
function Log([string]$line, [string]$color = "Gray") { 
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor $color $line

function Get-DefaultCredential {

    if (Test-Path "$hostHelperFolder\settings.ps1") {
        . "$hostHelperFolder\settings.ps1"
        if (Test-Path "$hostHelperFolder\aes.key") {
            $key = Get-Content -Path "$hostHelperFolder\aes.key"
            New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($DefaultUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $adminPassword -Key $key))
        } else {
            New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($DefaultUserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $adminPassword))
    } else {
        if (!$doNotAskForCredential) {
            Get-Credential -username $DefaultUserName -Message $Message

function Get-DefaultSqlCredential {
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$sqlCredential = $null,

    if ($sqlCredential -eq $null) {
        $containerAuth = Get-NavContainerAuth -containerName $containerName
        if ($containerAuth -ne "Windows") {
            $sqlCredential = Get-DefaultCredential -DefaultUserName "" -Message "Please enter the SQL Server System Admin credentials for container $containerName" -doNotAskForCredential:$doNotAskForCredential

function DockerDo {
        [ValidateSet('run','start','pull','restart','stop', 'rmi')]
        [string]$command = "run",
        [string[]]$parameters = @()

    if ($accept_eula) {
        $parameters += "--env accept_eula=Y"
    if ($accept_outdated) {
        $parameters += "--env accept_outdated=Y"
    if ($detach) {
        $parameters += "--detach"

    $result = $true
    $arguments = ("$command "+[string]::Join(" ", $parameters)+" $imageName")
    $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    $pinfo.FileName = "docker.exe"
    $pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
    $pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
    $pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
    $pinfo.Arguments = $arguments
    $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
    $p.StartInfo = $pinfo
    $p.Start() | Out-Null

    $outtask = $null
    $errtask = $p.StandardError.ReadToEndAsync()
    $out = ""
    $err = ""
    do {
        if ($outtask -eq $null) {
            $outtask = $p.StandardOutput.ReadLineAsync()
        $outtask.Wait(100) | Out-Null
        if ($outtask.IsCompleted) {
            $outStr = $outtask.Result
            if ($outStr -eq $null) {
            if (!$silent) {
                Write-Host $outStr
            $out += $outStr
            $outtask = $null
            if ($outStr.StartsWith("Please login")) {
                $registry = $imageName.Split("/")[0]
                if ($registry -eq "" -or $registry -eq "") {
                    throw "You need to login to $registry prior to pulling images. Get credentials through the ReadyToGo program on Microsoft Collaborate."
                } else {
                    throw "You need to login to $registry prior to pulling images."
        } elseif ($outtask.IsCanceled) {
        } elseif ($outtask.IsFaulted) {
    } while(!($p.HasExited))
    $err = $errtask.Result

    if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) {
        $result = $false
        if (!$silent) {
            $out = $out.Trim()
            $err = $err.Trim()
            if ($command -eq "run" -and "$out" -ne "") {
                Docker rm $out -f
            $errorMessage = ""
            if ("$err" -ne "") {
                $errorMessage += "$err`r`n"
                if ($err.Contains("authentication required")) {
                    $registry = $imageName.Split("/")[0]
                    if ($registry -eq "" -or $registry -eq "") {
                        $errorMessage += "You need to login to $registry prior to pulling images. Get credentials through the ReadyToGo program on Microsoft Collaborate.`r`n"
                    } else {
                        $errorMessage += "You need to login to $registry prior to pulling images.`r`n"
            $errorMessage += "ExitCode: "+$p.ExitCode + "`r`nCommandline: docker $arguments"
            Write-Error -Message $errorMessage

function Get-NavContainerAuth {

    Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer -containerName $containerName -ScriptBlock { 
        $customConfigFile = Join-Path (Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service").FullName "CustomSettings.config"
        [xml]$customConfig = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($customConfigFile)

function Check-BcContainerName {
        [string]$containerName = ""

    if ($containerName -eq "") {
        throw "Container name cannot be empty"

    if ($containerName.Length -gt 15) {
        Write-Host "WARNING: Container name should not exceed 15 characters"

    $first = $containerName.ToLowerInvariant()[0]
    if ($first -lt "a" -or $first -gt "z") {
        throw "Container name should start with a letter (a-z)"

    $containerName.ToLowerInvariant().ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {
        if (($_ -lt "a" -or $_ -gt "z") -and ($_ -lt "0" -or $_ -gt "9") -and ($_ -ne "-")) {
            throw "Container name contains invalid characters. Allowed characters are letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and dashes (-)"

function AssumeNavContainer {
        [string]$containerOrImageName = "",
        [string]$functionName = ""

    $inspect = docker inspect $containerOrImageName | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($inspect.Config.Labels.psobject.Properties.Match('maintainer').Count -eq 0 -or $inspect.Config.Labels.maintainer -ne "Dynamics SMB") {
        throw "Container $containerOrImageName is not a Business Central container"
    [System.Version]$version = $inspect.Config.Labels.version

    if ("$functionName" -eq "") {
        $functionName = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name
    if ($version.Major -ge 15) {
        throw "Container $containerOrImageName does not support the function $functionName"

function TestSasToken {
        [string] $sasToken

    if ($sasToken.Contains('?')) {
        $se = $sasToken.Split('?')[1].Split('&') | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith('se=') } | % { [Uri]::UnescapeDataString($_.Substring(3))}
        $st = $sasToken.Split('?')[1].Split('&') | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith('st=') } | % { [Uri]::UnescapeDataString($_.Substring(3))}
        if ($st) {
            if ([DateTime]::Now -lt [DateTime]$st) {
                Write-Host "ERROR: The sas token provided isn't valid before $(([DateTime]$st).ToString())"
        if ($se) {
            if ([DateTime]::Now -gt [DateTime]$se) {
                Write-Host "ERROR: The sas token provided expired on $(([DateTime]$se).ToString())"
            elseif ([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(14) -gt [DateTime]$se) {
                $span = ([DateTime]$se).Subtract([DateTime]::Now)
                Write-Host "WARNING: The sas token provided will expire on $(([DateTime]$se).ToString())"

function Expand-7zipArchive {
    Param (
        [string] $Path,
        [string] $DestinationPath

    $7zipPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"

    $use7zip = $false
    if ($bcContainerHelperConfig.use7zipIfAvailable -and (Test-Path -Path $7zipPath -PathType Leaf)) {
        try {
            $use7zip = [decimal]::Parse([System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($7zipPath).FileVersion, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture) -ge 19
        catch {
            $use7zip = $false

    if ($use7zip) {
        Write-Host "using 7zip"
        Set-Alias -Name 7z -Value $7zipPath
        $command = '7z x "{0}" -o"{1}" -aoa -r' -f $Path,$DestinationPath
        Invoke-Expression -Command $command | Out-Null
    } else {
        Write-Host "using Expand-Archive"
        Expand-Archive -Path $Path -DestinationPath "$DestinationPath" -Force

function GetTestToolkitApps {
        [string] $containerName,
        [switch] $includeTestLibrariesOnly,
        [switch] $includeTestFrameworkOnly,
        [switch] $includePerformanceToolkit

    Invoke-ScriptInBCContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { Param($includeTestLibrariesOnly, $includeTestFrameworkOnly, $includePerformanceToolkit)
        # Add Test Framework
        $apps = @(get-childitem -Path "C:\Applications\TestFramework\TestLibraries\*.*" -recurse -filter "*.app")
        $apps += @(get-childitem -Path "C:\Applications\TestFramework\TestRunner\*.*" -recurse -filter "*.app")

        if (!$includeTestFrameworkOnly) {
            # Add Test Libraries
            $apps += "Microsoft_System Application Test", "" | % {
                @(get-childitem -Path "C:\Applications\*.*" -recurse -filter $_)

            if (!$includeTestLibrariesOnly) {

                # Add Tests
                $apps += @(get-childitem -Path "C:\Applications\*.*" -recurse -filter "Microsoft_Tests-*.app") | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "*\" -and $_ -notlike "*\" -and $_ -notlike "*\" }

        if ($includePerformanceToolkit) {
            $apps += @(get-childitem -Path "C:\Applications\TestFramework\PerformanceToolkit\*.*" -recurse -filter "*")
            if (!$includeTestFrameworkOnly) {
                $apps += @(get-childitem -Path "C:\Applications\TestFramework\PerformanceToolkit\*.*" -recurse -filter "*.app" -exclude "*")

        $apps | % {
            $appFile = Get-ChildItem -path "c:\applications.*\*.*" -recurse -filter ($_.Name).Replace(".app","_*.app")
            if (!($appFile)) {
                $appFile = $_
    } -argumentList $includeTestLibrariesOnly, $includeTestFrameworkOnly, $includePerformanceToolkit

function GetExtenedErrorMessage {
        [System.Net.WebException] $webException

    $message = $webException.Message
    try {
        $webResponse = $webException.Response
        $reqstream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream()
        $sr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $reqstream
        $result = $sr.ReadToEnd()
        try {
            $json = $result | ConvertFrom-Json
            $message += " $($json.Message)"
        catch {
            $message += " $result"

function CopyAppFilesToFolder {
        [string] $folder

    if (!(Test-Path $folder)) {
        New-Item -Path $folder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
    $appFiles | Where-Object{ $_ } | % {
        $appFile = $_
        if ($appFile -like "http://*" -or $appFile -like "https://*") {
            $appUrl = $appFile
            $appFile = Join-Path $ENV:TEMP ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
            Download-File -sourceUrl $appUrl -destinationFile $appFile
            CopyAppFilesToFolder -appFile $appFile -folder $folder
            Remove-Item -Path $appFile -Force
        elseif (Test-Path $appFile) {
            if ([string]::new([char[]](Get-Content $appFile -Encoding byte -TotalCount 2)) -eq "PK") {
                $tmpFolder = Join-Path $ENV:TEMP ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
                $copied = $false
                try {
                    if ($appFile -notlike "*.zip") {
                        $orgAppFile = $appFile
                        $appFile = Join-Path $ENV:TEMP "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($orgAppFile)).zip"
                        Copy-Item $orgAppFile $appFile
                        $copied = $true
                    Expand-Archive $appfile -DestinationPath $tmpFolder -Force
                    Get-ChildItem -Path $tmpFolder -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*.app" -or $_.Name -like "*.zip" } | % {
                        CopyAppFilesToFolder -appFile $_.FullName -folder $folder
                finally {
                    Remove-Item -Path $tmpFolder -Recurse -Force
                    if ($copied) { Remove-Item -Path $appFile -Force }
            else {
                $destFile = Join-Path $folder ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($appFile))
                Copy-Item -Path $appFile -Destination $destFile -Force