
#region DSC Strings
# Create a variable so we can detect conflicts in the Configuration.
New-Variable -Name GlobalConflictEngine -Value @{} -Option AllScope -Scope Script -Force
$GlobalConflictEngine = @{}

# Create a variable to track every resource processed for Summary Data.
New-Variable -Name ProcessingHistory -Value @{} -Option AllScope -Scope Script -Force
$ProcessingHistory = @{}

# Global Flag to determine if correct Registry resource is available.
New-Variable -Name ExclusiveFlagAvailable -Value $false -Option AllScope -Scope Script -Force
$ExclusiveFlagAvailable = $false

Function Add-ProcessingHistory
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # If we do not have a processing history entry for this type, set it to a blank array.
    # Have to do this here, because they may have forgotten do import the module so we cannot assume only Resources specified in the Import-Module.
    if (!$ProcessingHistory.ContainsKey($Type))
        $ProcessingHistory[$Type] = @()

    # Add this resource to the processing history.
    $ProcessingHistory[$Type] += @{Name = $Name; Conflict = $Conflict; Disabled = $Disabled; ResourceNotFound = $ResourceNotFound;ParsingError = $ParsingError}        

Function Test-Conflicts 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Set our conflict variables up.
    $GlobalConflict = $false
    $ResourceNotFound = $false
    $Conflict = @()
    $ResourceKeys = @()
    # Determine if we have already processed a Resource Block of this type.
    if ($Script:GlobalConflictEngine.ContainsKey($Type))
        <#if (($Script:GlobalConflictEngine[$Type].Values | Where-Object {![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}).Count -gt 0)
            $ResourceNotFound = $false
            $ResourceNotFound = $true
        # Loop through every Resource definition of this type.
        foreach ($hashtable in $Script:GlobalConflictEngine[$Type])
            $Conflict = @()
            $ResourceKeys = @()

            # Loop through every Key/Value Pair in the Resource definition to see if they match the current one.
            foreach ($KeyPair in $hashtable.GetEnumerator())
                # Add the test result to our Conflict Array.
                $Conflict += $KeyPair.Value -eq $Resource[$KeyPair.Name]    
                # Need to store which Key/Value Pairs we checked.
                $ResourceKeys += $KeyPair.Name
            # If we found a conflict.
            if ($ResourceKeys.Count -gt 0 -and $Conflict -notcontains $false)
                Write-Verbose "Detected Potential Conflict in $Name. Commenting Out Block"
                $GlobalConflict = $true
        Write-Warning "Write-DSCString: DSC Module ($Type) not found on System. Please re-run the conversion when the module is available."
        $ResourceNotFound = $true
        $GlobalConflict = $true

    if (!$GlobalConflict) # Add this Resources Key/Value pairs to the collective.
        $tmpHash = @{}
        foreach ($Key in $ResourceKeys)
            $tmpHash[$key] = $Resource[$key]

        $Script:GlobalConflictEngine[$Type] += $tmpHash
    # Add this resource to the processing history.
    Add-ProcessingHistory -Type $Type -Name $Name -Conflict:$GlobalConflict -Disabled:$CommentOut -ResourceNotFound:$ResourceNotFound

    return ($GlobalConflict -or $ResourceNotFound -or $CommentOut)

Function Get-Tabs
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    (1..$Tabs) | ForEach-Object {"`t"}

Function Write-DSCStringKeyPair
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $DSCString = ""
    if ($Value -eq $null)
        <# Allowing Null values for now
            return "# `n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)$($key) = $null"

        return "`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)$($key) = `$null"

    # Start the Resource Key/Value Pair.
    $DSCString += "`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)$($key) = "
    $Separator = ", "
    # If the Value is an array, increase the tab stops and add the array operators.
    if ($Value -is [Array]) 
        $DSCString += "@("

    # Treat the value like an array, even if it's an array of 1. It simplifies the parsing.
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt @($Value).Count; $i++)
        $tmpValue = @($Value)[$i]
        switch ($tmpValue)
            {$_ -is [System.String]} 
                    Invoke-Expression $("`$variable = '" + $_.TrimStart("'").TrimEnd("'").TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"') + "'") | Out-Null
                    $DSCString += "'$([string]::new($_.TrimStart("'").TrimEnd("'").TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"').Trim()))'" 
                    # Parsing Error
                    $DSCString += "@'`n$($_.Trim("'").TrimStart("'").TrimEnd("'").TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"'))`n'@" 
            {$_ -is [System.Boolean]} 
                $DSCString += "`$$([string]([bool]$_))" 

            {$_ -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]} 
                $identifier = "@"
                if ($_.ContainsKey("EmbeddedInstance"))
                    $identifier = $_.EmbeddedInstance
                    $Separator = ";"
                    $_.Remove("EmbeddedInstance") | Out-Null
                if ($Value -is [Array])
                    $DSCString += "`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)"

                $DSCString += "$identifier"
                $Tabs += 2
                $DSCString += "`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs){"
                foreach ($keypair in $_.GetEnumerator())
                    $DSCString += Write-DSCStringKeyPair -Key $Keypair.Name -Value $Keypair.Value -Tabs $Tabs
                $DSCString += "`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)}"
                $Tabs -= 2

                $DSCString += "$($_)" 

        if ((@($Value).Count - $i) -gt 1)
            $DSCString += $Separator
    # If the value was an array, close up the array and decrement the tab stops.
    if ($Value -is [Array]) 
        $DSCString += "`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs))"

    return $DSCString

# This is the function that makes it all go. It has a variety of parameter sets which can be tricky to use.
# Each of the Switches tell the function what type of Code block it is creating.
# The additional parameters to the set are what determine the contents of the block.
# This Function takes the input and properly formats it with Tabs and Newlines so it looks properly formatted.
# It also has a built in Conflict detection engine.
# If it detects that a Resource with the Same REQUIRED values was already processed it will COMMENT OUT subsequent resource blocks with the same values.
# The Function also has logic to arbitrarily comment out a resource block if necessary (like disabled resources).
# The function also provides functionality to comment Code Blocks if comments are available.
Function Write-DSCString
        # Configuration Block
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Configuration")]

        # Resource Block
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Resource")]

        # Import-Module line.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ModuleImport")]

        # Node Block.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Node")]

        # Close out the configuration block.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CloseConfigurationBlock")]

        # Close the Node Block.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CloseNodeBlock")]

        # Invoke the Configuration (to create the MOF).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "InvokeConfiguration")]

        # This will be the Name of the Configuration Block or Node block or Resource Block.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Configuration")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "InvokeConfiguration")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Node")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Resource")]

        # This is the TYPE to be used with Resource Blocks (Regisry, Service, etc.).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Resource")]

        # This is an Array of ModuleNames to import.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ModuleImport")]

        # This is a hashtable of Keys/Values for a Resource Block.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Resource")]
        # This determines whether or not to comment out a resource block.
        [switch]$CommentOUT = $false,
        # This allows comments to be added to various code blocks.

        # This allows conditional resource blocks
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Resource")]

        # This is meant to fix a bug in the ASC Baselines themselves, and will be removed when the bug is fixed.
        # This will use DoubleQuotes on Resource Names instead of Single thus solving any parsing errors where stray quotes are present.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Resource")]

        # This Output Path is for the Configuration Block, not this function.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "InvokeConfiguration")]
        [string]$OutputPath = $(Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Output")
    $DSCString = ""
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            # Add comments if there are comments.
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Comment"))
                $Comment = "`n<#`n$Comment`n#>"
                $Comment = ""
            # Output the DSC String.
            $DSCString = @"
Configuration $Name`n{`n`n`t
            # Use this block to reset our Conflict Engine.
            $Script:GlobalConflictEngine = @{}
            $ModuleNotFound = @()
            # Loop through each module.
            foreach ($m in $ModuleName)
                if (!(Get-command Get-DscResource -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
                    Import-module PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Force

                # Use Get-DSCResource to determine REQUIRED parameters to resource.
                $resources = Get-DscResource -Module $m -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($resources -ne $null)
                    # Loop through every resource in the module.
                    foreach ($r in $resources)
                        # Add a blank entry for the Resource Block with Required Parameters.
                        $Script:GlobalConflictEngine[$r.Name] = @()
                        $tmpHash = @{}
                        $r.Properties.Where( {$_.IsMandatory}) | ForEach-Object { $tmpHash[$_.Name] = ""}
                        $Script:GlobalConflictEngine[$r.Name] += $tmpHash

                        if ($r.Name -eq "Registry" -and $r.ModuleName -eq "PSDesiredStateConfiguration")
                            $script:ExclusiveFlagAvailable = $r.Properties.Name -contains 'Exclusive'
                    #Write-Warning "Write-DSCString: Module ($m) not found on System. Please re-run conversion when module is available."
                    $ModuleNotFound += $m
            $ModuleName = $ModuleName | Where-Object {$_ -notin $ModuleNotFound}

            # Output our Import-Module string.
            foreach ($m in $ModuleName)
                $DSCString += "Import-DSCResource -ModuleName '$m'`n`t" 

            foreach ($m in $ModuleNotFound)
                $DSCString += "# Module Not Found: Import-DSCResource -ModuleName '$m'`n`t" 
        "Node" { $DSCString = "Node $Name`n`t{`n" }
        "InvokeConfiguration" { $DSCString = "$Name -OutputPath '$($OutputPath)'" }
        "CloseNodeBlock" { $DSCString = "`t}" }
        "CloseConfigurationBlock" { $DSCString = "`n}`n" }          
            $Tabs = 2
            $DSCString = ""
            # A Condition was specified for this resource block.
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Condition"))
                $DSCString += "$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)if ($($Condition.ToString()))`n $(Get-Tabs $Tabs){`n"

            # Variables to be used for commeting out resource if necessary.
            $CommentStart = ""
            $CommentEnd = ""
            $CommentOUT = Test-Conflicts -Type $Type -Name $Name -Resource $Parameters -CommentOut:$CommentOUT
            # If we are commenting this block out, then set up our comment characters.
            if ($CommentOut)
                $CommentStart = "<#"
                $CommentEnd = "#>"

            # If they passed a comment FOR the block, add it above the block.
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Comment") -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Comment))
                $tmpComment = "<#`n"
                # Changed from ForEach-Object { $tmpComment += "`t`t$_`n"}
                $tmpComment += $Comment -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { "$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)$_`n"}
                $tmpComment += "$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)#>`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)"
                $Comment = $tmpComment
                $Comment = ""

            # Start the Resource Block with Comment and CommentOut characters if necessary.
            if ($DoubleQuoted)
                $DSCString += "$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)$Comment$($CommentStart)$Type `"$($Name)`"`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs){" 
                $DSCString += "$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)$Comment$($CommentStart)$Type '$($Name)'`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs){"    
            foreach ($key in $Parameters.Keys)
                if ($Parameters[$key] -eq $null) 
                    "WTF"  |out-null

                $DSCString += Write-DSCStringKeyPair -Key $key -Value $Parameters[$key] -Tabs $Tabs
            $DSCString += "`n`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)}$CommentEnd"

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Condition"))
                $DSCString += "$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)if ($($Condition.ToString()))`n $(Get-Tabs $Tabs){`n"
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Condition"))
                $DSCString += "`n`n$(Get-Tabs $Tabs)}"
            $DSCString += "`n`n"

    Write-Verbose $DSCString

    # Return our DSCstring.
    return $DSCString

function Get-IniContent
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

    $ini = @{}
    switch -regex -file $Path
        "^\[(.+)\]"  # Section
            $section = $matches[1]
            $ini[$section] = @{}
            $CommentCount = 0
        "^(;.*)$"  # Comment
            $value = $matches[1]
            $CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1
            $name = "Comment" + $CommentCount
            $ini[$section][$name] = $value.Trim()
        "(.+)\s*=(.*)"  # Key
            $name,$value = $matches[1..2]
            $ini[$section][$name.Trim()] = $value.Trim()
            # Need to replace double quotes with `"
            $name, $value = $matches[1..2]
            $ini[$section][$name.Trim()] = $value.Trim()
    return $ini

Function Complete-Configuration

        [string]$OutputPath = $(Join-Path -Path $pwd.path -ChildPath "Output")
    if ($ConfigString -match "(?m)Configuration (?<Name>.*)$")
        $CallingFunction = $Matches.Name
        $CallingFunction = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Command

    if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath))
        mkdir $OutputPath
    $scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create($ConfigString)
    if (!$?)
        # Somehow CallingFunction, defined above, is not useable right here. Not sure why
        $Path = $(Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "$($CallingFunction).ps1.error")
        $ConfigString > $Path
        Write-Error "Could not CREATE ScriptBlock from configuration. Creating PS1 Error File: $Path. Please rename error file to PS1 and open for further inspection. Errors are listed below"
        return $false
    $output = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptblock
    if (!$?)
        $Path = $(Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "$($CallingFunction).ps1.error")
        $scriptblock.ToString() > $Path
        Write-Error "Could not COMPILE cofiguration. Storing ScriptBlock: $Path. Please rename error file to PS1 and open for further inspection. Errors are listed below"
        foreach ($e in $output)
            Write-Error $e
        return $false
    return $true

# Clear our processing history on each Configuration Creation.
Function Clear-ProcessingHistory

# Write out summary data and output proper files based on success/failure.
Function Write-ProcessingHistory
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [string]$OutputPath = $(Join-Path -Path $pwd.path -ChildPath "Output")
    if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath))
        mkdir $OutputPath | Out-Null

    if (((Get-Module -ListAvailable).name -contains "Pester"))
        Import-Module Pester
    elseif (!((Get-Module).name -contains "Pester"))
        Write-ProcessingHistory_NonPester -Pass $Pass 
        Write-ProcessingHistory_NonPester -Pass $Pass *> $(Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "Summary.log")
    New-Variable -Name successes -Option AllScope -Force
    New-Variable -Name disabled -Option AllScope -Force
    New-Variable -Name conflict -Option AllScope -Force
    New-Variable -Name resourcenotfound -Option AllScope -Force
    New-Variable -Name parsingerror -Option AllScope -Force
    $successes = $disabled = $conflict = $parsingerror = $resourcenotfound = 0
    $History = Get-Variable ProcessingHistory
    foreach($KeyPair in $History.Value.GetEnumerator())
        $old_success = $successes
        $old_disabled = $disabled
        $old_conflict = $conflict
        $old_resourcenotfound = $resourcenotfound        
        $old_parsingerror = $parsingerror

        $Describe = "Parsing Summary: $((Get-PsCallStack)[1].Command) - $(@("FAILED", "SUCCEEDED")[[int]$Pass])`n`t$($KeyPair.Key.ToUpper()) Resources"        
        Describe $Describe {

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({($_.Disabled -eq $false) -and ($_.Conflict -eq $false) -and ($_.ResourceNotFound -eq $false) -and ($_.ParsingError -eq $false)}))
                It "Parsed: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.Disabled | Should Be $false

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.Disabled}))
                It "Disabled: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.Disabled | Should Be $true

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.Conflict}))
                It "Found Conflicts: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.Conflict | Should Be $true
                } -Pending    

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.ResourceNotFound}))
                It "Had Missing Resources: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.ResourceNotFound | Should Be $true
                } -Skip

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.ParsingError}))
                It "Had No Parsing Errors: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.ParsingError | Should Be $false
        } *>> $(Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "Summary.log")

        $successes = $old_success
        $disabled = $old_disabled
        $conflict = $old_conflict
        $resourcenotfound = $old_resourcenotfound
        $parsingerror = $old_parsingerror

        Describe $Describe {

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({($_.Disabled -eq $false) -and ($_.Conflict -eq $false) -and ($_.ResourceNotFound -eq $false) -and (($_.ParsingError -eq $false))}))
                It "Parsed: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.Disabled | Should Be $false

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.Disabled}))
                It "Disabled: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.Disabled | Should Be $true
                } -Skip          

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.Conflict}))
                It "Found Conflicts: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.Conflict | Should Be $true
                } -Pending    

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.ResourceNotFound}))
                It "Had Missing Resources: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.ResourceNotFound | Should Be $true
                } -Skip

            foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where({$_.ParsingError}))
                It "Had No Parsing Errors: $($Resource.Name)" {
                    $Resource.ParsingError | Should Be $false
    $tmpBlock = { 
        Write-Host "TOTALS" -ForegroundColor White 
        Write-Host "------" -ForegroundColor White
        Write-Host "SUCCESSES: $successes" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "DISABLED: $disabled" -ForegroundColor Gray
        Write-Host "MISSING RESOURCES: $resourcenotfound" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "CONFLICTS: $conflict" -ForegroundColor Cyan 
        Write-Host "PARSING ERROR: $resourcenotfound" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "______________________" -ForegroundColor White
        Write-Host "TOTAL: $($successes + $disabled + $conflict + $resourcenotfound + $parsingerror)" -ForegroundColor White

    $tmpBlock.Invoke() *>> $(Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "Summary.log")

Function Write-ProcessingHistory_NonPester
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Write-Host "Parsing Summary: $((Get-PsCallStack)[1].Command) - $(@("FAILED", "SUCCEEDED")[[int]$Pass])" -ForegroundColor @("RED", "GREEN")[[int]$Pass]
    Write-Host "---------------" -ForegroundColor White
    $History = Get-Variable ProcessingHistory
    $successes = $disabled = $conflict = $resourcenotfound = $parsingerror = 0
    foreach ($KeyPair in $History.Value.GetEnumerator())
        foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where( {($_.Disabled -eq $false) -and ($_.Conflict -eq $false)}))
            Write-Host "Parsed: $($Resource.Name)" -ForegroundColor Green

        foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where( {$_.Disabled}))
            Write-Host "Disabled: $($Resource.Name)" -ForegroundColor Gray

        foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where( {$_.Conflict}))
            Write-Host "Found Conflicts: $($Resource.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

        foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where( {$_.ResourceNotFound}))
            Write-Host "Missing Resources: $($Resource.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        foreach ($Resource in $KeyPair.Value.Where( {$_.ParsingError}))
            Write-Host "Parsing Error: $($Resource.Name)" -ForegroundColor Red

    Write-Host "TOTALS" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host "------" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host "SUCCESSES: $successes" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "DISABLED: $disabled" -ForegroundColor Gray
    Write-Host "MISSING RESOURCES: $resourcenotfound" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "CONFLICTS: $conflict" -ForegroundColor Cyan 
    Write-Host "PARSING ERROR: $resourcenotfound" -ForegroundColor Red
    Write-Host "______________________" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host "TOTAL: $($successes + $disabled + $conflict + $resourcenotfound + $parsingerror)" -ForegroundColor White
#region XML Helpers
Function Get-NodeComments

    # Grab all of the comments.
    $Setting = "../.."
    $ProductInfo = $node.SelectNodes($Setting).Content.ProductInfo
    $Comments = $ProductInfo | Out-String
    $Comments = $Comments -replace ": ProductRef", ": $($ProductInfo.ProductRef.product_ref)"
    $Comments = ($Comments -replace "ManualTestProcedure :", "") -replace "ValueRange : ValueRange", ""
    $Comments = $Comments -replace ": CCEID-50", ": $($ProductInfo.'CCEID-50'.ID)"
    $Comments = $Comments.Trim()
    <# This is how to get string data into object format.
        (((($Comments -replace ": ", "= '") -replace "(`n)([A-Z])", ("'`$1" + '$2')) + '"') -replace "`n[^A-Z]", "") -replace "\\", "\\" | ConvertFrom-StringData

    return $Comments

# Reverse function to get StringData Object from Comments String output of Get-NodeComments.
Function Get-NodeDataFromComments

        $comments = $comments -replace "[^\u0000-\u007F]", ""
        $comments = ((((($Comments -replace "(?m)^([^ ]*)\s*:\s?", "`$1 = '") -replace "(?m)^[^A-Z]*`$`n", "") -replace "(?m)`$(`n)([A-Z])", ("'`$1" + '$2')) + '"')) -replace "\\", "\\"
        $tmpComments = $Comments -split "'`n"
        $Comments = ($tmpComments | ForEach-Object{ (($_ -replace "`n", "") + "'") -replace "'", "" }) -join "`n"
        $object = $comments | ConvertFrom-StringData
        Write-Error "Cannot convert COMMENT Data"

    return $object