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages: Allow to skip failing apps, run scriptblock after each processed runtime (Thanks MODUSCarstenScholling) Allow runtime packages as previous apps run Run-AlPipeline (Thanks MODUSCarstenScholling) Unpublish app in multitenant container fails if the app is installed in multiple tenants (Thanks lktraser) Fixing bug in Resolve-DependenciesFromAzureFeed that downloaded all apps from first lvl (Thanks jonaswer) 2.0.15 Default to process isolation when Host OS is 21H1 and Container OS is 2004 New-BcEnvironment should not enumerate companies and users if -doNotWait is specified Issue #1979 Add DOCKER_SCAN_SUGGEST to configuration (default false) and set corresponding environment variable Issue #1998 New-BCContainer ERROR: Database Backup File not found. when hosthelper folder changed Issue #2003 Change GenerateReportLayout default to 'No' in Run-AlValidation and Run-AlCops Issue #2006 spelling mistake Issue #2014 telemetryclient cannot be initialized Issue #2008 Run-ALValidation - InstallApps/SortByDependencies Issue #2018 Create .net Assembly Reference folder when using filesonly and includeAL 2.0.14 Issue #1967 add parameter IncludeApiAccess to Create-AadAppsForBC to ensure that API permissions are only added when needed 2.0.13 Allow absolute GenericImageName in config (no reference to host OS) Application errors in are thrown as errors in ClientContext (Run-TestsInBcContainer) (thanks @hemisphera) Add support for remote SQL Servers in Remove-BcDatabase and Restore-BcDatabaseFromArtifacts (thanks Remko and Theo) Issue #1941 XML validation error leads to warnings instead of errors in Compile-AppInBcContainer Update generic tag list in Get-BestGenericImageName Default to build 19041 if 19043 doesn't exist (as 19041 is found to work better with 21H1) Issue #1944 Extract-AppFileToFolder doesn't handle special characters in manifest correctly Issue #1933 Run-ALValidation fails sometimes with single installApps and multiple apps specified Issue #1931 Throw understandable error when trying to create a pre-15 filesonly container Issue #1921 Add /GenerateCrossReferences switch from alc.exe to Compile-AppInBcContainer and Run-AlPipeline Issue #1826 Add additional error info to UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer Add role permissions API.ReadWrite.All and Automation.ReadWrite.All to AAD apps when using Create-AzureAdAppsForBC Remove-BcDatabase fails if no database exists 2.0.12 Issue #1894 Error when creating a new "clean" v18 container Issue #1900 Code signing (Sign-NavContainerApp) does not work with a SAS URL Issue #1906 Run-AlPipeline / Compile-AppInBcContainer problem Unable to install Test Runner in 18.0 online tenant Issue #1928 latest version of Docker throws an exception when using Docker Build in PowerShell (even though nothing is wrong...!!!) Add Windows 10 21H1 known version number Add additional countries to w1 mapping in configuration 2.0.11 Add parameter reUseContainer to Run-AlPipeline to use existing container for the pipeline Include Tests-Marketing when installing test apps Add parameter SharedFolder to Run-AlPipeline to share a folder from the host to the container Allow to Run-AlPipeline without source and only installApps and/or installTestApps Display Note in Run-AlPipeline and Run-AlValidation if ShowMyCode is true ( Add function Add-DomainToTraefikConfig to add a domain to traefik v1 config Change traefik containers to use ContainerName as hostname Add config setting TraefikUseDnsNameAsHostName to revert the behavior and use the public DNS name as hostname Issue #1886 Error creating BC 19 container (Test Runner on Permissions Mock by Microsoft Issue #1870 Do not remove images currently in use in Flush-BcContainerHelperCache 2.0.10 Issue #1857 Compile-AppInBcContainer doesn't work with 19.0 containers Issue #1860 Wizard unaware of new license rules for 18.0 2.0.9 Regression in New-BcEnvironment - use of uninitialized variable 2.0.8 Issue #1812: Allow passing an array of paths to all "font" parameters PR #1799 Add support for Service principal in Create-AadAppsForNav PR #1801 Support SqlServer PS module in Restore-BcDatabaseFromArtifacts.ps1 Issue #1794 AssignPremiumPlan fails when using external database Issue #1810 Publish-NavContainerApp is not using Publish-NAVApp -Force which leads to user interaction in some situations Issue #1790 Add caching option SandboxArtifacts to flush-ContainerHelperCache to only flush sandbox artifacts Issue #1822 Copy-AlSourceFiles doesn't support entitlement, permissionset and permissionsetextension Issue #1820 Add SqlTimeout to New-BcContainer - default is and was always 300 (= 5 minutes) Issue #1829 Import-module fails with no good error when config file is bad or empty Breaking change: Fix Install-BcAppFromAppSource to use new admin center API (remove old hack) Issue #1815 Page 810 Web Service takes very long to open Added parameter -network to New-BcContainer to select which docker network the container should use Issue #1833 Add warning if using ClickOnce and useTraefik Issue #1793 Setup-TraefikContainerForNavContainers | Use my own certificate | traefik.toml missing link to certificate Use SkipVerification on installApps and previousApps as the certificate on old apps might have expired Issue #1842 JIT initialize $bccontainerhelperconfig variable Enable Encryption during validation 2.0.7 Support -bakFile and -replaceExternalDatabases together on New-BcContainer Support for preProcessorSymbols in Compile-AppInBcContainer and Run-AlPipeline Issue #1720 add suppressBuildSearchIndex to Import-ObjectsToNavContainer Add function Get-PlainText Run-AlCops sometimes shows the exception instead of the AppSource failures Get-BcArtifactUrl returns an older publicpreview version instead of a newer insider build 2.0.6 Issue #1696 Compile-AppInBcContainer does not throw error on missing RDLC Add AddInsFolder parameter to Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages Issue #1712 Get-NavContainerAppRuntimePackage doesn't return a path when the license is about to expire Issue #1710 UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer doesn't work with filename Issue #1709 Add switch GenerateSymbolReference to Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer.ps1 Issue #1722 add containername to PowerShell and Command prompts Issue #1706 App generation failed without info after fixing #1696 Issue Cannot download symbols for apps with special characters Issue #1728 Get-BcContainerApp doesn't return the appFile Support that bcartifactsCacheFolder, containerHelperFolder and dvdPath can be a docker volume instead of a bind mount (for performance) Run-AlValidation doesn't fail getting the same app in apps and previousApps (if apps in the middle of the dependency chain hasn't changed) Run-AlCops doesn't use previousApp if it is the same version as the app Issue #1704 Run-AlValidation with "preprocessorSymbols" Issue #1729 Second container on same external database causes previous containers to stop working Issue #1739 Publish-BcContainerApp fails with "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden Issue #1736 Support specifying a folder (of apps) to Run-AlValidation, Run-AlCops, Run-AlPipeline, Publish-BcContainerApp, Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps and Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages Issue #1740 Missing help for disabledTests parameter Issue #1744 if New-BcAuthContext with client credentials fails, the real error is not shown Issue #1726 Add switch -throwOnError to Run-AlValidation Issue #1747 Unwanted multitenant image when using replaceExternalDatabases Allow running sandbox artifacts in "onprem mode" (from version 18.0 with generic image tag or higher) Issue #1749 User not created when using replaceExternalDatabases and cached images 2.0.5 Issue #1668 Run-AlValidation fails if app filename has a comma (and there is only one app) Issue #1675 Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages doesn't work with only one app. Issue #1678 Setup-BcContainerTestUsers fails on version 18 Issue #1682 add silent mode to import module Flush-ContainerHelperCache will also cleanup generic images not matching your OS Add BcAuthContext parameter to functions Create-AadAppsForNav, Create-AadUsersInBcContainer and Replace-BcServerContainer (note that resource should be Modify Run-ConnectionTestToBcContainer to connect and open Extension Management. Basically check whether people can uninstall your app. 2.0.4 Remove-BcEnvironment fails after waiting for environment removal Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer fails when installing apps in online environment unless a container called bcserver exists Add parameter -replacePackageId to Replace-DependenciesInAppFile to allow process to change package id in an app Add parameter -replacePackageId to Publish-BcContainerApp to allow process to change package id in an app Run-AlPipeline using a BcSaaS Sandbox environment to use replacePackageId when publishing previousApps and add delay to avoid conflicts New-BcEnvironment to wait for other environments being created before creating Specifying TestRunnerOnly installs all tests when not using online SaaS environments Add parameter applicationInsightsKey to Run-AlPipeline to stamp applicationInsightsKey into app.json for all apps 2.0.3 Issue #1655 variable $scopes not set Issue #1654 and #1656 Publish-BcContainerApp where the filename contains a comma fails. New Function Get-BcInstalledExtensions to return installed extensions (including PTEs) from an online Business Central environment New function New-BcDatabaseExport to start a new Database Export from an online Business Central environment New function Get-BcDatabaseExportHistory to get the Database Export History from an online Business Central tenant/environment 2.0.2 Allow no credentials with filesOnly containers Connect from inside the container to SaaS environment in Install-BcAppFromAppSource and Run-ConnectionTestToBcContainer to avoid file locks Add parameter allowInstallationOnProduction to Install-BcAppFromAppSource to allow installation in production environments Publish-BcContainerApp was refactored to reuse the appfiles unpacking mechanism from Run-AlValidation and more 2.0.1 Issue #1646 Get-BcArtifactUrl has decome a low slower with 2.0.0 Issue #1645 Build Partially Succeeded - revert behavior 2.0.0 Issue #1596 support URLs in previousApps in Run-AlValidation Issue #1606 do not prune when creating images Remove compatibility for ancient generic image versions from New-BcContainer New function New-BcAuthContext to create an authContext for BC SaaS based on credentials, a refresh token or a device login New function Renew-BcAuthContext to renew an authContext for BC SaaS if necessary Added parameteres bcAuthContext and environment to Compile-AppInBcContainer to allow Compile-AppInBcContainer to download symbols from BC SaaS Added parameteres bcAuthContext and environment to Publish-AppToBcContainer to allow Publish-AppToBcContainer to publish apps to BC SaaS Issue #1613 wrong display of reclaimed space Added parameters after and before to Get-BcArtifactUrl to filter out artifacts created before after or after before Added outcome First to the Select parameter in Get-BcArtifactUrl to allow grabbing the first artifact mathing a filter Added new function Install-BcAppFromAppSource to install an AppSource App into a BC SaaS environment Added parameter includeTestRunnerOnly to Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer to allow importing only Test Runner Added parameteres bcAuthContext and environment to Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer to allow running tests on BC SaaS Sandbox environments (Test Runner is the only app in AppSource at the moment, TestFramework apps will be added) Added parameteres bcAuthContext and environment to Run-TestsInBcContainer to allow running tests on BC SaaS Sandbox environments Better stacktrace when exception happens in Invoke-ScriptInBcContainer Added parameteres bcAuthContext and environment to Run-AlPipeline to allow running a pipeline using BC SaaS Sandbox environments Issue #1591 added parameter failOn to Run-AlPipeline to allow builds to fail on warnings Issue #1623 Unable to create BC 16.0 container with tests Support FilesOnly when generating images Use FilesOnly generic image for better performance Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps to support bcAuthContext as parameter set (as well as clientId, clientSecret and tenantId for compatibility) Add functions New-BcEnvironment, Remove-BcEnvironment and Set-BcEnvironmentApplicationInsightsKey Issue #1636 Signing fails in FilesOnly-container Added function Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages to convert a set of Apps to runtime packages matching a specific BC version and localization Added Parameter ContainerName to Sort-AppFilesByDependencies to allow the function to sort runtime packages using Get-NavAppInfo in container 1.0.19 Move retry algorithm to Download-File Run-AlValidation will try to determine which versions to run validation against if not specified Run-AlValidation and Run-AlCopys to support that SupportedCountries is optional Issue #1573 Regression Setup-TraefikContainerForBcContainers stopped working in 1.0.18 Issue #1542 Convert-AlcOutputToAzureDevOps wrong error output 1.0.18 Issue #1556 DotNet Packages for ZipArchive missing in VS Code when creating a Base App Issue #1559 Handling of Hungary artifacts Issue #1563 Run-AlValidation with multiple apps fails Run-AlValidation to support urls as apps, previousapps and installapps Add parameter CopySymbolsFromContainer to Compile-AppInBcContainer to speed up symbols download Use CopySymbolsFromContainer in Run-AlCops Issue #1568 Add publisher parameter to Unpublish and Uninstall app Issue #1566 Sign-BcContainerApp doesn't work with SHA256 Retry algorithm added to Sign-BcContainerApp Add Parameter -doNotPublishAdminPort to Setup-TraefikContainerForBcContainers Add Parameter -additionalParameters to Setup-TraefikContainerForBcContainers Issue #1577 Run-AlValidation and Extract-AppFileToFolder require absolute paths Issue #1579 Change default timeStampServer and digestAlgorithm 1.0.17 Issue #1494 Creating another container based on existing artifact Add additional information when publishing through dev Endpoint (instead of just Unprocessible Entity) Issue #1530 Not able to Run-AlValidation without previous app. Issue #1537 Issue with file lock when creating image Use configured containerName in Run-AlCops and Run-AlValidation Add parameter -skipAppSourceCop to Run-AlValidation Add mapCountryCode to $bcContainerHelperConfig Use mapCountryCode in Get-BcArtifactUrl to allow getting artifacts for countries which doesn't have own artifacts Use mapCountryCode in Run-AlValidation to allow running validation for all countries (max. 1 time per artifact) Issue #1536 Random running Test failure Run-AlValidation use single tenant containers by default for performance Add resilience to ClientContext::GetAllForms Issue #1550 and #1497 add digestAlgorithm parameter to Sign-BcContainerApp Run-AlCops (and Run-AlValidation) could ignore error AS0088 Issue #1552 PowerShell sometimes uses 8-3 notation for $env:temp 1.0.16 Issue #1516 Sort-AppFoldersByDependencies can't handle twice the same app in the baseFolder Issue #1519 Extract-AppFileToFolder doesn't extract internalsVisibleTo in app.json Add parameter -SkipUpgrade to allow Run-AlValidation to skip upgrade if previousApps cannot be installed on current version Issue #1522 Move files to correct positions Issue #1517 Traefik with Run-AlValidation Add Text to Run-AlValidation to indicate success or failure 1.0.15 Use new Generic image location and SQL 2019 image as default ({0}- is the latest with SQL 2017) Issue #1469 Install-NavSipCryptoProvider cannot be executed twice Add new function UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer, which uses management APIs to Upload, Import and Apply a config package in a container Add parameter -ImportTestDataInBcContainer in Run-AlPipeline to allow for overriding and supporting test data Add configuration setting: timeStampServer (default timeStampServer for Sign-AppInBcContainer) Add parameter timeStampServer to Sign-AppInBcContainer to allow overriding the timeStampServer Fix Extract-AppFileToFolder to include missing properties and honor runtime version Add parameter vsixFile to Run-AlPipeline Add new function Run-AlCops to run AL cops in existing container Add new function Run-AlValidation to run and end 2 end AL validation with multiple versions and multiple countries Issue #1507 Sort-AppFilesByDependencies crashes if two different versions of the same app is specified Issue #1496 Add ruleset parameter to Run-AlPipeline Added new function Get-AlLanguageExtensionFromArtifacts to get path of .vsix file within artifacts Issue #1506 Add parameter applicationInsightsKey to New-BcContainer and New-BcContainerTenant (note that this requires generic image version or later) 1.0.14 Add parameter -features to Compile-AppInBcContainer to add support of the alc features parameter Add parameter -bakFile to Restore-BcDatabaseFromArtifacts to allow restoring custom database using the artifact binaries Issue #1426 performance test samples are installed before performance test toolkit Clean-BcContainerDatabase will now cleanup Schema and company when -doNotSaveData is specified UnInstall-BcContainerApp will now cleanup Schema when -doNotSaveData is specified together with -doNotSaveSchema Regression: Backup-BcContainerDatabases couldn't backup the tenant template database when specified Setting default container memory size to 8Gb when using hyperv Remove references to specific images 1.0.13 Issue #1414 the magic setting defaultTenantHasAllowAppDatabaseWrite=Y is not used when using -cleandatabase or -newdatabase Add parameter -publishedOnly to Get-BcContainerAppInfo to get published apps (no tenant specified) Add parameter -doNotCopyDatabase to New-BcContainerTenant to mount an existing database (move from other container) Add parameter -doNotRemoveDatabase to Remove-BcContainerTenant to avoid removing the database (move to other container) Add parameter -PublisherAzureActiveDirectoryTenantId to Publish-BcContainerApp New function Restore-BcDatabaseFromArtifacts for restoring databases from artifacts on an external sql server New function Remove-BcDatabase for removing databases from an external sql server New parameters -databasePrefix and -replaceExternalDatabases to New-BcContainer to allow New-BcContainer to create/replace databases on external SQL Server Issue #1417 Add parameters -databaseCredential and -compress to Backup-BcContainerDatabases Issue #1416 Add parameter -sqlCredential to Run-TestsInBcContainer and Get-TestsFromBcContainer if using external SQL Server Issue #1415 Implicitely import the Test Framework in Setup-BcContainerTestUsers if not already installed Issue #1426 includePerformanceToolkit should automatically include includeTestToolkit and includeTestFrameWorkOnly (if not specified) Publishing apps from a .zip file, where the name isn't .zip caused an error Add parameter gitLab to Run-AlPipeline to add support for surfacing test errors on GitLab Issue #1430 temp folder is not unique Add GitHubActions option to Run-AlPipeline Create Temp folder using GetRandomFileName in Download-Artifacts (instead of ticks) 1.0.12 Issue #1401 set app version if appBuild -or appRevision is specified Add function description for Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps and Publish-BuildOutputToStorage Support SecureString or String for secrets in Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps and Publish-BuildOutputToStorage Fix issue where cannot find prerequisites 1.0.11 Add function Set-BcContainerKeyVaultAadAppAndCertificate to set keyvault AAD App and certificate in container Add parameter IncludeEmailAadApp to Create-AadAppsForBC to allow the function to create an Aad App for the new Email feature in 17.1 Run-AlPipeline support traefik containers in updatelaunchjson Add preview function Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps to publish Per Tenant Extension Apps to an online tenant Add preview function Publish-BuildOutputToStorage to publish build output to a storage account 1.0.10 Issue #1369 wrong validateset on tenant Issue #1371 missing quotes on volume parameter Check all countries when determining artifacts to use Issue #1380 Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer fails when license warning occurs Issue 1377 Sort-AppFoldersByDependencies didn't support empty arrays Allow AppFiles to be an empty array in Sort-AppFilesByDependencies Allow previousApps to be present locally (not downloaded from http or https) Set default containername in New-BcContainerWizard to bcserver Added function Run-ConnectionTestToBcContainer to test that a simple connection to the container is possible Update hardcoded image version list Update Windows Versions in New-BcImage Issue #1392 New-BcContainerWizard closes if font size is too big Issue #1384 Concurrency issues with artifacts 1.0.9 Fix issue when setting bccontainerhelperconfig.defaultnewcontainerparameters.credential in the same session as using it Add parameter AllowAppDatabaseWrite to New-BcContainerTenant. Works with generic image or later. Merge AdditionalParameters and MyScripts with defaultNewContainerParameters config file settings Add build number for Windows 10 20H2 Do not install the test toolkit before compiling test apps Add 2 more overrides ImportTestToolkitToBcContainer and GetBcContainerAppInfo Issue #1359 Allow apps to contain test code (but not for AppSource Apps or PTEs) Add useGenericImage parameter to run-alpipeline Issue #1364 country attribute needs to be case insensitive Add parameter additionalCountries to allow Run-AlPipeline to test additional countries during the pipeline Issue #1367 - If two processes build the same image at the same time, the second one always rebuilds 1.0.8 Issue #1329 test whether containername is in hsts preload list Add function Sort-AppFilesByDependencies for sorting an array of app files by dependencies Sort apps before install in Publish-BcContainerApp Add PrevousApps, AppSourceCopMandatoryAffixes and AppSourceCopSupportedCountries to Run-AlPipeline Move decision on whether or not to rebuild image from New-BcContainer to New-BcImage and always call Add parameter -skipIfImageAlreadyExists to New-BcImage Issue #1343 Publish-BcContainerApp with ShowMyCode fails if replaceDependencies is not Set Add parameters appPublisher and language to Install-BcContainerApp Add parameter appPublisher Sync-BcContainerApp Issue #1337 Add tenant parameter to Install-TestToolkitToBcContainer Add parameter description to Run-AlPipeline Set JUnit as default output from Run-AlPipeline 1.0.7 Issue #1299 wait for symbol file to be available in container Add parameter AssignPremiumPlan to Run-AlPipeline Support reading defaultNewContainerParameters from config file Add tenant to Run-AlPipeline to allow running the pipeline in a tenant Add ability to override functions Addiional fixes to Run-AlPipeline Issue #1313 -includeAL fails when using a hostHelperFolder, which is different from the containerhelperfolder Issue #1316 New-BcContainerWizard converts license file url to lowercase Add support for JUnit to Run-Tests Add parameter testResultsFormat to Run-AlPipeline Do not fail on missing image in New-BcImage (only warn) Add properties to JUnit output 1.0.6 Add 3 new values for Select: Current, NextMinor and NextMajor for selecting artifacts. SasToken needs to be provided for NextMajor and NextMinor Publish-BcContainerApp now supports .zip files. All .app files in the .zip file are published in alphabetic order Run-AlPipeline to add sequence numbers (dependencies) to apps in artifacts if more than one app is added 1.0.5 Added PREVIEW function Run-AlPipeline Issue #1252 do not return artifact url for artifacts without platform (unless -doNotCheckPlatform is specified) Issue #1263 new-bccontainertenant freezes if -updatehosts isn't specified Add switch -includePerformanceToolkit to Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer and New-BcContainer Support for -includePerformanceToolkit in New-BcContainerWizard Support for insider builds and sasToken in New-BcContainerWizard Add NAV to New-BcContainerWizard Add AL Language Extension version selection to New-BcContainerWizard Flush-ContainerHelperCache will remove images, which was built on artifacts, which is no longer in the cache 1.0.4 Sort-AppFoldersByDependencies doesn't support custom Application app (needs to be sorted first) Add parameter -addFontsFromPath to New-BcContainer and New-BcImage Increase performance of Add-FontsToBcContainer Ensure that Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer can be called repeatedly Include TestToolkit in cached image if possible Add parameter -forceRebuild to New-NavContainer to force a rebuild of a cached image Pull new generic if not at least (to ensure download fixes) Add/Remove hostnames for tenants to hosts file when multitenancy and -updatehosts New-BcContainerWizard to support -includeAL and -multitenant Added new function Set-BcContainerFeatureKeys to enable/disable feature keys in tenant databases Add parameter -featureKeys to New-BcContainer to enable/disable feature keys in all tenants in new container Issue #1243 - Get-BcContainerImageTags and Get-BcContainerImageLabels doesn't work if TLS 1.2 isn't enabled 1.0.3 Issue #1215 New-BcContainer with -useBestContainerOS and -useNewDatabase fails with multitenant sandbox images Issue #1220 Generate-SymbolsInNavContainer.ps1 does not have BC alias Fix missing pre-requisites 1.0.2 Issue #1202 New-BcContainer gives wrong message if no artifactUrl nor imagename is specified Cleanup terminology Issue #1203 Export-BcContainerObjects doesn't exist Issue #1169 add parameter to Setup-BcContainerTestUsers to select which users to add (Essential or Premium) to avoid mixed plans References to Get-BcContainerNavUser needs to be replaced with Get-BcContainerBcUser Add SSL option for New-BcContainerWizard 1.0.1 Copy-FileToBcContainer and Copy-FileFromBcContainer didn't support that hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder was different Get-TestsFromBcContainer and Run-TestsInBcContainer didn't support that hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder was different Issue #1174 do not use hyperv isolation if Hyper-V isn't installed Issue #1180 New-BcContainerWizard doesn't work (if BcContainerHelper is installed in standard path) Change NavContainerhelper to BcContainerHelper in New-BcContainerWizard Sandbox containers are multitenant by default (as SaaS is multitenant!) Issue #1191 New-BcImage should add the same auto-tag as New-BcContainer Issue #1190 New-BcImage will return imagename after generation Issue #1195 New-BcContainer sometimes uses a different image than the one created 1.0.0 Change module name to BcContainerHelper Support Multitenancy in images Add hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder to containerhelper config file for override |