
Issue #1329 test whether containername is in hsts preload list
Add function Sort-AppFilesByDependencies for sorting an array of app files by dependencies
Sort apps before install in Publish-BcContainerApp
Add PrevousApps, AppSourceCopMandatoryAffixes and AppSourceCopSupportedCountries to Run-AlPipeline
Issue #1299 wait for symbol file to be available in container
Add parameter AssignPremiumPlan to Run-AlPipeline
Support reading defaultNewContainerParameters from config file
Add tenant to Run-AlPipeline to allow running the pipeline in a tenant
Add ability to override functions
Addiional fixes to Run-AlPipeline
Issue #1313 -includeAL fails when using a hostHelperFolder, which is different from the containerhelperfolder
Issue #1316 New-BcContainerWizard converts license file url to lowercase
Add support for JUnit to Run-Tests
Add parameter testResultsFormat to Run-AlPipeline
Do not fail on missing image in New-BcImage (only warn)
Add properties to JUnit output
Add 3 new values for Select: Current, NextMinor and NextMajor for selecting artifacts. SasToken needs to be provided for NextMajor and NextMinor
Publish-BcContainerApp now supports .zip files. All .app files in the .zip file are published in alphabetic order
Run-AlPipeline to add sequence numbers (dependencies) to apps in artifacts if more than one app is added
Added PREVIEW function Run-AlPipeline
Issue #1252 do not return artifact url for artifacts without platform (unless -doNotCheckPlatform is specified)
Issue #1263 new-bccontainertenant freezes if -updatehosts isn't specified
Add switch -includePerformanceToolkit to Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer and New-BcContainer
Support for -includePerformanceToolkit in New-BcContainerWizard
Support for insider builds and sasToken in New-BcContainerWizard
Add NAV to New-BcContainerWizard
Add AL Language Extension version selection to New-BcContainerWizard
Flush-ContainerHelperCache will remove images, which was built on artifacts, which is no longer in the cache
Sort-AppFoldersByDependencies doesn't support custom Application app (needs to be sorted first)
Add parameter -addFontsFromPath to New-BcContainer and New-BcImage
Increase performance of Add-FontsToBcContainer
Ensure that Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer can be called repeatedly
Include TestToolkit in cached image if possible
Add parameter -forceRebuild to New-NavContainer to force a rebuild of a cached image
Pull new generic if not at least (to ensure download fixes)
Add/Remove hostnames for tenants to hosts file when multitenancy and -updatehosts
New-BcContainerWizard to support -includeAL and -multitenant
Added new function Set-BcContainerFeatureKeys to enable/disable feature keys in tenant databases
Add parameter -featureKeys to New-BcContainer to enable/disable feature keys in all tenants in new container
Issue #1243 - Get-BcContainerImageTags and Get-BcContainerImageLabels doesn't work if TLS 1.2 isn't enabled
Issue #1215 New-BcContainer with -useBestContainerOS and -useNewDatabase fails with multitenant sandbox images
Issue #1220 Generate-SymbolsInNavContainer.ps1 does not have BC alias
Fix missing pre-requisites
Issue #1202 New-BcContainer gives wrong message if no artifactUrl nor imagename is specified
Cleanup terminology
Issue #1203 Export-BcContainerObjects doesn't exist
Issue #1169 add parameter to Setup-BcContainerTestUsers to select which users to add (Essential or Premium) to avoid mixed plans
References to Get-BcContainerNavUser needs to be replaced with Get-BcContainerBcUser
Add SSL option for New-BcContainerWizard
Copy-FileToBcContainer and Copy-FileFromBcContainer didn't support that hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder was different
Get-TestsFromBcContainer and Run-TestsInBcContainer didn't support that hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder was different
Issue #1174 do not use hyperv isolation if Hyper-V isn't installed
Issue #1180 New-BcContainerWizard doesn't work (if BcContainerHelper is installed in standard path)
Change NavContainerhelper to BcContainerHelper in New-BcContainerWizard
Sandbox containers are multitenant by default (as SaaS is multitenant!)
Issue #1191 New-BcImage should add the same auto-tag as New-BcContainer
Issue #1190 New-BcImage will return imagename after generation
Issue #1195 New-BcContainer sometimes uses a different image than the one created
Change module name to BcContainerHelper
Support Multitenancy in images
Add hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder to containerhelper config file for override