#region GPO Parsers Function Write-GPOInternetSettingsXMLData { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Xml.XmlElement]$XML ) # DSC does not allow for Internet Explorer version filtering, so we have to comment all of these out. $CommentOut = $false $regHash = @{} $Name = "InternetSettings(XML): $($XML.Id) ($($($XML.ParentNode.ParentNode.Name)))" $Min = $XML.ParentNode.ParentNode.Filter.FilerFile.Min $Max = $XML.ParentNode.ParentNode.Filter.FilerFile.Max if ($Min -ne $null -and $Max -ne $null) { $Condition = {$InternetExplorerVersion -gt $Min -and $InternetExplorerVersion -lt $Max} } else { $Condition = [scriptblock]"`$InternetExplorerVersion -eq $($XML.ParentNode.ParentNode.Name)" } $regHash.ValueName = $ switch ($XML.hive) { "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" { $regHash.Key = Join-Path -Path "HKLM:" -ChildPath $XML.Key} "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" { $regHash.Key = Join-Path -Path "HKCU:" -ChildPath $XML.Key Write-Warning "Write-GPOInternetSettingsXMLData: CurrentUser settings are not currently supported" $CommentOut = $true } } if ($XML.defaultValue) { Write-Warning "Write-GPOInternetSettingsXMLData: Registry Default Values and User BitField masks are not yet supported" $CommentOUT = $true } $regHash.ValueData = $ValueData $regHash.ValueType = $XML.type Update-RegistryHashtable -Hashtable $regHash Write-DSCString -Resource -Type Registry -Name $Name -CommentOut:$CommentOut -Parameters $regHash -Condition $Condition } #endregion |