.Synopsis Run a test suite in a NAV/BC Container .Description .Parameter containerName Name of the container in which you want to run a test suite .Parameter tenant tenant to use if container is multitenant .Parameter companyName company to use .Parameter profile profile to use .Parameter credential Credentials of the SUPER user if using NavUserPassword authentication .Parameter accesstoken If your container is running AAD authentication, you need to specify an accesstoken for the user specified in credential .Parameter InteractionTimeout Timespan allowed for a single interaction (Running a test codeunit is an interaction). Default is 24 hours. .Parameter culture Set the culture when running the tests. Default is en-US. Microsoft tests are written for en-US. .Parameter timezone Set the timezone when running the tests. Default is current timezone. .Parameter debugMode Include this switch to output debug information if running the tests fails. .Parameter usePublicWebBaseUrl Connect to the public Url and not to localhost .Parameter connectFromHost Run the Test Runner PS functions on the host connecting to the public Web BaseUrl to allow web debuggers like fiddler to trace connections .Parameter bcAuthContext Authorization Context created by New-BcAuthContext. By specifying BcAuthContext and environment, the function will run connection test to the online Business Central Environment specified .Parameter environment Environment to use for the connection test .Example Run-ConnectionTestsToBcContainer -containerName test -credential $credential #> function Run-ConnectionTestToBcContainer { Param ( [string] $containerName = $bcContainerHelperConfig.defaultContainerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $tenant = "default", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $companyName = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $profile = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PSCredential] $credential = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $accessToken = "", [timespan] $interactionTimeout = [timespan]::FromHours(24), [string] $culture = "en-US", [string] $timezone = "", [switch] $debugMode, [switch] $usePublicWebBaseUrl, [string] $useUrl = "", [switch] $connectFromHost, [Hashtable] $bcAuthContext, [string] $environment = "sand2" ) $telemetryScope = InitTelemetryScope -name $MyInvocation.InvocationName -parameterValues $PSBoundParameters try { $customConfig = Get-BcContainerServerConfiguration -ContainerName $containerName $navversion = Get-BcContainerNavversion -containerOrImageName $containerName $version = [System.Version]($navversion.split('-')[0]) if ($bcAuthContext) { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($bcAuthContext.tenantID)/$environment/deployment/url" if($response.status -ne 'Ready') { throw "environment not ready, status is $($response.status)" } $useUrl = $'?')[0] $tenant = ($'?')[1]).Split('=')[1] $bcAuthContext = Renew-BcAuthContext $bcAuthContext $accessToken = $bcAuthContext.accessToken $credential = New-Object pscredential -ArgumentList 'freddyk', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'P@ssword1' -AsPlainText -Force) } else { $clientServicesCredentialType = $customConfig.ClientServicesCredentialType $useTraefik = $false $inspect = docker inspect $containerName | ConvertFrom-Json if ($inspect.Config.Labels.psobject.Properties.Match('traefik.enable').Count -gt 0) { if ($inspect.config.Labels.'traefik.enable' -eq "true") { $usePublicWebBaseUrl = ($useUrl -eq "") $useTraefik = $true } } if ($usePublicWebBaseUrl -and $useUrl -ne "") { throw "You cannot specify usePublicWebBaseUrl and useUrl at the same time" } if ($customConfig.PublicWebBaseUrl -eq "") { throw "Container $containerName needs to include the WebClient in order to run tests (PublicWebBaseUrl is blank)" } if ($clientServicesCredentialType -eq "Windows" -and "$CompanyName" -eq "") { $myName = $myUserName.SubString($myUserName.IndexOf('\')+1) Get-BcContainerBcUser -containerName $containerName | Where-Object { $_.UserName.EndsWith("\$MyName", [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) -or $_.UserName -eq $myName } | % { $companyName = $_.Company } } Invoke-ScriptInBCContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptBlock { Param($timeoutStr) $webConfigFile = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$WebServerInstance\web.config" try { $webConfig = [xml](Get-Content $webConfigFile) $node = $webConfig.configuration.'system.webServer'.aspNetCore.Attributes.GetNamedItem('requestTimeout') if (!($node)) { $node = $webConfig.configuration.'system.webServer'.aspNetCore.Attributes.Append($webConfig.CreateAttribute('requestTimeout')) } if ($node.Value -ne $timeoutStr) { $node.Value = $timeoutStr $webConfig.Save($webConfigFile) } } catch { Write-Host "WARNING: could not set requestTimeout in web.config" } } -argumentList $interactionTimeout.ToString() } $PsTestToolFolder = Join-Path $extensionsFolder "$containerName\PsConnectionTestTool" $PsTestFunctionsPath = Join-Path $PsTestToolFolder "PsTestFunctions.ps1" $ClientContextPath = Join-Path $PsTestToolFolder "ClientContext.ps1" if (!(Test-Path -Path $PsTestToolFolder -PathType Container)) { New-Item -Path $PsTestToolFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "PsTestFunctions.ps1") -Destination $PsTestFunctionsPath -Force Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "ClientContext.ps1") -Destination $ClientContextPath -Force } if ($connectFromHost) { $newtonSoftDllPath = Join-Path $PsTestToolFolder "NewtonSoft.json.dll" $clientDllPath = Join-Path $PsTestToolFolder "Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Client.dll" Invoke-ScriptInBcContainer -containerName $containerName { Param([string] $myNewtonSoftDllPath, [string] $myClientDllPath) $newtonSoftDllPath = (Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service\NewtonSoft.json.dll").FullName if (!(Test-Path $myNewtonSoftDllPath)) { Copy-Item -Path $newtonSoftDllPath -Destination $myNewtonSoftDllPath } $clientDllPath = "C:\Test Assemblies\Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Client.dll" if (!(Test-Path $myClientDllPath)) { Copy-Item -Path $clientDllPath -Destination $myClientDllPath } } -argumentList $newtonSoftDllPath, $clientDllPath if ($useUrl) { $publicWebBaseUrl = $useUrl.TrimEnd('/') } else { $publicWebBaseUrl = $customConfig.PublicWebBaseUrl.TrimEnd('/') } $serviceUrl = "$publicWebBaseUrl/cs?tenant=$tenant" if ($accessToken) { $clientServicesCredentialType = "AAD" $credential = New-Object pscredential $credential.UserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $accessToken -AsPlainText -Force) } if ($companyName) { $serviceUrl += "&company=$([Uri]::EscapeDataString($companyName))" } if ($profile) { $serviceUrl += "&profile=$([Uri]::EscapeDataString($profile))" } . $PsTestFunctionsPath -newtonSoftDllPath $newtonSoftDllPath -clientDllPath $clientDllPath -clientContextScriptPath $ClientContextPath $clientContext = $null try { $clientContext = New-ClientContext -serviceUrl $serviceUrl -auth $clientServicesCredentialType -credential $credential -interactionTimeout $interactionTimeout -culture $culture -timezone $timezone -debugMode:$debugMode Run-ConnectionTest -clientContext $clientContext ` -debugMode:$debugMode ` -connectFromHost:$connectFromHost } catch { Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace if ($debugMode -and $clientContext) { Dump-ClientContext -clientcontext $clientContext } throw } finally { if ($clientContext) { Remove-ClientContext -clientContext $clientContext } } } else { $result = Invoke-ScriptInBcContainer -containerName $containerName { Param([string] $tenant, [string] $companyName, [string] $profile, [pscredential] $credential, [string] $accessToken, [string] $PsTestFunctionsPath, [string] $ClientContextPath, [timespan] $interactionTimeout, $version, $culture, $timezone, $debugMode, $usePublicWebBaseUrl, $useUrl) $newtonSoftDllPath = (Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service\NewtonSoft.json.dll").FullName $clientDllPath = "C:\Test Assemblies\Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Client.dll" $customConfigFile = Join-Path (Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service").FullName "CustomSettings.config" [xml]$customConfig = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($customConfigFile) $publicWebBaseUrl = $customConfig.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='PublicWebBaseUrl']").Value.TrimEnd('/') $clientServicesCredentialType = $customConfig.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='ClientServicesCredentialType']").Value if ($useUrl) { $disableSslVerification = $false $serviceUrl = "$($useUrl.TrimEnd('/'))/cs?tenant=$tenant" } elseif ($usePublicWebBaseUrl) { $disableSslVerification = $false $serviceUrl = "$publicWebBaseUrl/cs?tenant=$tenant" } else { $uri = [Uri]::new($publicWebBaseUrl) $disableSslVerification = ($Uri.Scheme -eq "https") $serviceUrl = "$($Uri.Scheme)://localhost:$($Uri.Port)/$($Uri.PathAndQuery)/cs?tenant=$tenant" } if ($accessToken) { $clientServicesCredentialType = "AAD" $credential = New-Object pscredential $credential.UserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $accessToken -AsPlainText -Force) } elseif ($clientServicesCredentialType -eq "Windows") { $windowsUserName = whoami $NavServerUser = Get-NAVServerUser -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -tenant $tenant -ErrorAction Ignore | Where-Object { $_.UserName -eq $windowsusername } if (!($NavServerUser)) { Write-Host "Creating $windowsusername as user" New-NavServerUser -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -tenant $tenant -WindowsAccount $windowsusername New-NavServerUserPermissionSet -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -tenant $tenant -WindowsAccount $windowsusername -PermissionSetId SUPER } } if ($companyName) { $serviceUrl += "&company=$([Uri]::EscapeDataString($companyName))" } if ($profile) { $serviceUrl += "&profile=$([Uri]::EscapeDataString($profile))" } . $PsTestFunctionsPath -newtonSoftDllPath $newtonSoftDllPath -clientDllPath $clientDllPath -clientContextScriptPath $ClientContextPath $clientContext = $null try { if ($disableSslVerification) { Disable-SslVerification } $clientContext = New-ClientContext -serviceUrl $serviceUrl -auth $clientServicesCredentialType -credential $credential -interactionTimeout $interactionTimeout -culture $culture -timezone $timezone -debugMode:$debugMode Run-ConnectionTest -clientContext $clientContext ` -debugMode:$debugMode ` -connectFromHost:$connectFromHost } catch { Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace if ($debugMode -and $clientContext) { Dump-ClientContext -clientcontext $clientContext } throw } finally { if ($disableSslVerification) { Enable-SslVerification } if ($clientContext) { Remove-ClientContext -clientContext $clientContext $clientContext = $null } } } -argumentList $tenant, $companyName, $profile, $credential, $accessToken, (Get-BcContainerPath -containerName $containerName -Path $PsTestFunctionsPath), (Get-BCContainerPath -containerName $containerName -path $ClientContextPath), $interactionTimeout, $version, $culture, $timezone, $debugMode, $usePublicWebBaseUrl, $useUrl } TrackTrace -telemetryScope $telemetryScope } catch { TrackException -telemetryScope $telemetryScope -errorRecord $_ throw } } Set-Alias -Name Run-ConnectionTestToNavContainer -Value Run-ConnectionTestToBcContainer Export-ModuleMember -Function Run-ConnectionTestToBcContainer -Alias Run-ConnectionTestToNavContainer |