Function Write-SCMRegistryXMLData { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Xml.XmlElement]$DiscoveryData, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Xml.XmlElement]$ValueData ) # Grab the ExistensialRule and Validation Rule. $ValidationRules = $valueData.SelectNodes("..").ValidationRules $Comments = Get-NodeComments -Node $DiscoveryData $Name = $DiscoveryData.SelectNodes("../..").Name $Name = "$((Get-NodeDataFromComments -Comments $Comments).'CCEID-50'): $Name" # This means that there is Policy Data if ($ -notcontains "RegistryDiscoveryInfo") { $PolicyData = $DiscoveryData.SelectNodes("../..").Policy $Hive = switch ($DiscoveryData.Scope) { "Machine" { "HKLM" } } $Settings = "" switch ($PolicyData.Elements) { {$_.Enum} { $Settings = "Enum"} {$_.Boolean} { $Settings = "Boolean" } {$_.Text} { $Settings = "Text" } {$_.Decimal} {$Settings = "Decimal" } Default { Write-Error "Cannot find Proper Policy Value for $Name"; return "" } } foreach ($Setting in $PolicyData.Elements."$Settings") { $retHash = @{} $retHash.ValueName = $Setting.ValueName $retHash.Key = Join-Path -Path "$($Hive):" -ChildPath $Setting.Key $value = 1 [psobject]$TmpValue = ($ValidationRules.OptionRule | Where-Object{$_.Id -eq $Setting.Id}).Value.ValueA if ($TmpValue -match '$\(string') { $TmpValue = $Settings.Item | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match $TmpValue} } switch -Regex ($TmpValue) { {[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)} { Write-Error "Cannot Parse Data for $Name"; return ""} "(Disabled|Enabled|Not Defined|True|False)" { [int]$TmpValue = @{"Disabled"=0;"Enabled"=1;"Not Defined"=0;"True"=1;"False"=0;''=0}.$Value; $retHash.ValueType = "DWORD"; break } "''" { [int]$TmpValue = @{"Disabled"=0;"Enabled"=1;"Not Defined"=0;"True"=1;"False"=0;''=0}.$Value; $retHash.ValueType = "DWORD"; break } {[int]::TryParse($TmpValue, [ref]$value)} { [int]$TmpValue = $Value; $retHash.ValueType = "DWORD";break} Default { [string]$TmpValue = $TmpValue -replace "[^\u0020-\u007E]", ""; $retHash.ValueType = "String"} } $retHash.ValueData = $TmpValue Write-DSCString -Resource -Name "$($Name): $($setting.Id)" -Type Registry -Parameters $retHash -Comment $Comments } } else { $retHash = @{} $retHash.Key = "" $retHash.ValueName = "" $retHash.ValueData = "" # Grab the Value and Operator $TempValue = $ValidationRules.SettingRule.Value.ValueA if ($DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.Hive -is [System.XML.XMLElement]) { $Hive = switch ($DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.Hive."#text") { "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" { "HKLM" } } $ValueType = $DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.DataType."#text" $KeyPath = $DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.KeyPath."#text" $ValueName = $DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.ValueName."#text" } else { $Hive = switch ($DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.Hive) { "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" { "HKLM" } } $ValueType = $DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.DataType $KeyPath = $DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.KeyPath $ValueName = $DiscoveryData.RegistryDiscoveryInfo.ValueName } $retHash.Key = Join-Path -Path "$($Hive):" -ChildPath $KeyPath $retHash.ValueName = $ValueName $Value = 1 if (!([int]::TryParse($TempValue, [ref]$Value))) { $Value = "'$($TempValue)'" -replace "[^\u0020-\u007E]", "" } switch ($ValueType) { "REG_SZ" { $ValueType = "String" } "REG_NONE" { $ValueType = "None" } "REG_EXPAND_SZ" { $ValueType = "ExpandString" } "REG_DWORD" { $ValueType = "DWORD" } "REG_QWORD" { $ValueType = "QWORD" } "REG_BINARY" { $ValueType = "Binary" } "REG_MULTI_SZ" { $ValueType = "MultiString" } Default { $ValueType = "None" } } if ($ValueType -eq "DWORD" -and ($Value -match "(Disabled|Enabled|Not Defined|True|False)" -or $ValueData -eq "''")) { # This is supposed to be an INT and it's a String [int]$Value = @{"Disabled"=0;"Enabled"=1;"Not Defined"=0;"True"=1;"False"=0;''=0}.$Value } elseif ($ValueType -eq "String" -or $ValueType -eq "MultiString") { [string]$Value = [string]$Value } $retHash.ValueType = $ValueType $retHash.ValueData = $Value if ($retHash.ValueType -eq "None") { # The REG_NONE is not allowed by the Registry resource. $regHash.Remove("ValueType") } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($retHash.ValueName)) { $regHash.Remove("ValueData") } Write-DSCString -Resource -Name $Name -Type Registry -Parameters $retHash -Comment $Comments } } |