Issue #1369 wrong validateset on tenant Issue #1371 missing quotes on volume parameter Check all countries when determining artifacts to use Issue #1380 Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer fails when license warning occurs 1.0.9 Fix issue when setting bccontainerhelperconfig.defaultnewcontainerparameters.credential in the same session as using it Add parameter AllowAppDatabaseWrite to New-BcContainerTenant. Works with generic image or later. Merge AdditionalParameters and MyScripts with defaultNewContainerParameters config file settings Add build number for Windows 10 20H2 Do not install the test toolkit before compiling test apps Add 2 more overrides ImportTestToolkitToBcContainer and GetBcContainerAppInfo Issue #1359 Allow apps to contain test code (but not for AppSource Apps or PTEs) Add useGenericImage parameter to run-alpipeline Issue #1364 country attribute needs to be case insensitive Add parameter additionalCountries to allow Run-AlPipeline to test additional countries during the pipeline Issue #1367 - If two processes build the same image at the same time, the second one always rebuilds 1.0.8 Issue #1329 test whether containername is in hsts preload list Add function Sort-AppFilesByDependencies for sorting an array of app files by dependencies Sort apps before install in Publish-BcContainerApp Add PrevousApps, AppSourceCopMandatoryAffixes and AppSourceCopSupportedCountries to Run-AlPipeline Move decision on whether or not to rebuild image from New-BcContainer to New-BcImage and always call Add parameter -skipIfImageAlreadyExists to New-BcImage Issue #1343 Publish-BcContainerApp with ShowMyCode fails if replaceDependencies is not Set Add parameters appPublisher and language to Install-BcContainerApp Add parameter appPublisher Sync-BcContainerApp Issue #1337 Add tenant parameter to Install-TestToolkitToBcContainer Add parameter description to Run-AlPipeline Set JUnit as default output from Run-AlPipeline 1.0.7 Issue #1299 wait for symbol file to be available in container Add parameter AssignPremiumPlan to Run-AlPipeline Support reading defaultNewContainerParameters from config file Add tenant to Run-AlPipeline to allow running the pipeline in a tenant Add ability to override functions Addiional fixes to Run-AlPipeline Issue #1313 -includeAL fails when using a hostHelperFolder, which is different from the containerhelperfolder Issue #1316 New-BcContainerWizard converts license file url to lowercase Add support for JUnit to Run-Tests Add parameter testResultsFormat to Run-AlPipeline Do not fail on missing image in New-BcImage (only warn) Add properties to JUnit output 1.0.6 Add 3 new values for Select: Current, NextMinor and NextMajor for selecting artifacts. SasToken needs to be provided for NextMajor and NextMinor Publish-BcContainerApp now supports .zip files. All .app files in the .zip file are published in alphabetic order Run-AlPipeline to add sequence numbers (dependencies) to apps in artifacts if more than one app is added 1.0.5 Added PREVIEW function Run-AlPipeline Issue #1252 do not return artifact url for artifacts without platform (unless -doNotCheckPlatform is specified) Issue #1263 new-bccontainertenant freezes if -updatehosts isn't specified Add switch -includePerformanceToolkit to Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer and New-BcContainer Support for -includePerformanceToolkit in New-BcContainerWizard Support for insider builds and sasToken in New-BcContainerWizard Add NAV to New-BcContainerWizard Add AL Language Extension version selection to New-BcContainerWizard Flush-ContainerHelperCache will remove images, which was built on artifacts, which is no longer in the cache 1.0.4 Sort-AppFoldersByDependencies doesn't support custom Application app (needs to be sorted first) Add parameter -addFontsFromPath to New-BcContainer and New-BcImage Increase performance of Add-FontsToBcContainer Ensure that Import-TestToolkitToBcContainer can be called repeatedly Include TestToolkit in cached image if possible Add parameter -forceRebuild to New-NavContainer to force a rebuild of a cached image Pull new generic if not at least (to ensure download fixes) Add/Remove hostnames for tenants to hosts file when multitenancy and -updatehosts New-BcContainerWizard to support -includeAL and -multitenant Added new function Set-BcContainerFeatureKeys to enable/disable feature keys in tenant databases Add parameter -featureKeys to New-BcContainer to enable/disable feature keys in all tenants in new container Issue #1243 - Get-BcContainerImageTags and Get-BcContainerImageLabels doesn't work if TLS 1.2 isn't enabled 1.0.3 Issue #1215 New-BcContainer with -useBestContainerOS and -useNewDatabase fails with multitenant sandbox images Issue #1220 Generate-SymbolsInNavContainer.ps1 does not have BC alias Fix missing pre-requisites 1.0.2 Issue #1202 New-BcContainer gives wrong message if no artifactUrl nor imagename is specified Cleanup terminology Issue #1203 Export-BcContainerObjects doesn't exist Issue #1169 add parameter to Setup-BcContainerTestUsers to select which users to add (Essential or Premium) to avoid mixed plans References to Get-BcContainerNavUser needs to be replaced with Get-BcContainerBcUser Add SSL option for New-BcContainerWizard 1.0.1 Copy-FileToBcContainer and Copy-FileFromBcContainer didn't support that hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder was different Get-TestsFromBcContainer and Run-TestsInBcContainer didn't support that hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder was different Issue #1174 do not use hyperv isolation if Hyper-V isn't installed Issue #1180 New-BcContainerWizard doesn't work (if BcContainerHelper is installed in standard path) Change NavContainerhelper to BcContainerHelper in New-BcContainerWizard Sandbox containers are multitenant by default (as SaaS is multitenant!) Issue #1191 New-BcImage should add the same auto-tag as New-BcContainer Issue #1190 New-BcImage will return imagename after generation Issue #1195 New-BcContainer sometimes uses a different image than the one created 1.0.0 Change module name to BcContainerHelper Support Multitenancy in images Add hostHelperFolder and containerHelperFolder to containerhelper config file for override |