#region GPO Parsers Function Convert-ToRepetitionString { [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$miRnutes ) $timeSpan = New-Object System.TimeSpan -ArgumentList 0, 0, 0, $minutes $interval = "P" if ($timeSpan.Days -gt 0) { $interval += "DT" + $timeSpan.Days } if ($timeSpan.Hours -gt 0) { $interval += "H" + $timeSpan.Hours } if ($timeSpan.Minutes -gt 0) { $interval += "M" + $timeSpan.Minutes } if ($timeSpan.Seconds -gt 0) { $interval += "S" + $timeSpan.Seconds } } Function Remove-EmptyValues { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ref]$hashtable ) foreach ($key in $hashtable.keys) { if ($hashtable[$key] -is [System.Collection.Hashtable]) { Remove-EmptyValues -hashtable [ref]$hashtable[$key] if ($hashtable[$key].Keys.Where({$_ -ne "EmbeddedInstance"}).Count -eq 0) { $hashtable.Remove($key) } } elseif ($hashtable[$key] -is [System.Array]) { $goodEntries = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $hashtable[$key].Count; $i++) { if ($hashtable[$key][$i] -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) { Remove-EmptyValues -hashtable [ref]$hashtable[$key][$i] if ($hashtable[$key][$i].Keys.Where({$_ -ne "EmbeddedInstance"}).count -gt 0) { $goodEntries += $i } } else { $goodEntries += $i } } $hashtable[$key] = $hashtable[$key][$goodEntries] } else { if ($hashtable[$key] -eq $null) { $hashtable.Remove($key) } } } } Function Write-GPOScheduledTasksXMLData { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Xml.XmlElement]$XML ) $schTaskHash = @{} $Properties = $XML.Properties # Set up Task Triggers if necessary switch -regex ($Properties.LocalName) { "^(Task|ImmediateTask)$" { $schTaskHash.Name = $Properties.Name $schTaskHash.Path = "\DSC\" $actions = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskAction" Execute = $Properties.appName WorkingDirectory = $Properties.startIn Arguments = $Properties.args } $schTaskHash.TaskActions = $actions if ($Properties.runAs) { $principal = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskUserPrincipal" UserID = $Properties.runAs RunLevel = @("Highest", "Limited")[$Properties.systemRequired] } $schTaskHash.TaskUserPrincipal = $principal } $settings = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskSettingsSet" Enabled = [bool]$Properties.enabled RunOnIdle = [bool]$Properties.startOnlyIfIdle ExecutionTimeLimit = (Convert-ToRepetitionString -minutes $Properties.maxRunTime) IdleSetting = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "IdleSetting" StopOnIdleEnd = $Properties.stopOnIdleEnd } StopIfGoingOnBatteries = [bool]$Properties.stopIfGoingOnBatteries DisallowStartIfOnBatteries = [bool]$Properties.noStartIfOnBatteries } $schTaskHash.TaskSettingsSet = $settings if ($_ -eq "ImmediateTask") { $schTaskHash.TaskTriggers = @( @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" StartBoundary = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(15) } ) break } $triggers = @() foreach ($t in $Properties.Triggers.ChildNodes) { $tmpHash = @{} switch ($t.Type) { 'IDLE' { } 'ONCE' { } 'STARTUP' { } 'LOGON' { } 'DAILY' { if ($t.Interval) { $tmpHash.DaysInterval = $t.interval } } 'WEEKLY' { if ($t.Interval) { $tmpHash.WeeksInterval = $t.interval } if ($t.week) { # MUST be FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, or LAST to indicate the week position in the month when the task executes. Write-Warning "Write-GPOScheduledTaskXMLData: Week of Month interval is not supported in DSC Resource" } } 'MONTHLY' { if ($t.months) { # BIT MASK: MUST map to the month in which a job will process. The field is a 12-bit mask with 1 assigned to January, 2 to February, 4 to March, 8 to April, 16 to May, 32 to June, 64 to July, 128 to August, 256 to September, 512 to October, 1024 to November, and 2048 to December. Write-Warning "Write-GPOScheduledTaskXMLData: MONTHS interval is not supported in DSC Resource" } } } if ($t.hasEndDate) { $tmpHash.EndBoundary = Get-Date -Day $t.endDay -Month $t.endMonth -Year $t.endYear } $tmpHash.DaysOfWeek = 0 # MUST map to the day of the week in which the job will process for jobs that execute on a selected day. The field is a bit mask with 1 assigned to Sunday, 2 to Monday, 4 to Tuesday, 8 to Wednesday, 16 to Thursday, 32 to Friday, and 64 to Saturday. $tmpHash.StartBoundary = Get-Date -Year $t.beginYear -Month $t.beginMonth -Day $t.beginDay -Hour $t.startHour -Minute $t.startMinutes if ($t.repeatTask) { $duration = Convert-ToRepetitionString -minutes $t.minutesDuration $interval = Convert-ToRepetitionString -minutes $t.minutesInterval $tmpHash.TaskRepetition = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskRepetition" Interval = $interval Duration = $duration StopAtDurationEnd = $t.killAtDurationEnd } } $tmpHash.EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTriggers" $tmpHash.Enabled = $True $triggers += $tmpHash } $schTaskHash.TaskTriggers = $triggers } "^(Task|ImmediateTask)V2$" { $schTaskHash.Name = $XML.Name $schTaskHash.Path = "\DSC\" $schTaskHash.TaskActions = @() foreach ($a in $Properties.Task.Actions.ChildNodes) { if ($a.LocalName -eq "Exec") { $tmpAction = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskAction" Execute = $a.Command WorkingDirectory = $a.WorkingDirectory Arguments = $a.Arguments } $schTaskHash.TaskActions += $tmpAction } } if ($Properties.Task.Principals.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($p in $Properties.Task.Prinicpals.ChildNodes) { $principal = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskUserPrincipal" UserId = $p.UserId LogonType = $p.logonType RunLevel = $p.runLevel } break } $schTaskHash.TaskUserPrincipal = $principal } elseif ($Properties.runAs) { $principal = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskUserPrincipal" UserID = $Properties.runAs LogonType = $Properties.logonType RunLevel = @("Highest", "Limited")[$Properties.systemRequired] } $schTaskHash.TaskUserPrincipal = $principal } $settings = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskSettingsSet" MultipleInstances = $Properties.Task.Settings.MultipleInstancePolicy Enabled = $Properties.Task.Settings.enabled RunOnIdle = $Properties.Task.Settings.runOnlyIfIdle ExecutionTimeLimit = $Properties.Task.Settings.executionTimeLimit Priority = $Properties.Task.Settings.Priority WakeToRun = $Properties.Task.Settings.WakeToRun Hidden = $Properties.Task.Settings.Hidden AllowStartOnDemand = $Properties.Task.Settings.AllowStartOnDemand AllowHardTerminate = $Properties.Task.Settings.AllowHardTerminate StartWhenAvailable = $Properties.Task.Settings.StartWhenAvailable RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable = $Properties.Task.Settings.RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable IdleSetting = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "IdleSetting" StopOnIdleEnd = $Properties.Task.Settings.IdleSettings.StopOnIdleEnd Duration = $Properties.Task.Settings.IdleSettings.Duration WaitTimeOut = $Properties.Task.Settings.IdleSettings.WaitTimeOut RestartOnIdle = $Properties.Task.Settings.IdleSettings.RestartOnIdle } RestartCount = $Properties.Task.Settings.RestartOnFailure.Count RestartInterval = $Properties.Task.Settings.RestartOnFailure.Interval StopIfGoingOnBatteries = $Properties.Task.Settings.stopIfGoingOnBatteries DisallowStartIfOnBatteries = $Properties.Task.Settings.DisallowStartIfOnBatteries } $schTaskHash.TaskSettingsSet = $settings if ($_ -eq "ImmediateTaskV2") { $schTaskHash.TaskTriggers = @( @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" StartBoundary = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(15) } ) break } $triggers = @() foreach ($t in $Properties.Task.Triggers.ChildNodes) { $tmpHash = @{} switch -regex ($t.Name) { "(BootTrigger|EventTrigger|IdleTrigger|RegistrationTrigger|SessionStateChangeTrigger)" { Write-Warning "Write-GPOScheduledTaskXMLData: $_ Trigger type is not yet suppported." break } "LogonTrigger" { $tmpHash.UserId = $t.UserId } "CalendarTrigger" { switch ($t.ChildNodes.Name) { "ScheduleByDay" { $tmpHash.DaysInterval = $t.ScheduleByDay.DaysInterval } "ScheduleByWeek" { $tmpHash.WeeksInterval = $t.ScheduleByWeek.WeeksInterval } Default { Write-Warning "Write-GPOScheduledTaskXMLData:$_ Trigger Type is not supported." } } } ".*" { $tmpHash.Enabled = $t.Enabled $tmpHash.StartBoundary = $t.StartBoundary $tmpHash.EndBoundary = $t.EndBoundary $tmpHash.Delay = $t.Delay $tmpHash.ExecutionTimeLimit = $t.ExecutionTimeLimit $tmpHash.TaskRepetition = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskRepetition" Interval = $t.Repetition.Interval Duration = $t.Repetition.Interval StopAtDurationEnd = $t.Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd } $tmpHash.EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" } } $triggers += $tmpHash } foreach ($t in $Properties.Task.Triggers.CalendarTrigger) { $tmpHash = @{} $tmpHash.StartBoundary = $t.StartBoundary $tmpHash.EndBoundary = $t.EndBoundary $tmpHash.Enabled = $t.Enabled # Create Repetition embedded instance. $tmpHash.TaskRepetition = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskRepetition" Interval = $t.Repetition.Interval Duration = $t.Repetition.Interval StopAtDurationEnd = $t.Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd } # Are there more ? $tmpHash.EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" $triggers += $tmpHash } foreach ($t in $Properties.Task.Triggers.BootTrigger) { $tmpHash = @{} $tmpHash.Enabled = $t.Enabled # Are there more ? $tmpHash.TaskRepetition = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskRepetition" Interval = $t.Repetition.Interval Duration = $t.Repetition.Interval StopAtDurationEnd = $t.Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd } $tmpHash.EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" $triggers += $tmpHash } foreach ($t in $Properties.Task.Triggers.LogonTrigger) { $tmpHash = @{} $tmpHash.Enabled = $t.Enabled # Are there more ? $tmpHash.TaskRepetition = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskRepetition" Interval = $t.Repetition.Interval Duration = $t.Repetition.Interval StopAtDurationEnd = $t.Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd } $tmpHash.EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" $triggers += $tmpHash } foreach ($t in $Properties.Task.Triggers.RegistrationTrigger) { $tmpHash = @{} $tmpHash.Enabled = $t.Enabled # Are there more ? $tmpHash.TaskRepetition = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskRepetition" Interval = $t.Repetition.Interval Duration = $t.Repetition.Interval StopAtDurationEnd = $t.Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd } $tmpHash.EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" $triggers += $tmpHash } foreach ($t in $Properties.Task.Triggers.SessionStateChangeTrigger) { $tmpHash = @{} $tmpHash.Enabled = $t.Enabled # Are there more ? $tmpHash.TaskRepetition = @{ EmbeddedInstance = "TaskRepetition" Interval = $t.Repetition.Interval Duration = $t.Repetition.Interval StopAtDurationEnd = $t.Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd } $tmpHash.EmbeddedInstance = "TaskTrigger" $triggers += $tmpHash } $schTaskHash.TaskTriggers = $triggers } Default { Write-Warning "Write-GPOScheduledTaskXMLData:$_ task type is not implemented" } } Remove-EmptyValues -hashtable [ref]$schTaskHash Write-DSCString -Resource -Type xScheduledTask -Name "ScheduledTask(XML): $($schTaskHash.Name)" -Parameters $schTaskHash } #endregion |